«Інтелекуальний туризм» як чинник розвитку вітчизняної освіти (XІV–XVIII ст.)
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У статті схарактеризовано основні напрями «інтелектуального туризму» української молоді в XІV–XVIII століттях та вплив цього чинника на розвиток вітчизняної освіти. Визначено, якщо в XІV–XVI століттях українці віддавали перевагу італійським, польським і французьким університетам, то в XVII–XVIII століттях – англійським і, особливо, німецьким. Багато високоінтелектуальних представників тогочасної української еліти (козацької старшини, церковних і освітніх діячів) були вихованцями європейських вищих навчальних закладів, насичуючись передовими ідеями та ретранслюючи їх на українські землі, сприяли розвитку вітчизняної освіти й культури.
National education sector modernization at the present stage of education development is aimed at European integration. Intensification of relations between Ukraine and European countries, as well as increasing boarders’ transparency enhance pro-European vector of Ukrainian society. Consequently, «intellectual tourism» grows more and more popular, since nowadays a lot of students give preference to foreign higher educational establishments. Moreover, outward mobility of Ukrainian students to European countries is a traditional phenomenon, the rise of which falls on 14th – 18th century. The basic trends of «intellectual tourism» of Ukrainian youth in 14th – 16th century and the influence of this factor on national education development are analyzed in the article. Geopolitical situation of Ukraine has naturally influenced promotion of European values system in the country. The transition to ideological basics of the Middle Ages period was marked by rejection of dogmatism and isolation, encouraging openness of European educational area to foreign citizens, based on healthy competition of educational establishment. The choice of university depends on multiple factors (the reputation of educational establishments, location, cultural traditions, personal contacts, Ukrainian student fraternities). In total, during the period of 14th – 18th centuries Ukrainian citizens were enrolled at almost every university in Europe (plenty of them graduated two or three establishments) as they felt an acute need to enhance their intellectual level. It is noted that in 14th – 16th centuries Ukrainians preferred Italian, Polish and French universities, while in 17th – 18th centuries English and German universities became popular. A lot of highly intellectual representatives of Ukrainian elite (Cossacks leaders, clergy, pedagogues studied at European educational establishments. Having acquired new knowledge and embraced innovative European ideas at the foreign educational establishments, they strived to enrich national schooling, science and culture upon their return to the homeland. It had a significant impact on functioning of Kyiv-Mogyla Academy and schools that followed its model (Orthodox collegiums), the generators of the new national elite of Ukraine. The intensive process of new culture formation continued, it facilitated original intellectual property enrichment in the spheres of education, pedagogy, scientific knowledge, publishing, literature and art.
National education sector modernization at the present stage of education development is aimed at European integration. Intensification of relations between Ukraine and European countries, as well as increasing boarders’ transparency enhance pro-European vector of Ukrainian society. Consequently, «intellectual tourism» grows more and more popular, since nowadays a lot of students give preference to foreign higher educational establishments. Moreover, outward mobility of Ukrainian students to European countries is a traditional phenomenon, the rise of which falls on 14th – 18th century. The basic trends of «intellectual tourism» of Ukrainian youth in 14th – 16th century and the influence of this factor on national education development are analyzed in the article. Geopolitical situation of Ukraine has naturally influenced promotion of European values system in the country. The transition to ideological basics of the Middle Ages period was marked by rejection of dogmatism and isolation, encouraging openness of European educational area to foreign citizens, based on healthy competition of educational establishment. The choice of university depends on multiple factors (the reputation of educational establishments, location, cultural traditions, personal contacts, Ukrainian student fraternities). In total, during the period of 14th – 18th centuries Ukrainian citizens were enrolled at almost every university in Europe (plenty of them graduated two or three establishments) as they felt an acute need to enhance their intellectual level. It is noted that in 14th – 16th centuries Ukrainians preferred Italian, Polish and French universities, while in 17th – 18th centuries English and German universities became popular. A lot of highly intellectual representatives of Ukrainian elite (Cossacks leaders, clergy, pedagogues studied at European educational establishments. Having acquired new knowledge and embraced innovative European ideas at the foreign educational establishments, they strived to enrich national schooling, science and culture upon their return to the homeland. It had a significant impact on functioning of Kyiv-Mogyla Academy and schools that followed its model (Orthodox collegiums), the generators of the new national elite of Ukraine. The intensive process of new culture formation continued, it facilitated original intellectual property enrichment in the spheres of education, pedagogy, scientific knowledge, publishing, literature and art.
Ключові слова
інтелектуальний туризм, вітчизняна освіта, італійські університети, польські університети, французькі університети, англійські університети, німецькі університети, представники української еліти, intellectual tourism, national education, Italian universities, Polish universities, French universities, British universities, German universities, Ukrainian elite
Бібліографічний опис
Год, Б. В. «Інтелекуальний туризм» як чинник розвитку вітчизняної освіти (XІV–XVIII ст.) [Текст] / Б. В. Год // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 3 (37). – С. 33–39.