Критерії ефективності позитивного іміджу сучасного загальноосвітнього закладу
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У статті розкривається сутність поняття позитивного іміджу сучасного загальноосвітнього закладу, виокремлюються критерії оцінювання та реалізації позитивного іміджу ЗНЗ та аналізуються їх сутнісні характеристики. Визначено основні структурні компоненти іміджу ЗНЗ (мотиваційно-цільовий, змістовий та технологічний). На основі проведеного аналізу наукових джерел з проблематики дослідження виділено критеріальні показники формування позитивного іміджу школи як сучасного ЗНЗ: внутрішній і зовнішній імідж школи, імідж випускника, зв’язок з громадськістю, імідж вчителя та керівника, мікроклімат загальноосвітнього навчального закладу та вміння підбирати одяг.
In the article based on the analysis of scientific sources the criteria for the formation of a positive image of the school as a modern educational institution are identified; the definition of the concept «positive image» is given; the main structural components of the positive image of the modern educational institution are defined. It is stressed that the image is a multifaceted concept, which means a complete image of a definite person, an organization, a product of specific activity aimed at making or converting the image of a definite person, the organization, as a result of purposeful application of professional efforts; the image of the educational institution is considered to be emotionally and brightly painted, multifaceted image of an educational institution which was formed in the mass consciousness, through the bright impact of the individuality of the educational institution, multifaceted multi-level system, which is determined in the relationship between different aspects of activity of the educational institution, while translating into external environment. The criteria of a positive image of the school are: availability of long-term educational strategies; favorable moral and psychological climate in the collective; captured, caring, professional teaching staff; children's collective and its governing bodies; collective traditions; organization of family celebrations; the constant self-development team, uniting child, parent and teacher groups by the common task; bright external attributes: motto, flag, uniform elements in clothing, own website on the Internet, etc. Positive image of a modern educational institution is multifaceted multilevel resource of management and development of the educational institution aimed at increasing competitiveness, investments, establishment and expansion of partnerships; the main structural components of the image of the secondary school are: motivational-target, content and technological. On the basis of the analysis of scientific sources on the problem under investigation the author outlines such important criteria-based indicators of a positive image of the school as a modern educational institution formation, namely: internal and external image of the school, image of the graduate, public relations, image of the teacher and the director, microclimate of the educational institution, and the ability to choose the right clothes.
In the article based on the analysis of scientific sources the criteria for the formation of a positive image of the school as a modern educational institution are identified; the definition of the concept «positive image» is given; the main structural components of the positive image of the modern educational institution are defined. It is stressed that the image is a multifaceted concept, which means a complete image of a definite person, an organization, a product of specific activity aimed at making or converting the image of a definite person, the organization, as a result of purposeful application of professional efforts; the image of the educational institution is considered to be emotionally and brightly painted, multifaceted image of an educational institution which was formed in the mass consciousness, through the bright impact of the individuality of the educational institution, multifaceted multi-level system, which is determined in the relationship between different aspects of activity of the educational institution, while translating into external environment. The criteria of a positive image of the school are: availability of long-term educational strategies; favorable moral and psychological climate in the collective; captured, caring, professional teaching staff; children's collective and its governing bodies; collective traditions; organization of family celebrations; the constant self-development team, uniting child, parent and teacher groups by the common task; bright external attributes: motto, flag, uniform elements in clothing, own website on the Internet, etc. Positive image of a modern educational institution is multifaceted multilevel resource of management and development of the educational institution aimed at increasing competitiveness, investments, establishment and expansion of partnerships; the main structural components of the image of the secondary school are: motivational-target, content and technological. On the basis of the analysis of scientific sources on the problem under investigation the author outlines such important criteria-based indicators of a positive image of the school as a modern educational institution formation, namely: internal and external image of the school, image of the graduate, public relations, image of the teacher and the director, microclimate of the educational institution, and the ability to choose the right clothes.
Ключові слова
імідж, позитивний імідж, загальноосвітній навчальний заклад, критерії оцінювання та реалізації, image, positive image, educational institution, evaluation criteria and implementation
Бібліографічний опис
Сазонов, Є. О. Критерії ефективності позитивного іміджу сучасного загальноосвітнього закладу [Текст] / Є. О. Сазонов // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 3 (37). – С. 322–329.