Формування професійної мобільності майбутніх магістрів педагогічної освіти: теорія і практика
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті здійснено огляд досліджень окремих аспектів міждисциплінарного поняття професійної мобільності, професійної мобільності педагога як важливої особистісно-професійної якості в розв’язанні завдань інноваційного типу професійної діяльності.
Доводиться, що соціальний запит, інноваційні процеси в педагогічній освіті, вимоги освітньої практики зумовлюють посилену увагу до фахово-методичної підготовки майбутніх педагогів на другому (магістерському) рівні. Окреслено досвід навчання майбутніх магістрів педагогічної освіти, зокрема за освітньо-професійною програмою Середня освіта (Українська мова і література. Англійська мова) в Сумському державному педагогічному університеті імені А. С. Макаренка. Формування професійно мобільних педагогів представлено як спеціально організований, компетентнісно орієнтований освітній процес, що відбувається з урахуванням професійних та особистісних чинників, взаємопов’язаних дій викладачів, студентів, а його результатом є позитивна динаміка у формуванні нового якісного стану, що забезпечує ефективне вирішення професійних завдань.
In the article some research aspects of the interdisciplinary notion of professional mobility are viewed. The no tion of professional mobility of a pedagogue as an important personal and professional feature in solving the tasks of innovative type of professional activity is also overviewed. It is proved, that a professional mobile specialist has ability to solve pro blems, to learn, to interact and make decisions, to work both independently and in a team; adapt to new situations, succeed, generate new ideas (creativity), ability to critique and self criticize; information management skills; interpersonal skills. We co nsider professional mobility of the future pedagogue as an integrative quality, which implies the flexible ability to adapt to changable forms, content and conditions of professional and pedagogical activity, readiness for systemic self education, which ca n be produced in continuous professional pedagogical preparation. It is a specially organized process on the ground of system, synergetic, personaly oriented, activity based approaches. At the same time, according to R. Prime, formation of professional mob ility is viewed as development and change of human values, their sphere of action, conflicts between new and traditional values and ways of overcoming them. It is proved that social inquiry, innovative processes in pedagogical education, theIt is proved that social inquiry, innovative processes in pedagogical education, the requirements o f educational practice increas e attention to the professional and methodological preparation of future pedagog ues on the second (master s) level. The experience of teaching future masters of pedagogical education, in particular under the educational profes sional program Secondary education (Ukrainian language and literature. English language) at Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A S Makarenko is outlined.Short terms of study (one year and a half), necessity of both compulsory and variative co mponents, observance of individual educational trajectory, right of entry to pedagogical specialties on the ground of non pedagogical education according to the rules of cross entry and other peculiarities of pedagogical masters study stimulate research an d pedagogical staff to work hard at creating the professional mobility of future professionals. This process is built on the basis of pedagogical partnership and during professional methodological, scientific, research, practical training to ensure formati on of such features of professional mobility as openness, creativity, flexibility, ability to work in uncertain conditions. Formation of professionally mobile educators is presented as a specially organized, competently oriented educational process that takes into account the professional and personal factors, interrelated actions of teachers, students. As a result there is a positive dynamic in the formation of a new qualitative position that provides effective solutions. The interdisciplinary nature of the education helps to form in upper-level students (masters) of general and professional competences. It helps to form competences on the basis of inclusive education, academic culture, to solve professional problems in the field of linguistics and literary education in the conditions of reforming general secondary education “The New Ukrainin school”, taking into account social inquiries, trends of specialty development.
In the article some research aspects of the interdisciplinary notion of professional mobility are viewed. The no tion of professional mobility of a pedagogue as an important personal and professional feature in solving the tasks of innovative type of professional activity is also overviewed. It is proved, that a professional mobile specialist has ability to solve pro blems, to learn, to interact and make decisions, to work both independently and in a team; adapt to new situations, succeed, generate new ideas (creativity), ability to critique and self criticize; information management skills; interpersonal skills. We co nsider professional mobility of the future pedagogue as an integrative quality, which implies the flexible ability to adapt to changable forms, content and conditions of professional and pedagogical activity, readiness for systemic self education, which ca n be produced in continuous professional pedagogical preparation. It is a specially organized process on the ground of system, synergetic, personaly oriented, activity based approaches. At the same time, according to R. Prime, formation of professional mob ility is viewed as development and change of human values, their sphere of action, conflicts between new and traditional values and ways of overcoming them. It is proved that social inquiry, innovative processes in pedagogical education, theIt is proved that social inquiry, innovative processes in pedagogical education, the requirements o f educational practice increas e attention to the professional and methodological preparation of future pedagog ues on the second (master s) level. The experience of teaching future masters of pedagogical education, in particular under the educational profes sional program Secondary education (Ukrainian language and literature. English language) at Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A S Makarenko is outlined.Short terms of study (one year and a half), necessity of both compulsory and variative co mponents, observance of individual educational trajectory, right of entry to pedagogical specialties on the ground of non pedagogical education according to the rules of cross entry and other peculiarities of pedagogical masters study stimulate research an d pedagogical staff to work hard at creating the professional mobility of future professionals. This process is built on the basis of pedagogical partnership and during professional methodological, scientific, research, practical training to ensure formati on of such features of professional mobility as openness, creativity, flexibility, ability to work in uncertain conditions. Formation of professionally mobile educators is presented as a specially organized, competently oriented educational process that takes into account the professional and personal factors, interrelated actions of teachers, students. As a result there is a positive dynamic in the formation of a new qualitative position that provides effective solutions. The interdisciplinary nature of the education helps to form in upper-level students (masters) of general and professional competences. It helps to form competences on the basis of inclusive education, academic culture, to solve professional problems in the field of linguistics and literary education in the conditions of reforming general secondary education “The New Ukrainin school”, taking into account social inquiries, trends of specialty development.
Ключові слова
професійна мобільність, педагог, майбутній магістр педагогічної освіти, формування професійної мобільності, освітньо-професійна програма Середня освіта, освітній процес, professional mobility, pedagogue, future master of pedagogical education, formation of professional mobility, educational and professional program Secondary education, Ukrainian language and literature, English, educational process, Українська мова і література, Англійська мова
Бібліографічний опис
Семеног. О. М. Формування професійної мобільності майбутніх магістрів педагогічної освіти: теорія і практика [Текст] / О. М. Семеног, О. Г. Козлова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 9 (93). – С. 245–258. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2019.09/245-258.