Проблема формування художніх здібностей у дітей – cкладова інноваційного розвитку вищої освіти
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У даній статті автори розглядають одну з актуальних сучасних психолого-педагогічних проблем – розвиток художніх здібностей у дітей. Вони обґрунтовують можливість і ефективність використання українського образотворчого мистецтва в якості провідного засобу розвитку художніх здібностей. Художня здібність – особлива обдарованість, що виражається у прихильностях, потребі й здатності до художньої творчості, у легкості засвоєння навичок творчої діяльності в тому чи іншому виді мистецтва. Методика роботи з дітьми спрямовувалася на збагачення культури зорового сприйняття, розвиток емоційної чутливості до творів образотворчого мистецтва, прилучення до самостійної художньої діяльності в техніках народного мистецтва України.
In this article the authors expose the technological aspects of permission of one of the issues of the day of preschool education. Theoretical aspects of the problem are revealed in the article. A leading place is occupied by description and foundation of application for vocal development of children in the process of study of the art story of an educator. The method of work recommended by the authors is instrumental in vocal development of children of preschool age. According to the National doctrine of education development in Ukraine, the professional pedagogical studies must be personality oriented. The future teacher must be trained not only as a subject teacher, but a professional teacher capable to communicate and interact with pupils and adults. In the context of modern social processes the teachers of higher school offer interesting approaches to the future teachers forming taking into account the best tendencies of previous years, namely in the field of pedagogic. Authors underline the idea of the professional forming of the future teacher who must be trained, that require the features in self-perfection, self-education, mastering the most valuable character of humanism. A student must realize while the period of studies, that a personality of an educator is the basis of his vital and professional successes, that the qualities and properties of a teacher are provided by the high level of his self-realization in professional activity. Among the other types of art the graphic one has unique possibilities to the decision of tasks both of artistic and personality development, public and spiritual becoming of the rising generation. In preschool age the depicting activity is one of the most accessible and emotionally keen. Perceiving and estimating the aesthetic beautiful phenomenon, a child gains the experience of estimating activity, it acquires major components: the world view positions and options, personality emotional attitude towards the world, the ability to determine the important artistic descriptions. Ability to perceive artistically and aesthetic beautiful experience is from one side the pre-condition, and from the other – the result of aesthetic beautiful estimation of reality which is by itself the ability of aesthetic beautiful perception and aesthetic beautiful sense in operations.
In this article the authors expose the technological aspects of permission of one of the issues of the day of preschool education. Theoretical aspects of the problem are revealed in the article. A leading place is occupied by description and foundation of application for vocal development of children in the process of study of the art story of an educator. The method of work recommended by the authors is instrumental in vocal development of children of preschool age. According to the National doctrine of education development in Ukraine, the professional pedagogical studies must be personality oriented. The future teacher must be trained not only as a subject teacher, but a professional teacher capable to communicate and interact with pupils and adults. In the context of modern social processes the teachers of higher school offer interesting approaches to the future teachers forming taking into account the best tendencies of previous years, namely in the field of pedagogic. Authors underline the idea of the professional forming of the future teacher who must be trained, that require the features in self-perfection, self-education, mastering the most valuable character of humanism. A student must realize while the period of studies, that a personality of an educator is the basis of his vital and professional successes, that the qualities and properties of a teacher are provided by the high level of his self-realization in professional activity. Among the other types of art the graphic one has unique possibilities to the decision of tasks both of artistic and personality development, public and spiritual becoming of the rising generation. In preschool age the depicting activity is one of the most accessible and emotionally keen. Perceiving and estimating the aesthetic beautiful phenomenon, a child gains the experience of estimating activity, it acquires major components: the world view positions and options, personality emotional attitude towards the world, the ability to determine the important artistic descriptions. Ability to perceive artistically and aesthetic beautiful experience is from one side the pre-condition, and from the other – the result of aesthetic beautiful estimation of reality which is by itself the ability of aesthetic beautiful perception and aesthetic beautiful sense in operations.
Ключові слова
художні здібності, українське образотворче мистецтво, декоративно-прикладне мистецтво, розвиток, дошкільники, artistic skills, Ukrainian fine art, decorative-applied art, development, children of preschool age
Бібліографічний опис
Одерій, Л. Проблема формування художніх здібностей у дітей – складова інноваційного розвитку вищої освіти [Текст] / Л. Одерій, О. Титаренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 4 (58). – С. 137–143.