Творческая самостоятельная работа студентов в аспекте профессиональной подготовки будущих дефектологов (на примере проекта «кукольный театр для детей с нарушениями интеллекта»)
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В данной статье рассматриваются вопросы изменения содержания высшего дефектологического образования в России, различные трактовки самостоятельной работы, представленные в литературе, показаны цели, задачи и формы самостоятельной работы студентов в учебном процессе вуза. Предпринята попытка раскрыть этапы становления профессиональных компетенций будущих дефектологов на основе анализа содержания проекта «Кукольный театр для детей с нарушениями интеллекта» в Курском государственном университете.
The questions of changes in higher special education curriculum in Russia, various aspects of independent work revealed in the literature are considered in the article, tasks and forms of students’ independent work in the educational process of the university are shown. An attempt to set stages of development future defectologists’ professional competences on the basis of the analysis of the project «Puppet theatre for children with special educational needs» at Kursk State University. The author emphasizes that in order to achieve high level of theoretical and practical training of future specialists, including defectologists, it is necessary to solve two main problems: to provide students with deep fundamental knowledge and change approaches to organization of their work, in order to improve the quality of teaching, to develop creative abilities of students. Independent work includes both reproductive and creative processes in the activity of a student. Depending on this, there are three levels of students' independent work: training independent work, reconstructive independent work and creative independent work that requires an analysis of the problem situation, obtaining new information, choice of means and methods of solution. One of the types of creative work is spectacular works (concert, performance, scene, show, and contest). Assessment of creative works may be performed on such parameters as the degree of creativity, innovation, originality, personal contribution, logic, artwork, validity of the answers to the questions, the ability to engage the audience, the complexity, the usefulness of the work and so on. The author investigated the possibility of a puppet theatre for students’ creative abilities development, formation of their professional competencies in several directions. The first direction is connected with students’ mastering knowledge and understanding of the specifics of the puppet theater, which allows to use the means of a puppet theatre in the work on productions of plays in the process of creating a doll-actor in sketches and material. The training was carried out on the basis of historical information about the development of the puppet theatre and puppet performances, allowing students to learn the historically formed and modern types of puppetry in their genre specifics.
The questions of changes in higher special education curriculum in Russia, various aspects of independent work revealed in the literature are considered in the article, tasks and forms of students’ independent work in the educational process of the university are shown. An attempt to set stages of development future defectologists’ professional competences on the basis of the analysis of the project «Puppet theatre for children with special educational needs» at Kursk State University. The author emphasizes that in order to achieve high level of theoretical and practical training of future specialists, including defectologists, it is necessary to solve two main problems: to provide students with deep fundamental knowledge and change approaches to organization of their work, in order to improve the quality of teaching, to develop creative abilities of students. Independent work includes both reproductive and creative processes in the activity of a student. Depending on this, there are three levels of students' independent work: training independent work, reconstructive independent work and creative independent work that requires an analysis of the problem situation, obtaining new information, choice of means and methods of solution. One of the types of creative work is spectacular works (concert, performance, scene, show, and contest). Assessment of creative works may be performed on such parameters as the degree of creativity, innovation, originality, personal contribution, logic, artwork, validity of the answers to the questions, the ability to engage the audience, the complexity, the usefulness of the work and so on. The author investigated the possibility of a puppet theatre for students’ creative abilities development, formation of their professional competencies in several directions. The first direction is connected with students’ mastering knowledge and understanding of the specifics of the puppet theater, which allows to use the means of a puppet theatre in the work on productions of plays in the process of creating a doll-actor in sketches and material. The training was carried out on the basis of historical information about the development of the puppet theatre and puppet performances, allowing students to learn the historically formed and modern types of puppetry in their genre specifics.
Ключові слова
специальное образование, подготовка специалиста, самостоятельность, самостоятельная работа студентов, special education, professional training, independence, students’ independent work
Бібліографічний опис
Фетисова, Е. Ю. Творческая самостоятельная работа студентов в аспекте профессиональной подготовки будущих дефектологов (на примере проекта «кукольный театр для детей с нарушениями интеллекта») [Текст] / Е. Ю. Фетисова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології: науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 4 (38). – С. 450–457.