Феномен конформізму в контексті проблеми ефективності адміністративного управління
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглянуто погляд основних теорій адміністративного управління на врахування людського фактору. Проаналізовано сутність феномену конформізму в контексті проблеми ефективності адміністративного управління. З’ясовано особливості прояву конформізму в соціальний групі. Зроблено спробу визначення позитивного та негативного значення конформізму в процесі управління колективом.
In the article the basic administration theories’ views on taking into account of the human factor are revealed. The essence of the phenomenon of conformity in the context of administrative efficiency is analyzed. The features of the manifestation of conformity in social groups are found out. An attempt to determine positive and negative values of conformity in the management team is made. The main aim of the team management is to improve work efficiency, and the most important factor is people. The head leads the basic resource of organization – staff and its potential strength. But the quality of administration and staff mutual understanding is influenced by the row of socio-psychological phenomena. The specificity of this influence, in author’s opinion, is one of the challenging and underexplored issues in the management psychology. One of such important factors is the phenomenon of conformism. Conformism is a conscious or unconscious subordination of the individual to the group influence in which it is included; passive adaptive perception of ready standards in behavior, unconditional admiration of authorities. The degree of conformity depends on several factors: 1 – personal characteristics of the person (age, gender, occupation, personal feelings of competence, self-esteem, physical and mental health; 2 – level of complexity of the problem; 3 – group size, degree of agreement of the majority; 4 – relationship between the person and the group (the higher the degree of commitment to the group, the more evident is conformity); 5 – publicity: in case of open thought expression person demonstrates high level of conformity); 6 – lack of information for decision making; 7 – attitudes of individuals: innovative or authoritarian; 8 – culture mentality. Positive impact of conformity on management is manifested in the increase of the personnel cohesion in crisis situations, simplification of the organization of joint activities, reducing of the adaptation time in the collective, getting rid of thinking how to behave in ordinary situations. As a result of manifestation of conformism the group of supporters is formed, all members share values and norms. Excessive conformism is a psychologically detrimental phenomenon. The person follows the group template without having his own views. Negative traits of conformism are: loss of ability to make decisions and navigate in unfamiliar conditions; creation of conditions and prerequisites for the development of totalitarian sects and countries, implementation of the massacres and genocide; development of various prejudices and biases against minorities; reducing the ability of the individual to make a significant contribution to the culture or science, as well as conformity eradicates original and creative thought. It is concluded that socio-psychological phenomenon of conformism is ambiguous concerning the impact on the management efficiency: on the one hand it helps the leader to influence the collective, unite staff; on the other hand, it hinders openness of staff to new professional solutions, to creative initiatives. Therefore, the manager must consider all aspects of the phenomenon of conformism and adjust its level in collective by means of professional management methods.
In the article the basic administration theories’ views on taking into account of the human factor are revealed. The essence of the phenomenon of conformity in the context of administrative efficiency is analyzed. The features of the manifestation of conformity in social groups are found out. An attempt to determine positive and negative values of conformity in the management team is made. The main aim of the team management is to improve work efficiency, and the most important factor is people. The head leads the basic resource of organization – staff and its potential strength. But the quality of administration and staff mutual understanding is influenced by the row of socio-psychological phenomena. The specificity of this influence, in author’s opinion, is one of the challenging and underexplored issues in the management psychology. One of such important factors is the phenomenon of conformism. Conformism is a conscious or unconscious subordination of the individual to the group influence in which it is included; passive adaptive perception of ready standards in behavior, unconditional admiration of authorities. The degree of conformity depends on several factors: 1 – personal characteristics of the person (age, gender, occupation, personal feelings of competence, self-esteem, physical and mental health; 2 – level of complexity of the problem; 3 – group size, degree of agreement of the majority; 4 – relationship between the person and the group (the higher the degree of commitment to the group, the more evident is conformity); 5 – publicity: in case of open thought expression person demonstrates high level of conformity); 6 – lack of information for decision making; 7 – attitudes of individuals: innovative or authoritarian; 8 – culture mentality. Positive impact of conformity on management is manifested in the increase of the personnel cohesion in crisis situations, simplification of the organization of joint activities, reducing of the adaptation time in the collective, getting rid of thinking how to behave in ordinary situations. As a result of manifestation of conformism the group of supporters is formed, all members share values and norms. Excessive conformism is a psychologically detrimental phenomenon. The person follows the group template without having his own views. Negative traits of conformism are: loss of ability to make decisions and navigate in unfamiliar conditions; creation of conditions and prerequisites for the development of totalitarian sects and countries, implementation of the massacres and genocide; development of various prejudices and biases against minorities; reducing the ability of the individual to make a significant contribution to the culture or science, as well as conformity eradicates original and creative thought. It is concluded that socio-psychological phenomenon of conformism is ambiguous concerning the impact on the management efficiency: on the one hand it helps the leader to influence the collective, unite staff; on the other hand, it hinders openness of staff to new professional solutions, to creative initiatives. Therefore, the manager must consider all aspects of the phenomenon of conformism and adjust its level in collective by means of professional management methods.
Ключові слова
психологія управління, адміністративне управління, конформізм, соціально-психологічні феномени, менеджер, колектив, psychology of management, administration, conformism, socialpsychological phenomena, manager, collective
Бібліографічний опис
Скоробагатська, О. Феномен конформізму в контексті проблеми ефективності адміністративного управління [Текст] / О. Скоробагатська // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова [та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2017. – № 4 (68). – С. 259–271.