Підготовка вчителя початкової школи в Німеччині
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Німецька та українська системи підготовки вчителів початкових класів мають багато спільних аспектів, однак і досить багато відмінностей. Головні з них – досить велика варіативність вибору фахових курсів та два ступені навчання (теоретичний і практичний) у Німеччині. Навчання в педагогічних інститутах і університетах орієнтоване на тип і ступінь школи, тобто окремо готуються вчителі для початкових, основних, реальних шкіл та гімназій, професійних та спеціальних шкіл, значні відмінності взагалі в системі освіти різних земель. Спільним є намагання і української, і німецької освіти забезпечити відповідність фахової підготовки загальноєвропейським стандартам за рахунок введення кредитно-модульної системи.
German experts believe that primary school plays great role in further progress of a person, his career and fate. Teacher training in Germany is in a state of transformation. German and Ukrainian systems of training of primary school teachers have many aspects, but also a lot of differences. In both countries teachers are not only interested in professional training in specific subjects, but also should know how to communicate with people who clearly and convincingly express opinions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the professional training of teachers of primary schools in Germany in order Ukrainian education could take the best in the industry, to ensure optimal conditions for primary school teachers. A prerequisite to enter university in Germany is graduation of a host institution with a certain number of points in core subjects. The criteria to select students are exceptional professional and personal qualities. Most programs of teacher training are divided into two phases: the first – theoretical study at university, and the second, practical – at school. A complex of disciplines includes teaching, methods of teaching in primary schools, and professional training. Future teachers attend parallel seminars that accompany the practice phase. Number of subjects, their combination, curriculum and training program depend on the type of school where a young specialist wants to work in future, and in what federal land he studies. Training is modular system that clearly structures the course of educational process, facilitates the formation of individual student curriculum and allows him to control his personal results. The modules consist of lectures, seminars, workshops, consultations and projects. After passing the first state exam, the student has no right to work in school and does not receive a diploma, and should find a place for a referendariat – a two-year internship before his second state exam. This is the main difference in the preparation of teachers at any level of teacher training in Ukraine – receive a diploma only after practical work in school. The authors conclude that Ukraine and Germany have common goals for solving the problem of teacher training in German and European levels.
German experts believe that primary school plays great role in further progress of a person, his career and fate. Teacher training in Germany is in a state of transformation. German and Ukrainian systems of training of primary school teachers have many aspects, but also a lot of differences. In both countries teachers are not only interested in professional training in specific subjects, but also should know how to communicate with people who clearly and convincingly express opinions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the professional training of teachers of primary schools in Germany in order Ukrainian education could take the best in the industry, to ensure optimal conditions for primary school teachers. A prerequisite to enter university in Germany is graduation of a host institution with a certain number of points in core subjects. The criteria to select students are exceptional professional and personal qualities. Most programs of teacher training are divided into two phases: the first – theoretical study at university, and the second, practical – at school. A complex of disciplines includes teaching, methods of teaching in primary schools, and professional training. Future teachers attend parallel seminars that accompany the practice phase. Number of subjects, their combination, curriculum and training program depend on the type of school where a young specialist wants to work in future, and in what federal land he studies. Training is modular system that clearly structures the course of educational process, facilitates the formation of individual student curriculum and allows him to control his personal results. The modules consist of lectures, seminars, workshops, consultations and projects. After passing the first state exam, the student has no right to work in school and does not receive a diploma, and should find a place for a referendariat – a two-year internship before his second state exam. This is the main difference in the preparation of teachers at any level of teacher training in Ukraine – receive a diploma only after practical work in school. The authors conclude that Ukraine and Germany have common goals for solving the problem of teacher training in German and European levels.
Ключові слова
початкова школа, педагогічна освіта Німеччини, кредитно-модульна система, primary school, pedagogical education of Germany, credit-modular system
Бібліографічний опис
Гаврило, Л. І. Підготовка вчителя початкової школи в Німеччині [Текст] / Л. М. Гаврило, О. І. Гаврило // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 9 (43). – С. 133–140.