Розвиток професійного технічного слуху звукорежисерів у процесі професійної підготовки
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Мета статті – конкретизація змісту професійного технічного слуху звукорежисерів; визначення основних складових професійного технічного слуху звукорежисерів та обґрунтування методичних основ процесу розвитку професійного технічного слуху звукорежисерів у процесі професійної підготовки.Методи дослідження: системно‐аналітичний та порівняльно‐історичний.Професійний технічний слух звукорежисера – здатність повноцінно сприймати звучання та критично й обґрунтовано визначати переваги та недоліки матеріалу, який прослуховується, а також спроможність схарактеризувати це звучання у межах визнаної технічної термінології.
The purpose of the article is to specify the content of the professional technical hearing of sound engineers; determination of the main components of the professional technical hearing of sound engineers and justification of the methodical foundations of the process of developing the professional technical hearing of sound engineers in the process of professional training. System‐analytical and comparative‐historical methods were used in the process of realizing the goal. The system‐analytical method was used to clarify the content of the professional technical hearing of sound engineers and to determine its components; the comparative‐historical method was used to specify methodical approaches to the development of professional technical hearing, which were formed historically. The practical significance of the study lies in the determination of methodological principles for the development of the professional technical hearing of sound engineers in the process of professional training and the determination of the software that can be used in this process. In a general sense, the professional technical hearing of a sound engineer means the ability to fully perceive sound (recorded in the form of a phonogram or concert) and to critically and reasonably determine the advantages and disadvantages of the material being listened to, as well as the ability to characterize this sound within recognized technical terminology. The basis of professional technical hearing is the ability to separate a single sound, and then to describe all its components as accurately as possible: musical balance – a parameter that characterizes the ratio of virtual sound sources by volume; timbre is a parameter that reflects the subjective perception of the spectral parameters of the signal; spatiality – features of placement of sound sources and feeling of the volume of one or more rooms that arises in the listener; dynamic range ‐ in a general sense, this is the ratio of the highest and lowest signal levels. The most promising direction for further research in the outlined area is the integration of existing software into existing work programs of educational disciplines aimed at the development of professional technical hearing of sound engineers in the process of professional training, as well as the development of educational software of a universal nature, capable of covering all components of the development of professional technical hearing.
The purpose of the article is to specify the content of the professional technical hearing of sound engineers; determination of the main components of the professional technical hearing of sound engineers and justification of the methodical foundations of the process of developing the professional technical hearing of sound engineers in the process of professional training. System‐analytical and comparative‐historical methods were used in the process of realizing the goal. The system‐analytical method was used to clarify the content of the professional technical hearing of sound engineers and to determine its components; the comparative‐historical method was used to specify methodical approaches to the development of professional technical hearing, which were formed historically. The practical significance of the study lies in the determination of methodological principles for the development of the professional technical hearing of sound engineers in the process of professional training and the determination of the software that can be used in this process. In a general sense, the professional technical hearing of a sound engineer means the ability to fully perceive sound (recorded in the form of a phonogram or concert) and to critically and reasonably determine the advantages and disadvantages of the material being listened to, as well as the ability to characterize this sound within recognized technical terminology. The basis of professional technical hearing is the ability to separate a single sound, and then to describe all its components as accurately as possible: musical balance – a parameter that characterizes the ratio of virtual sound sources by volume; timbre is a parameter that reflects the subjective perception of the spectral parameters of the signal; spatiality – features of placement of sound sources and feeling of the volume of one or more rooms that arises in the listener; dynamic range ‐ in a general sense, this is the ratio of the highest and lowest signal levels. The most promising direction for further research in the outlined area is the integration of existing software into existing work programs of educational disciplines aimed at the development of professional technical hearing of sound engineers in the process of professional training, as well as the development of educational software of a universal nature, capable of covering all components of the development of professional technical hearing.
Ключові слова
професійний технічний слух, звукорежисура, професійна підготовка звукорежисерів, звукорежисерська компетентність, розвиток професійного технічного слуху, «Golden Ears», «Simple Feedback Trainer», «AudioFrequency Trainer», professional technical hearing, sound engineering, professional training of sound engineers, sound engineering competence, development of professional technical hearing, «Audio Frequency Trainer»
Бібліографічний опис
Корякін О. Розвиток професійного технічного слуху звукорежисерів у процесі професійної підготовки [Текст] / О. Корякін // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2023. – № 4 (128). – С. 185–195. – DOI: 10.24139/2312‐5993/2023.04/185‐195