Корекційно-розвивальна методика подолання заїкання у дітей дошкільного віку
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У статті схарактеризовано основні етапи експериментального дослідження, метою якого була розробка й перевірка ефективності корекційно-розвивальної методики, спрямованої на подолання заїкання в дітей дошкільного віку. Розроблена методика виявила високу ефективність: вирівнялося мовленнєве дихання, стабілізувалися темп і ритм мовлення, відбулися позитивні зрушення в подоланні ларингоспазму, – що дозволяє рекомендувати корекційно-розвивальну методику до застосування у процесі комплексного подолання заїкання в дошкільників. Проведене нами дослідження може бути продовжене в напрямі вивчення особливостей корекції означеної мовленнєвої патології в дітей молодшого шкільного віку.
The article presents a comprehensive analysis of relevant publications and current speech therapy techniques and programs in the context of the research problem; describes the main stages of the experimental research, the purpose of which was to develop and test the effectiveness of remedial and developmental techniques, oriented to overcome stuttering in preschool age children. The methodological basis of the study were the fundamental principles of psychology, neuropsychology and speech therapy place of speech in psycho-pedagogical process, about brain organization of speech process, as well as modern scientific views about the structure of the speech defect of children with stuttering. The system of correction of stuttering in preschool children included complex correctional and developmental tools (breathing exercises, articulation exercises, logarithmic, acupressure in combination with traditional speech therapy sessions), designed to relieve tension of the muscles of the vocal apparatus, the formation of skills of correct breathing skills and a smooth and rhythmic speech by imitation. The developed method showed high efficiency in overcoming the designated speech pathology and approximated the functional state of different components of speech norms: leveled speech breathing, steadied the pace and rhythm of speech, there have been shifts in overcoming laryngospasm; however, there were marked positive changes in the mood of children and the growth of motivation of pre-school children for visiting the speech therapy practice – that can recommend the correctional and developing technique for application in practice of individual and group work with stuttering children in preschool and special educational institutions, health care institutions and rehabilitation centers. In addition, theoretical development of the technique can be used to educate speech therapists, preschool educational institutions teachers and parents of stuttering children. Our research does not exhaust the problem solving, a complex negotiation of stuttering in preschool age children. It can be continued in the direction of studying the peculiarities of stuttering correction in primary school age children.
The article presents a comprehensive analysis of relevant publications and current speech therapy techniques and programs in the context of the research problem; describes the main stages of the experimental research, the purpose of which was to develop and test the effectiveness of remedial and developmental techniques, oriented to overcome stuttering in preschool age children. The methodological basis of the study were the fundamental principles of psychology, neuropsychology and speech therapy place of speech in psycho-pedagogical process, about brain organization of speech process, as well as modern scientific views about the structure of the speech defect of children with stuttering. The system of correction of stuttering in preschool children included complex correctional and developmental tools (breathing exercises, articulation exercises, logarithmic, acupressure in combination with traditional speech therapy sessions), designed to relieve tension of the muscles of the vocal apparatus, the formation of skills of correct breathing skills and a smooth and rhythmic speech by imitation. The developed method showed high efficiency in overcoming the designated speech pathology and approximated the functional state of different components of speech norms: leveled speech breathing, steadied the pace and rhythm of speech, there have been shifts in overcoming laryngospasm; however, there were marked positive changes in the mood of children and the growth of motivation of pre-school children for visiting the speech therapy practice – that can recommend the correctional and developing technique for application in practice of individual and group work with stuttering children in preschool and special educational institutions, health care institutions and rehabilitation centers. In addition, theoretical development of the technique can be used to educate speech therapists, preschool educational institutions teachers and parents of stuttering children. Our research does not exhaust the problem solving, a complex negotiation of stuttering in preschool age children. It can be continued in the direction of studying the peculiarities of stuttering correction in primary school age children.
Ключові слова
заїкання, корекційно-розвивальна методика, діти дошкільного віку, дихальна гімнастика, артикуляційна гімнастика, логоритміка, методика точкового масажу, stuttering, correction and development methods, preschool children, breathing exercises, articulation exercises, logarithmic, technique of acupressure
Бібліографічний опис
Кравченко, А. Корекційно-розвивальна методика подолання заїкання у дітей дошкільного віку [Текст] / А. Кравченко, А. Харченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 5 (59). – С. 388–394.