Особливості формування психоемоційного стану учнів під впливом зовнішніх факторів
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У статті досліджено особливості формування психоемоційного стану дітей молодшого шкільного віку під впливом зовнішніх чинників. Проведені дослідження вказують на те, що зовнішні фактори, а саме: нестача рухового компоненту, батьківської турботи, спільної праці в сім’ї, творчих занять, надлишок комп’ютерних ігор і телевізійних переглядів, негативно відбиваються на психоемоційному стані, що в подальшому може негативно відобразитися на функціональних системах організму.
The particuliarities of psychic and emotional state formation of junior pupils under the influence of external factors have been investigated in the article. Schoolchildren of the city and the region took part in the study. The methods of the study are the questionnaire that researches daily regimen, pupils’ checklist on emotional states developed by Sedneev and Lutoshkin’s colour test. Children’s health is the result of the environment influence on the adaptation potential. Badly organized environment impairs the health of schoolchildren. The experimentations point out the great amount of harmful external factors in the environment. The school timetable analysis detected certain breaches, particularly in city schools with a great number of pupils. Amongst alternative subjects school administration chooses those with low physical activity. The results of the questionnaires have shown the insufficient physical regimen. Pupils do no morning exercises and fail to visit various sport clubs and creative workshops; they seldom execute tempering and spend little time outdoors. The studies have depicted that pupils of the region do not spend enough time outdoors and do not often help their parents about the house as the conditions promote. Insufficient parental care and a lack of family teamwork affect the child’s psychic state. Schoolchildren often spend time playing computer games and searching the Internet, they frequently watch television and sleep less than normal. The psychiatrists indicate that playing the computer and watching television more than 1 hour a day cause the addiction. The findings of investigation of psychic and emotional state point out that negative moments of the day affect the schoolchildren. Some children develop the risk of depressive state, asthenic conditions, somatic violations and different sleep disorders. In future these violations may have an effect on functional systems of the body and health.
The particuliarities of psychic and emotional state formation of junior pupils under the influence of external factors have been investigated in the article. Schoolchildren of the city and the region took part in the study. The methods of the study are the questionnaire that researches daily regimen, pupils’ checklist on emotional states developed by Sedneev and Lutoshkin’s colour test. Children’s health is the result of the environment influence on the adaptation potential. Badly organized environment impairs the health of schoolchildren. The experimentations point out the great amount of harmful external factors in the environment. The school timetable analysis detected certain breaches, particularly in city schools with a great number of pupils. Amongst alternative subjects school administration chooses those with low physical activity. The results of the questionnaires have shown the insufficient physical regimen. Pupils do no morning exercises and fail to visit various sport clubs and creative workshops; they seldom execute tempering and spend little time outdoors. The studies have depicted that pupils of the region do not spend enough time outdoors and do not often help their parents about the house as the conditions promote. Insufficient parental care and a lack of family teamwork affect the child’s psychic state. Schoolchildren often spend time playing computer games and searching the Internet, they frequently watch television and sleep less than normal. The psychiatrists indicate that playing the computer and watching television more than 1 hour a day cause the addiction. The findings of investigation of psychic and emotional state point out that negative moments of the day affect the schoolchildren. Some children develop the risk of depressive state, asthenic conditions, somatic violations and different sleep disorders. In future these violations may have an effect on functional systems of the body and health.
Ключові слова
учні молодшого шкільного віку, здоров’я, психоемоційний стан, хронометраж, здоров’яформувальні фактори, добовий режим, junior school age, health, psychic and emotional state, timing, health forming factors, daily regimen
Бібліографічний опис
Ситник, О. А. Особливості формування психоемоційного стану учнів під впливом зовнішніх факторів [Текст] / О. А. Ситник // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 2 (36). – С. 99–106.