Ефективність застосування методу Бобат у корекції психофізичного стану дітей дошкільного віку, хворих на дитячий церебральний параліч
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Стаття присвячена проблемі застосування методу Бобат як основної методики корекції психофізичного стану дітей дошкільного віку з ДЦП. Основою експерименту стала оцінка формування елементарних рухових навичок в основних вихідних положеннях на початку й динаміка оволодівання ними наприкінці курсу проведення корекційних розвиваючих занять методом Бобат у дітей дошкільного віку з ДЦП.
У результаті було визначено, що за час курсу застосування методу Бобат, істотно покращилися показники оволодівання елементарними руховими навичками.
This article deals with the problem of determining the effectiveness of the Bobath’s method as the main correction of the psychophysical condition method of preschool age children with cerebral palsy. In a modern application of correction the measures are directed on the recovery of motor and psycho-emotional realms to the problem of choosing and applying the most effective techniques contribute to the normalization of motor activity of children with central nervous system involvement. Critical to the success of the correction of psychophysical children’s condition are adequate control over the effective use of the individual techniques in the course of application the Bobath’s method course. In the literature there is a wide variety of the tests to assess motor ability, however, they are difficult to use and functional. Therefore, the improvement of the existing tests and the introduction of new scales of assessment to improve the effectiveness correction of motor disorders are extremely urgent. This article deals with the problem of determining the effectiveness of the Bobath’s method as the main method correction psychomotor development. In the literature there is a wide variety of tests to assess motor abilities, however, they are difficult to use and functional. In our assessing the effectiveness of the remedial practice of the Bobath’s method with «Card-test the motor ability of children from 3 months to adulthood», which efficiently defines the stages of motor development of the child. Due to its universality, accessibility and informativeness of this test it has become possible to qualitatively assess of the stages of psychomotor development of children with cerebral palsy. The basis experiment was an evaluation of the formation of elementary motor skills at the beginning and the dynamics of handling them at the end of the course of Bobath’s therapy lessons with preschool children with cerebral palsy. At the end of the experiment it was determined that during the Bobath’s method course elementary motor skills in initial positions such as: lying on the back and abdomen, standing on all fours had significant improvement. It should be noted that the marked improvement is determined by mastery of the basic elementary motor skills, which testify the effectiveness of the method of Bobath in the correction of psychophysical prеschool age children with cerebral palsy.
This article deals with the problem of determining the effectiveness of the Bobath’s method as the main correction of the psychophysical condition method of preschool age children with cerebral palsy. In a modern application of correction the measures are directed on the recovery of motor and psycho-emotional realms to the problem of choosing and applying the most effective techniques contribute to the normalization of motor activity of children with central nervous system involvement. Critical to the success of the correction of psychophysical children’s condition are adequate control over the effective use of the individual techniques in the course of application the Bobath’s method course. In the literature there is a wide variety of the tests to assess motor ability, however, they are difficult to use and functional. Therefore, the improvement of the existing tests and the introduction of new scales of assessment to improve the effectiveness correction of motor disorders are extremely urgent. This article deals with the problem of determining the effectiveness of the Bobath’s method as the main method correction psychomotor development. In the literature there is a wide variety of tests to assess motor abilities, however, they are difficult to use and functional. In our assessing the effectiveness of the remedial practice of the Bobath’s method with «Card-test the motor ability of children from 3 months to adulthood», which efficiently defines the stages of motor development of the child. Due to its universality, accessibility and informativeness of this test it has become possible to qualitatively assess of the stages of psychomotor development of children with cerebral palsy. The basis experiment was an evaluation of the formation of elementary motor skills at the beginning and the dynamics of handling them at the end of the course of Bobath’s therapy lessons with preschool children with cerebral palsy. At the end of the experiment it was determined that during the Bobath’s method course elementary motor skills in initial positions such as: lying on the back and abdomen, standing on all fours had significant improvement. It should be noted that the marked improvement is determined by mastery of the basic elementary motor skills, which testify the effectiveness of the method of Bobath in the correction of psychophysical prеschool age children with cerebral palsy.
Ключові слова
метод Бобат, дошкільний вік, дитячий церебральний параліч, психофізичний стан, корекційні заняття, pre-school children, Bobath’s method, physical state, cerebral palsy, remedial classes
Бібліографічний опис
Буховець, Б. О. Ефективність застосування методу Бобат у корекції психофізичного стану дітей дошкільного віку, хворих на дитячий церебральний параліч [Текст] / Б. О. Буховець // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 3 (57). – С. 73–81.