Результати експериментальної перевірки ефективності методичної системи навчання теоретичної фізики в педагогічному університеті
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У статті наведено опис організації, методики проведення та аналізу результатів педагогічного експерименту щодо перевірки ефективності розробленої відкритої та гнучкої методичної системи навчання теоретичної фізики майбутніх учителів фізики в умовах сучасного розвитку фізичної освіти. Апробацію моделі методичної системи навчання дисципліни проведено на основі системного аналізу рівня та якості фундаментальної підготовки студентів за розробленими автором критеріями та основними показниками предметної компетентності (ціннісно-мотиваційним, когнітивним, операційно-діяльнісним, рефлексивним), що слугує підставою для висновку про її ефективність і результативність.
The article describes the organization, procedure and analysis of results of pedagogical experiment. The author gave the main results of an experimental study. Based on these conclusions he determined the shortcomings in mastering the materials of Theoretical Physics course by students using traditional schemes of training, and key factors which ensure effective mastery of their physical knowledge and skills at the level of planned educational outcomes after implementing in pedagogical universities designed methodology system of this discipline training. Experimental study was carried out during 2005 – 2015 years. It had multipurpose nature and carried out in three stages (ascertaining experiment, search, and organization), each had the purpose, objectives, means and methods of implementation. The experimental work involved 16 teachers of pedagogical universities of Ukraine, 8 school physics teachers, 415 university students and 216 students of secondary schools. During the teaching experiment, special attention was drawn to finding effective ways of mastering the main provisions of fundamental physical theories in theoretical physics course in accordance with the standards and methodology of modern science. Based on the systematization and mathematical processing of the obtained results of current, thematic and final module control using criteria by Pearson and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney the author made statistical probability data and significant differences of students in the experimental and control groups for the main components of subject competence (in the level of motivation and cognitive activity, value terms, techniques and approaches to learning, activity and independence to classroom sessions, awareness and systematic subject knowledge on the basics of fundamental physical theories, organization, responsibility, self-acquired knowledge and effectiveness). The conducted pedagogical research showed that implementation of the proposed theoretical and methodological foundations of theoretical physics teaching of future physics teachers contributes to acquiring subject competence, their personal and professional growth, self-realization and self-affirmation.
The article describes the organization, procedure and analysis of results of pedagogical experiment. The author gave the main results of an experimental study. Based on these conclusions he determined the shortcomings in mastering the materials of Theoretical Physics course by students using traditional schemes of training, and key factors which ensure effective mastery of their physical knowledge and skills at the level of planned educational outcomes after implementing in pedagogical universities designed methodology system of this discipline training. Experimental study was carried out during 2005 – 2015 years. It had multipurpose nature and carried out in three stages (ascertaining experiment, search, and organization), each had the purpose, objectives, means and methods of implementation. The experimental work involved 16 teachers of pedagogical universities of Ukraine, 8 school physics teachers, 415 university students and 216 students of secondary schools. During the teaching experiment, special attention was drawn to finding effective ways of mastering the main provisions of fundamental physical theories in theoretical physics course in accordance with the standards and methodology of modern science. Based on the systematization and mathematical processing of the obtained results of current, thematic and final module control using criteria by Pearson and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney the author made statistical probability data and significant differences of students in the experimental and control groups for the main components of subject competence (in the level of motivation and cognitive activity, value terms, techniques and approaches to learning, activity and independence to classroom sessions, awareness and systematic subject knowledge on the basics of fundamental physical theories, organization, responsibility, self-acquired knowledge and effectiveness). The conducted pedagogical research showed that implementation of the proposed theoretical and methodological foundations of theoretical physics teaching of future physics teachers contributes to acquiring subject competence, their personal and professional growth, self-realization and self-affirmation.
Ключові слова
теоретична фізика, theoretical physics, предметна компетентність, subject competence, методична система навчання, methodological training system, навчально-методичний комплекс, training complex, особистісно зорієнтований підхід, personality-oriented approach, науковий світогляд, scientific worldview, педагогічний експеримент, pedagogical experiment
Бібліографічний опис
Школа, О. В. Результати експериментальної перевірки ефективності методичної системи навчання теоретичної фізики в педагогічному університеті [Текст] / О. В. Школа // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 1 (55). – С. 163–171.