Самоосвіта як фактор розвитку педагогічної компетентності викладача фармацевтичного профілю
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглядається проблема самоосвіти як фактору розвитку педагогічної компетентності викладачів фармацевтичного профілю. Здійснено аналіз базових понять дослідження, виділена роль самоосвіти у процесі розвитку педагогічної компетентності викладача фармацевтичного профілю, розглянуті її основні завдання, форми, принципи, методи діагностування та стимулювання. Автор виділяє індивідуальні та групові форми самоосвітньої діяльності, наголошує на ефективності поєднання особистої ініціативи педагога й контролю його самоосвітньої діяльності з боку адміністрації навчального закладу, доводить, що самоосвіта виступає ключовим фактором розвитку педагогічної компетентності викладача.
The article deals with the problem of self-education as a pedagogical competence development factor of the pharmaceutical profile teachers. There have been made the analysis of the basic concepts of research and emphasized the role of self-education in the process of development of pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile teachers. There also have been distinguished the main tasks, forms, principles, methods of diagnosis and stimulation of self-education in the process of development of pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile teachers. The author distinguishes the individual and group forms of self-education, emphasizes the effectiveness of combining the personal initiative of the teacher and control of his/her self-education activities by the administration of the educational institution. It has been proved that self-education is a key factor in the development of pedagogical competence of a teacher and is actualized by many factors such as: the lack of pharmaceutical education in teachers; the change of the target academic priorities of the student contingent; adequate requirements of society for the quality of a pharmacist as a significant person responsible for the preservation of human health; updating and improving the content of higher education standards; improvement of learning and teaching support material of educational disciplines, etc. The author emphasizes that any form of self-education is effective if it has the result. The result of self-education of the teacher is to increase the level of professional and pedagogical skills, to write and publish educational and methodological literature, to develop new forms and methods of conducting classes, to prepare reports and speeches, to organize scientific-practical conferences, to write research articles, to develop the proprietary technology of teaching discipline, etc.
The article deals with the problem of self-education as a pedagogical competence development factor of the pharmaceutical profile teachers. There have been made the analysis of the basic concepts of research and emphasized the role of self-education in the process of development of pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile teachers. There also have been distinguished the main tasks, forms, principles, methods of diagnosis and stimulation of self-education in the process of development of pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile teachers. The author distinguishes the individual and group forms of self-education, emphasizes the effectiveness of combining the personal initiative of the teacher and control of his/her self-education activities by the administration of the educational institution. It has been proved that self-education is a key factor in the development of pedagogical competence of a teacher and is actualized by many factors such as: the lack of pharmaceutical education in teachers; the change of the target academic priorities of the student contingent; adequate requirements of society for the quality of a pharmacist as a significant person responsible for the preservation of human health; updating and improving the content of higher education standards; improvement of learning and teaching support material of educational disciplines, etc. The author emphasizes that any form of self-education is effective if it has the result. The result of self-education of the teacher is to increase the level of professional and pedagogical skills, to write and publish educational and methodological literature, to develop new forms and methods of conducting classes, to prepare reports and speeches, to organize scientific-practical conferences, to write research articles, to develop the proprietary technology of teaching discipline, etc.
Ключові слова
самоосвіта, компетентність, педагогічна компетентність, розвиток педагогічної компетентності, сутність, структура та зміст самоосвіти, self-education, competence, pedagogical competence, development of pedagogical competence, essence, structure and content of self-education
Бібліографічний опис
Козаченко, Г. Самоосвіта як фактор розвитку педагогічної компетентності
викладача фармацевтичного профілю [Текст] / Г. Козаченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : Вид-во СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 4 (78). – С. 79–87.