Система формування професійно-педагогічного іміджу майбутніх викладачів вищої школи
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті охарактеризовано «професійно-педагогічний імідж викладача вищої школи» як цілеспрямовано сформований цілісний, динамічний образ, що конструюється викладачем та зумовлений відповідністю і взаємопроникненням його внутрішніх і зовнішніх особистісних якостей, покликаний виявити емоційно-психологічну дію з метою вироблення певної думки, що забезпечує гармонійну взаємодію з суб'єктами освітнього процесу. Розкрито функції та роль іміджу в професійній діяльності викладача вищої школи. Обґрунтовано модель та педагогічні умови формування професійно-педагогічного іміджу майбутніх викладачів вищої школи на етапі навчання в магістратурі.
The aim of the article is to characterize the essence of the concept of "professional and pedagogical image of a teacher of higher education", the disclosure of his functions and role in professional activities; substantiation of the model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional-pedagogical image of future teachers of higher school at the stage of studying in the magistracy. In order to achieve the goal, a set of scientific-pedagogical research methods was used: study, systematization and generalization of literature for studying the theory and practice of science about image; structural-content analysis to reveal the essence of the scientific phenomenon "professional-pedagogical image of the teacher of higher education"; a method of modeling with the purpose of describing the system of formation of the professional-pedagogical image of the future teacher of higher education at the stage of studying at higher school. As a result of research, the professional-pedagogical image of the future teacher of the higher school is revealed as a purposefully formed integral dynamic image, which is constructed by the teacher himself and is due to the correspondence and interpenetration of his internal and external personal and individual qualities, designed to reveal emotional and psychological action in order to the development of a certain thought, which ensures harmonious interaction of the subject with students, colleagues, administration, society and themselves. It is determined that it is manifested through the system of value orientations, the teacher's motivation, his professional qualities, professional competence and skill, is one of the factors of ensuring the quality of educational services in the system of higher education. It is established that the system of formation of the professional-pedagogical image of the future teacher, carried out at the master's level, is an integral system whose model is developed in accordance with the personality-activity approach and includes theoretical, procedural and evaluative-reflexive units that are implemented when creating appropriate pedagogical conditions when adhering to a number of principles (personality-individual approach; optimization of content, forms and methods, consistency, purposefulness and freedom to choose an educational trajectory). Prospects for further research of this problem are the study of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the image of the future teacher in the process of assistant practice and its development at the stage of scientific-pedagogical activity in the system of postgraduate education of academic staff of institutions of higher education.
The aim of the article is to characterize the essence of the concept of "professional and pedagogical image of a teacher of higher education", the disclosure of his functions and role in professional activities; substantiation of the model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional-pedagogical image of future teachers of higher school at the stage of studying in the magistracy. In order to achieve the goal, a set of scientific-pedagogical research methods was used: study, systematization and generalization of literature for studying the theory and practice of science about image; structural-content analysis to reveal the essence of the scientific phenomenon "professional-pedagogical image of the teacher of higher education"; a method of modeling with the purpose of describing the system of formation of the professional-pedagogical image of the future teacher of higher education at the stage of studying at higher school. As a result of research, the professional-pedagogical image of the future teacher of the higher school is revealed as a purposefully formed integral dynamic image, which is constructed by the teacher himself and is due to the correspondence and interpenetration of his internal and external personal and individual qualities, designed to reveal emotional and psychological action in order to the development of a certain thought, which ensures harmonious interaction of the subject with students, colleagues, administration, society and themselves. It is determined that it is manifested through the system of value orientations, the teacher's motivation, his professional qualities, professional competence and skill, is one of the factors of ensuring the quality of educational services in the system of higher education. It is established that the system of formation of the professional-pedagogical image of the future teacher, carried out at the master's level, is an integral system whose model is developed in accordance with the personality-activity approach and includes theoretical, procedural and evaluative-reflexive units that are implemented when creating appropriate pedagogical conditions when adhering to a number of principles (personality-individual approach; optimization of content, forms and methods, consistency, purposefulness and freedom to choose an educational trajectory). Prospects for further research of this problem are the study of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the image of the future teacher in the process of assistant practice and its development at the stage of scientific-pedagogical activity in the system of postgraduate education of academic staff of institutions of higher education.
Ключові слова
імідж, професійно-педагогічний імідж, викладач вищої школи, заклад вищої освіти, магістратура, image, professional-pedagogical image, teacher of higher education, institution of higher education, magistracy
Бібліографічний опис
Федірчик, Т. Система формування професійно-педагогічного іміджу майбутніх викладачів вищої школи [Текст] / Т. Федірчик, Н. Нікула // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 10 (84). – С. 226–237.