Іноземні мови у вищих економічних освітніх закладах Китаю
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Мета статті – аналіз факторів, які впливають на вибір іноземних мов для викладання в Китаї, реакція на них системи освіти в цілому та іншомовної підготовки в економічних вищих навчальних закладах зокрема. Зазначається, що паралельно з мовною експансією Китаю відбувається вестернізація / американізація цієї країни, яка спричинює проникнення англійської мови як на побутовому рівні, так і в системі освіти. Дається тезовий аналіз системи освіти. Розкривається вплив міжнародних зв’язків Китаю, зростання економіки країни, міжнародного бізнесу тощо на організацію іншомовної підготовки у вищих закладах освіти, зокрема економічних.
The purpose of the paper is to examine the factors that influence the choice of foreign languages by China’s education system. The author analyses the feedback of both the education system in general and foreign language training in economic higher education in particular to those factors. It has been emphasized that linguistic expansion of an economically and politically powerful country indicates that language as a tool of a linguistic policy plays a key role in the process of a world map drawing. It has been noted that the actuality of the paper is determined by the need of learning and implementation of the international experience of foreign language teaching of future specialists in higher education establishments of the economic bias. The author has pointed out that the Chinese language is much in demand in the globalized world. But China itself is under the influence of the Western languages expansion. It has been reasoned that the westernization of Chinese society promotes interest and motivation to learn foreign languages. The author highlighted some main factors that encourage foreign language training primarily of Chinese businessmen who are supposed to have a good command of foreign languages. Among them are modernization of the economy and global international business. On top of that the process of foreign language education promotion receives the powerful backing from the government of China which makes every effort in order to raise higher educational establishments to the international level. The country has developed a number of projects aimed at the development of universities. It is concluded that the desire to bring Chinese universities at the international level has strengthened the role of foreign language training. The emphasis on learning foreign languages is also associated with the fact that higher education establishments have to respond quickly to changes taking place in the international economy, the economy of the country and other challenges. As a result curricula and programs are amended instantly, taking into account new developments and changes that are currently taking place in the country. It is emphasized that the English language takes a dominant position in the Chinese universities of economic bias, but other European, Oriental and regional languages are also introduced in the educational process. The fact allows the author to make a conclusion about the polylingualism as a feature of the economic higher education establishments of China.
The purpose of the paper is to examine the factors that influence the choice of foreign languages by China’s education system. The author analyses the feedback of both the education system in general and foreign language training in economic higher education in particular to those factors. It has been emphasized that linguistic expansion of an economically and politically powerful country indicates that language as a tool of a linguistic policy plays a key role in the process of a world map drawing. It has been noted that the actuality of the paper is determined by the need of learning and implementation of the international experience of foreign language teaching of future specialists in higher education establishments of the economic bias. The author has pointed out that the Chinese language is much in demand in the globalized world. But China itself is under the influence of the Western languages expansion. It has been reasoned that the westernization of Chinese society promotes interest and motivation to learn foreign languages. The author highlighted some main factors that encourage foreign language training primarily of Chinese businessmen who are supposed to have a good command of foreign languages. Among them are modernization of the economy and global international business. On top of that the process of foreign language education promotion receives the powerful backing from the government of China which makes every effort in order to raise higher educational establishments to the international level. The country has developed a number of projects aimed at the development of universities. It is concluded that the desire to bring Chinese universities at the international level has strengthened the role of foreign language training. The emphasis on learning foreign languages is also associated with the fact that higher education establishments have to respond quickly to changes taking place in the international economy, the economy of the country and other challenges. As a result curricula and programs are amended instantly, taking into account new developments and changes that are currently taking place in the country. It is emphasized that the English language takes a dominant position in the Chinese universities of economic bias, but other European, Oriental and regional languages are also introduced in the educational process. The fact allows the author to make a conclusion about the polylingualism as a feature of the economic higher education establishments of China.
Ключові слова
вестернізація, мобільність, оперативність системи освіти, модернізація, іноземні мови, westernization, mobility, efficiency of the education system, modernization, foreign languages
Бібліографічний опис
Хоменко, О. В. Іноземні мови у вищих економічних освітніх закладах Китаю [Текст] / О. В. Хоменко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 3 (37). – С. 70–78.