Використання технології веб-квесту в іншомовній підготовці
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У статті розглядаються можливості використання технології веб-квесту як моделі проектно-орієнтованої іншомовної професійної підготовки. Досліджується ефективність і можливості використання веб-квест технології. Описується структура, можлива тематика й види веб-квестів. Детально розглядаються види завдань для веб-квестів та їх використання в іншомовній підготовці. Розглядається структура та складові частини веб-квест презентації. Акцентується увага на перевагах веб-квест-технологій у іншомовній професійній підготовці. Розкриваються переваги використання веб-технології в навчальному процесі.
This article discusses the possibility of using of the WebQuest technology as a model of the project-oriented professional foreign language training. The author studies and analyzes efficiency and possibility of using WebQuest Technology. The scientific novelty of the research approach is due to copyright issues regarding the use of WebQuest techniques in the foreign language training of technical specialties students. The author describes the structure, possible topics and types of WebQuests. Kinds of tasks for WebQuests and their use in foreign language training are elaborated. Attention is focused on the benefits of WebQuest-technology in foreign language training. The author also considers the structure and components of WebQuest presentation. The advantages of using WebQuest technologies in the classroom are revealed. Nowadays requires specialists in the foreign languages teaching to devote much attention to the work of contemporary electronic resources. It is not only new hardware, but new forms and methods of teaching, new approaches to the learning process. The main goal of foreign language training is the formation and development of communicative culture, learning practical mastery of foreign languages. The teachers’ task is to create an environment for each student to practice language acquisition, select the methods that would allow everyone to show their activity and creativity. Modern educational technology, such as training in collaboration, project methods, the use of new information technologies, online resources helps to implement students’ approach to learning, providing individualized and differentiated learning based on students’ interest, training, and skills. In this case the use of WebQuest technologies are complex. It develops analytical skills and creative thinking. A teacher should have a high level of substantive, methodological, information and communication competence. In educational environment WebQuests and Websites have got enough popularity, they are designed to maximize the integration of Internet technologies into teaching subjects at different educational levels.
This article discusses the possibility of using of the WebQuest technology as a model of the project-oriented professional foreign language training. The author studies and analyzes efficiency and possibility of using WebQuest Technology. The scientific novelty of the research approach is due to copyright issues regarding the use of WebQuest techniques in the foreign language training of technical specialties students. The author describes the structure, possible topics and types of WebQuests. Kinds of tasks for WebQuests and their use in foreign language training are elaborated. Attention is focused on the benefits of WebQuest-technology in foreign language training. The author also considers the structure and components of WebQuest presentation. The advantages of using WebQuest technologies in the classroom are revealed. Nowadays requires specialists in the foreign languages teaching to devote much attention to the work of contemporary electronic resources. It is not only new hardware, but new forms and methods of teaching, new approaches to the learning process. The main goal of foreign language training is the formation and development of communicative culture, learning practical mastery of foreign languages. The teachers’ task is to create an environment for each student to practice language acquisition, select the methods that would allow everyone to show their activity and creativity. Modern educational technology, such as training in collaboration, project methods, the use of new information technologies, online resources helps to implement students’ approach to learning, providing individualized and differentiated learning based on students’ interest, training, and skills. In this case the use of WebQuest technologies are complex. It develops analytical skills and creative thinking. A teacher should have a high level of substantive, methodological, information and communication competence. In educational environment WebQuests and Websites have got enough popularity, they are designed to maximize the integration of Internet technologies into teaching subjects at different educational levels.
Ключові слова
веб-квест, іншомовна підготовка, Інтернет-ресурси, інформаційні технології, презентація, пізнавальна активність, WebQuest, foreign language training, online resources, information technology, presentation, cognitive activity
Бібліографічний опис
Можаровська, О. Е. Використання технології веб-квесту в іншомовній підготовці [Текст] / О. Е. Можаровська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 1 (35). – С. 236–244.