Нейрологопедический подход к диагностике тяжелых нарушений речи у детей
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Розглянуто нейрологопедичний підхід до здійснення діагностики важких порушень мовленнєвого розвитку в дітей з урахуванням наявних у психофізіології, спеціальної психології та педагогіці теоретичних відомостей і практичних напрацювань з проблеми значущості онтогенетичних особливостей становлення функціональної асиметрії мозку. Показано, що врахування індивідуально-типологічних особливостей є доцільним для реалізації валідної нейрологопедичної діагностики важких мовленєвих порушень, а її комплексність більш ніж виправдана і дозволяє не тільки розробляти орієнтовані методи корекції для дiтей, якi не говорять, але і проводити дослідницьку роботу.
The proposed attempt to unite and systematize in psycho-physiology, special psychology and pedagogy theoretical information and practical experience on the problem of significance of ontogenetic peculiarities of the functional asymmetry of the brain in the specific manifestations of the severe violations of speech development in children and the adequacy of the choice of ways and methods of correctional influence. The most significant moments in the study of the role of functional asymmetry of the brain in the formation of speech as a higher mental function in children of preschool age with severe disorders of speech development are marked, with the further possibility of their practical implementation in the process of primary diagnosis of speech development in this category of children. It is shown that taking into account individual-typological peculiarities of functional asymmetry of the brain in children is feasible to implement a valid neuro logopedic diagnosis of severe speech disorders and will contribute to the development of pathogenetically oriented methods of neuropsychological correction for category for children who do not speak with consequences of perinatal encephalopathy. The current realities of the work of a neuro-speech therapist is such that the flow of children with severe speech disorders increases significantly with each passing day, and diagnosis increasingly requires the implementation of a differentiated approach, so the complexity is already at the stage of primary neuro-logopedic survey more than justified and allows not only to implement the development-oriented methods of correction for contingent of dumb preschool children, but also to conduct research. The main methods that were used when writing this article was analysis of data obtained from a study of the literature and generalization of practical experience accumulated for the period from 2012 to 2015 in «Neiro-logopedic clinic of N. Pavlova» (Odesa, Ukraine). This paper analyzes the current situation of providing speech therapy to children with severe speech pathologies and highlighted the importance of the functional asymmetry of the brain for the formation of verbal functions in ontogenesis. Also, the authors substantiated the expediency of considering the peculiarities of functional asymmetry of the brain, identified in the diagnosis of disorders of speech development in children of preschool age for further effective remedial work to overcome the speech defect.
The proposed attempt to unite and systematize in psycho-physiology, special psychology and pedagogy theoretical information and practical experience on the problem of significance of ontogenetic peculiarities of the functional asymmetry of the brain in the specific manifestations of the severe violations of speech development in children and the adequacy of the choice of ways and methods of correctional influence. The most significant moments in the study of the role of functional asymmetry of the brain in the formation of speech as a higher mental function in children of preschool age with severe disorders of speech development are marked, with the further possibility of their practical implementation in the process of primary diagnosis of speech development in this category of children. It is shown that taking into account individual-typological peculiarities of functional asymmetry of the brain in children is feasible to implement a valid neuro logopedic diagnosis of severe speech disorders and will contribute to the development of pathogenetically oriented methods of neuropsychological correction for category for children who do not speak with consequences of perinatal encephalopathy. The current realities of the work of a neuro-speech therapist is such that the flow of children with severe speech disorders increases significantly with each passing day, and diagnosis increasingly requires the implementation of a differentiated approach, so the complexity is already at the stage of primary neuro-logopedic survey more than justified and allows not only to implement the development-oriented methods of correction for contingent of dumb preschool children, but also to conduct research. The main methods that were used when writing this article was analysis of data obtained from a study of the literature and generalization of practical experience accumulated for the period from 2012 to 2015 in «Neiro-logopedic clinic of N. Pavlova» (Odesa, Ukraine). This paper analyzes the current situation of providing speech therapy to children with severe speech pathologies and highlighted the importance of the functional asymmetry of the brain for the formation of verbal functions in ontogenesis. Also, the authors substantiated the expediency of considering the peculiarities of functional asymmetry of the brain, identified in the diagnosis of disorders of speech development in children of preschool age for further effective remedial work to overcome the speech defect.
Ключові слова
функціональна асиметрія мозку, нейрологопедія, важкі порушення мовленнєвого розвитку, functional brain asymmetry, dysontogenesis speech development, neuro-speech therapy
Бібліографічний опис
Павлова, Н. В. Нейрологопедический подход к диагностике тяжелых нарушений речи у детей [Текст] / Н. В. Павлова, Т. В. Дегтяренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 6 (50). – С. 136–145.