Здоров’язбережувальні технології у фізичному вихованні студентів спеціальних медичних груп
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У статті розглядається соціально-педагогічна проблема індивідуалізації фізичного виховання студентів, які мають відхилення у стані здоров’я.
Розроблено здоров’язбережувальну технологію у фізичному вихованні студентів, які належать до спеціальних медичних груп, що враховує індивідуальні особливості студентів та передбачає чітке дозування фізичного навантаження щодо поставленого діагнозу спільно з профілактичними і оздоровчими засобами відновлення організму. Запропонована здоров’язбережувальнатехнологія передбачає оздоровлення студентів спеціальної медичної групи під час навчальних і позанавчальних занять для кожної нозологічної групи.
Health preservation of young generation is the actual problem of modern Ukrainian society. The deterioration of socio-economic indicators, sanitary-epidemiological and ecological situation in the country negatively affects the health of the growing generation. The number of students belonging to groups with special health care every year increases. Therefore, physical education should provide a rational combination of new approaches to the educational process on discipline “Physical Education” using health care technologies. Considering previously mentioned, there is created and grounded health care technologies in physical education of students which belong to groups with special health care, with using of individual differentiated programs in the article. The proposed technology provides rehabilitation of students during educational and extra-curricular classes for each nosological group: selection of sets of exercises of aerobic and anaerobic mode of energy supply in the form of educational practice that is optimal for each nosological group; motor mode, the dosage, intensity, intervals of rest in each nosological group, contraindications; selection of individual diet with consideration of motor activity;outside training sessions. By analyzing the content of work programs that provide physical education of students of higher education institutions, the author motivates differentiation means, methods and content of physical education classes, taking into account the physical capacity of the organism and its reserve and diseases of students that refer to health care groups. So introduction of health care technology in physical education of students of special medical groups have a strong recreational focus. At the same time we have the prospect of further research connected with in-depth study of mechanisms of influence of physical education on the health of students assigned to special medical groups, further development and use of health care technologies in physical education of the educational process in higher pedagogical education institution.
Health preservation of young generation is the actual problem of modern Ukrainian society. The deterioration of socio-economic indicators, sanitary-epidemiological and ecological situation in the country negatively affects the health of the growing generation. The number of students belonging to groups with special health care every year increases. Therefore, physical education should provide a rational combination of new approaches to the educational process on discipline “Physical Education” using health care technologies. Considering previously mentioned, there is created and grounded health care technologies in physical education of students which belong to groups with special health care, with using of individual differentiated programs in the article. The proposed technology provides rehabilitation of students during educational and extra-curricular classes for each nosological group: selection of sets of exercises of aerobic and anaerobic mode of energy supply in the form of educational practice that is optimal for each nosological group; motor mode, the dosage, intensity, intervals of rest in each nosological group, contraindications; selection of individual diet with consideration of motor activity;outside training sessions. By analyzing the content of work programs that provide physical education of students of higher education institutions, the author motivates differentiation means, methods and content of physical education classes, taking into account the physical capacity of the organism and its reserve and diseases of students that refer to health care groups. So introduction of health care technology in physical education of students of special medical groups have a strong recreational focus. At the same time we have the prospect of further research connected with in-depth study of mechanisms of influence of physical education on the health of students assigned to special medical groups, further development and use of health care technologies in physical education of the educational process in higher pedagogical education institution.
Ключові слова
здоров’я, здоров’язбережувальні технології, нозологічні групи, спеціальні медичні групи, фізичне виховання, health, health care technologies, nosological groups, individual medical groups, physical education
Бібліографічний опис
Сидоренко, О. Р. Здоров’язбережувальні технології у фізичному вихованні студентів спеціальних медичних груп [Текст] / О. Р. Сидоренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 9 (53). – С. 409–415.