Чинники навчання усного послідовного перекладу з опорою на систему скороченого запису
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У статті розглянуто чинники, що впливають на успішність навчання майбутніх перекладачів усного послідовного перекладу з опорою на систему скороченого запису: принципи перекладацького скоропису (поняттєва основа записів з орієнтацією на глибинний смисловий рівень повідомлення; вертикалізм; щільність записів, що ґрунтується на скороченому літерному записі без голосних, абревіатурах й акронімах, а також символах), його функції, ролі, принципах здійснення. Проаналізовано також навички та вміння, що забезпечують успішне застосування перекладацького скоропису в процесі усного послідовного перекладу на різних його етапах.
The articles deals with flu factors that influence the effectiveness of training prospective interpreters in consecutive interpreting based on note-taking: note-taking principles (the notional foundation for interpreter’s notes with the orientation towards the deeper notional level of the incoming message; vertical tiering; density of interpreter’s notes encompassing shortened letter representation of the key words, abbreviations and acronyms as well as symbols), its functions, roles, ways of application as well as subskills and skills underlying the successful application of note-taking during consecutive interpreting. The complexity of consecutive interpreting that involves simultaneous activities during two stages (listening and writing during the stage of comprehending the source text comprehension as well as reading and speaking during the stage of producing the target text) has been attested to in many a scientific work. However, this process, coupled with the factors influencing the effectiveness of training perspective philologists in consecutive interpreting with the application of interpreter’s shorthand, has yet to come into focus of PhD research in Ukraine at least, which constitutes the topical value of the given paper. The present article also dwells on the main subskills and skills underlying the process of consecutive interpreting. Here belongs the ability to take notes of the key words which provide the framework of the incoming message. The abovementioned ability rests on singling out the invariants of the source text, active simultaneous listening comprehension and written representation, detecting «relief» and pivotal words, theme and rheme, logical and semantic structure of the given accomplished stretch of speech, contracting the information already known to the interpreter as well as distinguishing principle precise information. Another underlying skill of applying interpreter’s shorthand is the ability to choose rational ways of noting the facts and reflecting the logic of the source text progression, in particular, the principle of vertical tiering, or verticalism. The subskills inherent in the abovementioned skill are as follows: the appropriate technical layout of the notes with the application of interpreter’s shorthand, marking the logical relations between the notions of the source text, transforming the source text with due regard to the features of the future target text. Last but not least, the third main skill of effective application of interpreter’s shorthand is ensuring density of interpreter’s notes, which embraces shortened representation of words and word combinations, using numerals and universally accepted abbreviations, acronyms, symbolic representation of notions, compression and transformation. Here also belongs the ability to represent theme and rheme connections of the source text with the help of leader (reference) arrows or lines. The prospect of the present research is to determine the degree of the abovementioned skills development and their influence on the quality of consecutive interpreting.
The articles deals with flu factors that influence the effectiveness of training prospective interpreters in consecutive interpreting based on note-taking: note-taking principles (the notional foundation for interpreter’s notes with the orientation towards the deeper notional level of the incoming message; vertical tiering; density of interpreter’s notes encompassing shortened letter representation of the key words, abbreviations and acronyms as well as symbols), its functions, roles, ways of application as well as subskills and skills underlying the successful application of note-taking during consecutive interpreting. The complexity of consecutive interpreting that involves simultaneous activities during two stages (listening and writing during the stage of comprehending the source text comprehension as well as reading and speaking during the stage of producing the target text) has been attested to in many a scientific work. However, this process, coupled with the factors influencing the effectiveness of training perspective philologists in consecutive interpreting with the application of interpreter’s shorthand, has yet to come into focus of PhD research in Ukraine at least, which constitutes the topical value of the given paper. The present article also dwells on the main subskills and skills underlying the process of consecutive interpreting. Here belongs the ability to take notes of the key words which provide the framework of the incoming message. The abovementioned ability rests on singling out the invariants of the source text, active simultaneous listening comprehension and written representation, detecting «relief» and pivotal words, theme and rheme, logical and semantic structure of the given accomplished stretch of speech, contracting the information already known to the interpreter as well as distinguishing principle precise information. Another underlying skill of applying interpreter’s shorthand is the ability to choose rational ways of noting the facts and reflecting the logic of the source text progression, in particular, the principle of vertical tiering, or verticalism. The subskills inherent in the abovementioned skill are as follows: the appropriate technical layout of the notes with the application of interpreter’s shorthand, marking the logical relations between the notions of the source text, transforming the source text with due regard to the features of the future target text. Last but not least, the third main skill of effective application of interpreter’s shorthand is ensuring density of interpreter’s notes, which embraces shortened representation of words and word combinations, using numerals and universally accepted abbreviations, acronyms, symbolic representation of notions, compression and transformation. Here also belongs the ability to represent theme and rheme connections of the source text with the help of leader (reference) arrows or lines. The prospect of the present research is to determine the degree of the abovementioned skills development and their influence on the quality of consecutive interpreting.
Ключові слова
чинники навчання, усний послідовний переклад, скорочений запис, текст оригіналу, текст перекладу, навички, вміння усного послідовного перекладу, instruction factors, consecutive interpreting, note-taking, source text, target text, subskills and skills of consecutive interpreting
Бібліографічний опис
Червінко, Є. О. Чинники навчання усного послідовного перекладу з опорою на систему скороченого запису [Текст] / Є. О. Червінко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №6 (32). – С. 279–290.