Вивчення проблеми формування позитивних взаємин у дітей і дорослих у родині як умова оптимізації підготовки фахівців із дошкільної освіти
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Автори статті доводять, що професійне становлення фахівців в області дошкільної освіти не може відбутися без ознайомлення студентів із проблемами сімейного виховання, зокрема з особливостями позитивних взаємин дітей і дорослих у родині. Сумісна художня діяльність у техніках образотворчого мистецтва (малювання, ліплення, аплікація тощо) є ефективним засобом розвитку позитивних взаємин у родині. Зміст роботи передбачав: індивідуальну роботу з батьками, яка допомагала мотивувати організацію і проведення сумісної з дітьми художньої діяльності в умовах родини; колективні форми, спрямовані на визначення й заохочення результатів сумісної художньої діяльності батьків і дітей, кожної родини, групи.
A future educator has to know that pedagogical expedience of his/her activity is at first the result of his mastering the psychological and pedagogical knowledge, secondly, investigation of the rational use of his/her potential individuality in the process of pedagogical interactivity. The main feature of professional training of the future teachers has to be their social orientation, the orientation to the meaningful values. Certainly the aesthetic and artistic values have to be socially meaningful features created by humanity. In general great attention is given to the aesthetic and artistic education of students and to the deep acquaintance of future teachers with the peculiarities of aesthetic and artistic education of children, especially in preschool age, by means of different types of art (musical, graphic, theatrical, choreographic and others). Among the other types of art the graphic one has unique possibilities to the decision of tasks both of artistic and personality development, public and spiritual becoming of the rising generation. In preschool age the depicting activity is one of the most accessible and emotionally keen. Great role belongs to the art, to its influence in drafting the valued orientation of the person. Forming the valued options of the person, bringing him/her up to the greatest values – public ideals is a component part of the public destination of art. In full it is carried out when incarnated public values become meaningful for a person, determine character of his/her vital functions. A method foresaw the following forms of children organization: special thematic lessons, untraditional lessons on the evaluation of art works, games, and exercises. Basic methodological principle was the maintenance and the development in children the attempts to express their own estimation of aesthetic beautiful qualities. For artistical creative development of children we applied the combination of different methods, receptions and forms of work with the use of various depicting and evident materials. The attempts of children to express their own estimation of aesthetic beautiful qualities of reality were especially encouraged.
A future educator has to know that pedagogical expedience of his/her activity is at first the result of his mastering the psychological and pedagogical knowledge, secondly, investigation of the rational use of his/her potential individuality in the process of pedagogical interactivity. The main feature of professional training of the future teachers has to be their social orientation, the orientation to the meaningful values. Certainly the aesthetic and artistic values have to be socially meaningful features created by humanity. In general great attention is given to the aesthetic and artistic education of students and to the deep acquaintance of future teachers with the peculiarities of aesthetic and artistic education of children, especially in preschool age, by means of different types of art (musical, graphic, theatrical, choreographic and others). Among the other types of art the graphic one has unique possibilities to the decision of tasks both of artistic and personality development, public and spiritual becoming of the rising generation. In preschool age the depicting activity is one of the most accessible and emotionally keen. Great role belongs to the art, to its influence in drafting the valued orientation of the person. Forming the valued options of the person, bringing him/her up to the greatest values – public ideals is a component part of the public destination of art. In full it is carried out when incarnated public values become meaningful for a person, determine character of his/her vital functions. A method foresaw the following forms of children organization: special thematic lessons, untraditional lessons on the evaluation of art works, games, and exercises. Basic methodological principle was the maintenance and the development in children the attempts to express their own estimation of aesthetic beautiful qualities. For artistical creative development of children we applied the combination of different methods, receptions and forms of work with the use of various depicting and evident materials. The attempts of children to express their own estimation of aesthetic beautiful qualities of reality were especially encouraged.
Ключові слова
позитивні взаємини, родина, сумісна діяльність, художня діяльність, професійне становлення, positive relationships, family, artistic activity, joint activities, professional formation
Бібліографічний опис
Одерій, Л. Вивчення проблеми формування позитивних взаємин у дітей і дорослих у родині як умова оптимізації підготовки фахівців із дошкільної освіти [Текст] / Л. Одерій, А. Роздимаха // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 4 (58). – С. 310–316.