Дидактичні особливості змісту трудового навчання з обслуговуючих видів праці в Україні (друга половина ХХ століття)
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Здійснено історико-педагогічний аналіз особливостей вивчення обслуговуючих видів праці в другій половині ХХ століття. Розглянуто основні чинники, що впливають на дидактичні особливості формування змісту трудового навчання загалом та на обслуговуючі види праці зокрема. Визначено та узагальнено основні позитивні та негативні ознаки змісту обслуговуючих видів праці в той час. Проаналізовано минулий вітчизняний досвід, що є важливим кроком у формуванні змісту освіти, оскільки основні фактори, які впливають на цей процес, дещо схожі з тими, що були у другій половині ХХ століття; на них впливає економічне та політичне становище, соціальна та виробнича спрямованість держави.
The article analyzes the content of the labor training with the serving types of labour in Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century. An important prerequisite for the development of labor education in general, and serving types of labour, including study and critical analysis of past domestic experience with the aim of isolating it those elements that can be applied in the modern system of labor training. Research of the content of labor studies is very difficult, because on the one hand, we must consider all and objectively. In conditions of a modern production, on the other hand, it is equally important to consider all the psychological and pedagogical aspects of learning and skills of children. Problems of the content of the program of labor training and its improvement are reflected in research works of researchers-teachers: I. Vasilieva, A. Vyhruscha, V. Gusev, S. Demianchuk, N. Kalinichenko V. Orzhehovskoyi, N. Slyusarenko, T. Soroka , D. M. Tarnopolsky, J. Thorzhevskoho, G. Tereshchuk and others. Each researcher has his own point of view to explain the nature of the content of programs of labor training, but most arguments and assertions of school subject content are primarily defined as a system of knowledge and skills systematized in a certain way. Options of program were specific to each republic and even individual regions or districts. It is stressed that the variety of objects of productive work for students in the content structure of labor studies programs should ensure the unity formation of polytechnic knowledge and skills with the production activities of students in all classes of labor training. Good for the task is a program with a structure of content that enables to teach students finishing operations in the initial phase of training in the technological processing sequence of specific material followed the approach to production but with the patterns of knowledge and practical employment skills. Careful research on the problem of education content and the ways of its optimization in modern conditions is needed. The study of previous experience is one of the major steps in this direction. Research and analysis of the content of programs of labor training (service types of labour) in secondary schools of Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century, can give the opportunity to create new, more sophisticated and optimal, allowing for the location of the school, its technological and scientific method framework.
The article analyzes the content of the labor training with the serving types of labour in Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century. An important prerequisite for the development of labor education in general, and serving types of labour, including study and critical analysis of past domestic experience with the aim of isolating it those elements that can be applied in the modern system of labor training. Research of the content of labor studies is very difficult, because on the one hand, we must consider all and objectively. In conditions of a modern production, on the other hand, it is equally important to consider all the psychological and pedagogical aspects of learning and skills of children. Problems of the content of the program of labor training and its improvement are reflected in research works of researchers-teachers: I. Vasilieva, A. Vyhruscha, V. Gusev, S. Demianchuk, N. Kalinichenko V. Orzhehovskoyi, N. Slyusarenko, T. Soroka , D. M. Tarnopolsky, J. Thorzhevskoho, G. Tereshchuk and others. Each researcher has his own point of view to explain the nature of the content of programs of labor training, but most arguments and assertions of school subject content are primarily defined as a system of knowledge and skills systematized in a certain way. Options of program were specific to each republic and even individual regions or districts. It is stressed that the variety of objects of productive work for students in the content structure of labor studies programs should ensure the unity formation of polytechnic knowledge and skills with the production activities of students in all classes of labor training. Good for the task is a program with a structure of content that enables to teach students finishing operations in the initial phase of training in the technological processing sequence of specific material followed the approach to production but with the patterns of knowledge and practical employment skills. Careful research on the problem of education content and the ways of its optimization in modern conditions is needed. The study of previous experience is one of the major steps in this direction. Research and analysis of the content of programs of labor training (service types of labour) in secondary schools of Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century, can give the opportunity to create new, more sophisticated and optimal, allowing for the location of the school, its technological and scientific method framework.
Ключові слова
зміст, програма, загальноосвітній заклад, знання, «Домоводство», обслуговуюча праця, розподіл, наука, трудове навчання, виробництво, content, software, general knowledge, "Home Economics", serving types of labor, distribution, science, labor training, production
Бібліографічний опис
Хемій, М. В. Дидактичні особливості змісту трудового навчання з обслуговуючих видів праці в Україні (друга половина ХХ століття) [Текст] / М. В. Хемій // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 10 (54). – С. 249–256.