Підготовка вихованців до життя в комуні ім. Ф. Е. Дзержинського в педагогічній спадщині А. С. Макаренка
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У статті розглядаються теоретичні засади підготовки вихованців до життя в комуні ім. Ф. Е. Дзержинського в педагогічній спадщині А. С. Макаренка, а також можливості використання здобутків минулого в сучасних умовах. Проаналізовано завдання та методи виховання, які включала в себе підготовка молодих людей у комуні ім. Ф. Е. Дзержинського, а саме: систематичне шкільне виховання, праця на виробництві, продуктивна праця як рушійна сила виховання, отримання зарплати, корисний відпочинок. Автор стверджує, що чергування розумової та фізичної праці позитивно діяло на вихованців, а в процесі трудової діяльності в них вироблялися цінні психофізичні якості.
The article deals with the theoretical basis of preparation of pupils for life in a commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky in A. S. Makarenko pedagogical heritage, and also considers the possibility of using the achievements of the past in the present conditions. The tasks and methods of education, which comprize training of young people in the commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky are analyzed. A. S. Makarenko creative pursuits led him to the possibility of using innovative training schemes, which were so necessary in difficult and unpredictable conditions of the colony. In those years, not every child had the opportunity to receive a quality education, many had no systematic training at school, and do not even know how to read and write. The existing methods did not help. Today, a great value of theory and practice have A. S. Makarenko’s ideas in the field of pedagogy: the relationship of education to life, impact on multilateral relations through activities and diversity of relations inside the collective and between collectives relations. The change of mental and physical labor had positive impact on pupils, in the course of employment they develop valuable psychological and physical qualities. A. S. Makarenko increased the prospects of collective interest of communards to work. Productive work attracted the Communards because they felt the results. In terms of productive labor commune was the first condition to convince former street children to work at all. At least with the mastery of labor specialization in Communards grew and matured conviction not to return to past life, and material well-being after leaving the commune. In productive labor commune pupils acquired specific job skills, got familiar with the technology in practice, using materials mastered basic information on techniques and simple organization of production. A. S. Makarenko’s ideas - the future of pedagogy and education. He is the founder of the modern theory and methods of education. Only through his experience, drawing on his legacy can create an effective educational system that will work out today. Developing the economy, organizing economic education , attracting pupils to participate in the planning prospects in the organization of production and management of it – we form in young people a sense of self- responsibility of the owner, which pupils require in the modern world.
The article deals with the theoretical basis of preparation of pupils for life in a commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky in A. S. Makarenko pedagogical heritage, and also considers the possibility of using the achievements of the past in the present conditions. The tasks and methods of education, which comprize training of young people in the commune named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky are analyzed. A. S. Makarenko creative pursuits led him to the possibility of using innovative training schemes, which were so necessary in difficult and unpredictable conditions of the colony. In those years, not every child had the opportunity to receive a quality education, many had no systematic training at school, and do not even know how to read and write. The existing methods did not help. Today, a great value of theory and practice have A. S. Makarenko’s ideas in the field of pedagogy: the relationship of education to life, impact on multilateral relations through activities and diversity of relations inside the collective and between collectives relations. The change of mental and physical labor had positive impact on pupils, in the course of employment they develop valuable psychological and physical qualities. A. S. Makarenko increased the prospects of collective interest of communards to work. Productive work attracted the Communards because they felt the results. In terms of productive labor commune was the first condition to convince former street children to work at all. At least with the mastery of labor specialization in Communards grew and matured conviction not to return to past life, and material well-being after leaving the commune. In productive labor commune pupils acquired specific job skills, got familiar with the technology in practice, using materials mastered basic information on techniques and simple organization of production. A. S. Makarenko’s ideas - the future of pedagogy and education. He is the founder of the modern theory and methods of education. Only through his experience, drawing on his legacy can create an effective educational system that will work out today. Developing the economy, organizing economic education , attracting pupils to participate in the planning prospects in the organization of production and management of it – we form in young people a sense of self- responsibility of the owner, which pupils require in the modern world.
Ключові слова
виховання у комуні ім. Ф. Е. Дзержинського, підготовка до самостійного життя, комунари, педагогічний досвід А. С. Макаренка, трудова терапія, перспектива завтрашнього дня, education in a commune named after F. E. Dzerzhynsky, preparation for independent life, communards, pedagogical experience of A. S. Makarenko, labortherapy, outlook of tomorrow
Бібліографічний опис
Ткаченко, К. Ю. Підготовка вихованців до життя в комуні ім. Ф. Е. Дзержинського в педагогічній спадщині А. С. Макаренка [Текст] / К. Ю. Ткаченко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 4 (38). – С. 293–299.