Психолого-педагогическое сопровождение детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья в условиях семьи

dc.contributor.authorСоломатіна Т. В.
dc.contributor.authorSolomatina T. V.
dc.description.abstractВ статье рассматриваются актуальные вопросы психолого-педагогического сопровождения ребенка с ОВЗ в семье. Исследуется создание системы психолого-педагогических условий, способствующих успешной адаптации, реабилитации и личностному росту детей в социуме. Психологическое сопровождение ребенка с ограниченными возможностями здоровья рассматривается как комплексная технология психологической поддержки и помощи ребёнку, родителям и педагогам в решении задач развития, обучения, воспитания, социализации со стороны педагога-психолога. Особое внимание уделяется работе с родителями данной категории детей.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the article the questions of psycho-pedagogical support for children with special educational needs in family are revealed. Creation of the system of psycho-pedagogical support and adaptation, rehabilitation and personality height of children in society is investigated. One of actual tasks of modern Russian society is providing of social and pedagogical help to families, having children with limit possibilities of health. Children with special educational needs are the children having considerable limitations of vital functions, resulting in social disadaptation. At the steady height of number of such children attention is needed to each of them. It requires from pedagogical community the development of mutual relations of the educational system and the family. Psychological support of a child with limited possibilities of health is examined as a complex technology of psychological support and help to the child, parents and teachers in the decision of tasks of development, upbringing, education, socialization from the side of a teacher-psychologist. The aim of this article is research of the question of psychological-pedagogical support of children with special educational needs in the conditions of a family. The support of this aim is related to the row of tasks: 1) to reveal the basic problems of children with limited possibilities and their families; 2) to analyze possibilities of psychological-pedagogical support of children with limited possibilities in the conditions of family; 3) to investigate the features of psychological-pedagogical support of children with special educational needs in Kursk; 4) to work out directions of optimization of organization of psychological-pedagogical support of children with limited possibilities in the conditions of the family. The decision of the tasks of psychological-pedagogical support of a child with special educational needs in the family can not be limited to the area of direct cooperation of a psychologist with a child, but requires organization of work with teachers and parents as by the participants of educational process. The special work is necessary to conduct with the parents of this category of children on providing their necessary knowledge about the features of a child, optimal forms of cooperation, to educating to the effective methods of help. For children with limited possibilities it is necessary to develop a social competence, skills of intermingling with wider public.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationСоломатина, Т. В. Психолого-педагогическое сопровождение детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья в условиях семьи [Текст] / Т. В. Соломатина // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 4 (38). – С. 135–143.uk_UA
dc.subjectпсихолого-педагогическое сопровождениеuk_UA
dc.subjectдети с ограниченными возможностями здоровьяuk_UA
dc.subjectкоррекционно-развивающая работаuk_UA
dc.subjectpsychological-pedagogical supportuk_UA
dc.subjectchildren with limited possibilities of healthuk_UA
dc.subjectcorrective-developing workuk_UA
dc.titleПсихолого-педагогическое сопровождение детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья в условиях семьиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe Psycho-Pedagogical Support for Children With Special Educational Needs in Familyuk_UA
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