Історичні орієнтири музичної терапії в контексті формування музичних компетенцій бакалаврів дошкільної освіти
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У статті актуалізовано питання історичного розвитку та основних напрямів використання музичної терапії; висвітлено проблему використання терапевтичного потенціалу музичних компетенцій бакалаврів дошкільної освіти; представлено сутнісні характеристики поняття «музична терапія» з метою узагальнення в контексті психологопедагогічного впливу на особистість.
In the realities of the socio-political crisis of modern society, it is necessary to search for additional types of educational activities of preventive, corrective and recreational directions. The article analyzes scientific-methodological literature concerning the use of musical art for corrective, medical, preventive and pedagogical purposes. The views of contemporary scholars on the psychological-pedagogical possibilities of music therapy are highlighted. The issues of the main directions of music therapy use are revealed and historical guidelines for the application of therapeutic potentials of musical competences in preschool education are determined. Essential characteristics of the concept of “music therapy” are presented with the aim of their generalization in the context of psychological-pedagogical influence on the person. It is found out that musical-therapeutic technologies can be used not only as a therapeutic tool, but also as a preventive, educational, upbringing, motivational, and communicative. The problem of the use of musical competences therapeutic potential of bachelors of preschool education is revealed. It is determined that acquired musical competences of bachelors of preschool education will enable future teachers to use music in their everyday pedagogical activity (as an educational remedy and means of self-regulation), and musical-therapeutic potential of these competences will contribute to solving one of the main tasks of the national education – preservation and strengthening of physical, mental and spiritual health of younger generation.
In the realities of the socio-political crisis of modern society, it is necessary to search for additional types of educational activities of preventive, corrective and recreational directions. The article analyzes scientific-methodological literature concerning the use of musical art for corrective, medical, preventive and pedagogical purposes. The views of contemporary scholars on the psychological-pedagogical possibilities of music therapy are highlighted. The issues of the main directions of music therapy use are revealed and historical guidelines for the application of therapeutic potentials of musical competences in preschool education are determined. Essential characteristics of the concept of “music therapy” are presented with the aim of their generalization in the context of psychological-pedagogical influence on the person. It is found out that musical-therapeutic technologies can be used not only as a therapeutic tool, but also as a preventive, educational, upbringing, motivational, and communicative. The problem of the use of musical competences therapeutic potential of bachelors of preschool education is revealed. It is determined that acquired musical competences of bachelors of preschool education will enable future teachers to use music in their everyday pedagogical activity (as an educational remedy and means of self-regulation), and musical-therapeutic potential of these competences will contribute to solving one of the main tasks of the national education – preservation and strengthening of physical, mental and spiritual health of younger generation.
Ключові слова
музична терапія, дошкільна освіта, музичні компетенції, психологічний стан, гармонізуючий вплив, music therapy, preschool education, musical competences, psychological state, harmonizing influence
Бібліографічний опис
Пушкар, Л. В. Історичні орієнтири музичної терапії в контексті формування музичних компетенцій бакалаврів дошкільної освіти [Текст] / Л. В. Пушкар // Теоретичні питання культури, освіти та виховання : збірник наукових праць / Київський національний лінгвістичний університет. – Київ, 2019. – № 1 (59). – С. 49–53.