Розвиток музично-аналітичних умінь студентів у класі диригування
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У запропонованій статті розкрито проблеми феномену диригентської майстерності, які порушувалися багатьма музикантами-педагогами, диригентами, мистецтвознавцями. Обґрунтовано поняття «диригентська професія» та визначено її основні характеристики, зроблено акцент на висвітленні музичних здібностей. У дослідженні наголошено на засвоєнні студентами фахових дисциплін, що забезпечують майбутніх фахівців ґрунтовними знаннями, здійснюючи вагомий вплив на майбутню діяльність керівника творчого колективу. Для розвитку музично-аналітичних умінь студентів у класі диригування підкреслено важливість написання анотацій для музичних творів, що озброюють майбутніх фахівців теоретичними й виконавськими знаннями.
The article reveals the relevant issues of the conductor's skill phenomenon that were applied by many musical teachers, conductors and art critics. The works of scientists were analyzed and the problems of musical-analytical skills development of the students in the conducting learning process are revealed. The purpose of the article is to highlight the important aspects of musical-analytical skills in the conducting class as a preparation part of the creative team leadership. The research methods are observation, analysis and synthesis. It was important to substantiate the term "conductor profession" and to define its basic characteristics for our study. In the light of the topic the works of M. Malko, V. Olkhova and others were used to outline the role and place of the conductor in musical performing groups. As far as conductor art covers many areas of human activities, still it focuses on the highlighting the musical abilities, that play the important role in the conducting learning process, and shows their main characteristics from the position of conductor of the creative team. The list of defined capabilities shows multifaceted and multifunctional conductor activity of the music band, which is able to complete the important artistic and creative tasks. The study emphasizes the necessity of mastering professional disciplines: "Orchestral and conducting practice", "Methods of working with an orchestra", "Orchestral class", "Orchestral scores reading", "Conducting teaching methods", "Arrangement" that provides thorough knowledge of the future professionals making a significant impact on the future activities of the creative team head. It reveals the musical memory as one of the complex components of the human mind. Musical memory plays a particularly important role for the future head of an orchestral band, because it affects the success of submission of the art image work: conductor development as an individual, his erudition, the way of thinking will depend on the number of music pieces that are stored in the music memory. In the development of musical-analytical skills students acquire music-theoretical knowledge, learning essential musical terms, musical and semantic features of note text and more. While working on the musical piece students learn to know the logical and artistic elements, structural and compositional features and so on. In order to develop musical-analytical skills of students in the conducting class it is emphasized the importance of writing annotations for music that help future professionals to have performing and theoretical knowledge. Thus, the problem of musical-analytical skills development of students in scientific and musical pedagogical literature is inexhaustible and should be addressed with understanding and analysis.
The article reveals the relevant issues of the conductor's skill phenomenon that were applied by many musical teachers, conductors and art critics. The works of scientists were analyzed and the problems of musical-analytical skills development of the students in the conducting learning process are revealed. The purpose of the article is to highlight the important aspects of musical-analytical skills in the conducting class as a preparation part of the creative team leadership. The research methods are observation, analysis and synthesis. It was important to substantiate the term "conductor profession" and to define its basic characteristics for our study. In the light of the topic the works of M. Malko, V. Olkhova and others were used to outline the role and place of the conductor in musical performing groups. As far as conductor art covers many areas of human activities, still it focuses on the highlighting the musical abilities, that play the important role in the conducting learning process, and shows their main characteristics from the position of conductor of the creative team. The list of defined capabilities shows multifaceted and multifunctional conductor activity of the music band, which is able to complete the important artistic and creative tasks. The study emphasizes the necessity of mastering professional disciplines: "Orchestral and conducting practice", "Methods of working with an orchestra", "Orchestral class", "Orchestral scores reading", "Conducting teaching methods", "Arrangement" that provides thorough knowledge of the future professionals making a significant impact on the future activities of the creative team head. It reveals the musical memory as one of the complex components of the human mind. Musical memory plays a particularly important role for the future head of an orchestral band, because it affects the success of submission of the art image work: conductor development as an individual, his erudition, the way of thinking will depend on the number of music pieces that are stored in the music memory. In the development of musical-analytical skills students acquire music-theoretical knowledge, learning essential musical terms, musical and semantic features of note text and more. While working on the musical piece students learn to know the logical and artistic elements, structural and compositional features and so on. In order to develop musical-analytical skills of students in the conducting class it is emphasized the importance of writing annotations for music that help future professionals to have performing and theoretical knowledge. Thus, the problem of musical-analytical skills development of students in scientific and musical pedagogical literature is inexhaustible and should be addressed with understanding and analysis.
Ключові слова
музично-аналітичні вміння, диригування, студенти, творчий колектив, диригент, музично-теоретичні знання, творчі здібності, майстерність, фахові дисципліни, музичний твір, musical and analytical skills, students conducting, creative team, conductor, musical and theoretical knowledge, creativity, skills, professional discipline, a piece of music
Бібліографічний опис
Филипчук, М. Розвиток музично-аналітичних умінь студентів у класі диригування [Текст] / М. Филипчук // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 3 (67). – С. 106–118.