Проблема формування вмінь молодших школярів із ДЦП на основі детерміністичної наукової освітньої парадигми
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті проведено порівняльний аналіз умінь з тематичного малювання, розв'язування простих задач і складання простих задач, сформованих у ході детерміністичного освітнього процесу в молодших школярів із дитячим церебральним паралічем, які мають легку розумову відсталість, затримку психічного розвитку та збережений інтелект. Висвітлено негативний вплив детерміністичної та позитивний вплив синергетичної наукової освітньої парадигми на формування названих умінь. Запропоновано евристично-синергетичну методичну систему опосередкованого корекційного управління розвитком уміння молодших школярів із дитячим церебральним паралічем складати прості задачі.
The author of the article applies heuristic-synergetic methodology of research. The comparative analysis of skills of the thematic drawing, skills of the solution of simple tasks and skills of the drafting of simple tasks and also skills of the forming horizontal connection "thematic drawing - solution of simple tasks", "solution of simple tasks - drafting of simple tasks", "thematic drawing - drafting of simple tasks", formed during a deterministic educational process for pupils of junior forms with child's cerebral palsy, with an easy mental defectiveness, delay of psychical development and normal intellect is made. In the article negative influence of deterministic and positive influence of synergetic scientific educational paradigm on forming of these skills are expounded. The article demonstrates that synergetic educational methods are more natural, than deterministic, in fulfillment of necessities of pupils of junior forms with child's cerebral palsy in developing skills. The author offers heuristic-synergetic methodological system of mediate correctional management of development of skills of junior pupils with child's cerebral palsy to draft the simple tasks. Healthy pupils, pupils with bad eyesight and dull hearing, pupils with easy mental defectiveness and delay of psychical development, pupils with child's cerebral palsy can use this methodological system; in the modified kind the methodological system can be used in the educational process of adults with these psychophysical disorders and persons with other defects of development. In the deterministic scientific educational paradigm all methods of teaching of different educational disciplines have different structure owing to different content of education and methods of works which depend on him, that is why it is impossible to unite them in methodological systems of direct and mediated management of certain vertical process in systems "personality" and "defect". This theoretic-practical problem slows realization of processes of habilitation, development, rehabilitation, of the system "personality" and correction, compensation, overcompensation of the system "defect" of pupils of junior forms with child's cerebral palsy and people with other psychophysical disorders during an educational process. In the special education institutions it is necessary to create favourable conditions for a natural speed-up transition from deterministic to the synergetic scientific educational paradigm.
The author of the article applies heuristic-synergetic methodology of research. The comparative analysis of skills of the thematic drawing, skills of the solution of simple tasks and skills of the drafting of simple tasks and also skills of the forming horizontal connection "thematic drawing - solution of simple tasks", "solution of simple tasks - drafting of simple tasks", "thematic drawing - drafting of simple tasks", formed during a deterministic educational process for pupils of junior forms with child's cerebral palsy, with an easy mental defectiveness, delay of psychical development and normal intellect is made. In the article negative influence of deterministic and positive influence of synergetic scientific educational paradigm on forming of these skills are expounded. The article demonstrates that synergetic educational methods are more natural, than deterministic, in fulfillment of necessities of pupils of junior forms with child's cerebral palsy in developing skills. The author offers heuristic-synergetic methodological system of mediate correctional management of development of skills of junior pupils with child's cerebral palsy to draft the simple tasks. Healthy pupils, pupils with bad eyesight and dull hearing, pupils with easy mental defectiveness and delay of psychical development, pupils with child's cerebral palsy can use this methodological system; in the modified kind the methodological system can be used in the educational process of adults with these psychophysical disorders and persons with other defects of development. In the deterministic scientific educational paradigm all methods of teaching of different educational disciplines have different structure owing to different content of education and methods of works which depend on him, that is why it is impossible to unite them in methodological systems of direct and mediated management of certain vertical process in systems "personality" and "defect". This theoretic-practical problem slows realization of processes of habilitation, development, rehabilitation, of the system "personality" and correction, compensation, overcompensation of the system "defect" of pupils of junior forms with child's cerebral palsy and people with other psychophysical disorders during an educational process. In the special education institutions it is necessary to create favourable conditions for a natural speed-up transition from deterministic to the synergetic scientific educational paradigm.
Ключові слова
синергетична наукова освітня парадигма, детерміністична наукова освітня парадигма, розвиток, корекція, уміння з тематичного малювання, уміння з розв'язування простих задач, уміння зі складання простих задач, молодші школярі з дитячим церебральним паралічем, synergetic scientific educational paradigm, deterministic scientific educational paradigm, development, correction, skills of the thematic drawing, skills of the solution of simple tasks, skills of the drafting of simple tasks, junior pupils with child's cerebral palsy
Бібліографічний опис
Золотарьова, Т. Проблема формування вмінь молодших школярів із ДЦП на основі детерміністичної наукової освітньої парадигми [Текст] / Т. Золотарьова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 10 (64). – С. 254–269.