Сутнісні характеристики альтернативної освіти як педагогічного поняття
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У статті з’ясовано сутність поняття «альтернативна освіта» як педагогічної парадигми. Досліджено, що альтернативна освіта – це освіта, яка реалізується в стінах альтернативних шкіл. Наведено критерії альтернативності та дано визначення альтернативності навчального закладу. Визначено основні характеристики, притаманні альтернативній школі. Проаналізовано, що не влаштовувало педагогів-гуманістів у традиційній школі. Виділено напрямки альтернативної освіти в польській шкільній системі. Представлено авторську модель альтернативної освіти в Польщі.
In the article it is found that the research of the trends of alternative education formation and development in Poland at the end of XXth – the beginning of XXIst century requires the development of categorical apparatus and clarifying the basic concepts from contemporary viewpoint. It is noted that in the Oxford International Encyclopedia of Education it is written that «alternative education is an important modern movement, based on the choice that is made by students, parents and teachers. By the 70’s that movement was interested by not a lot of American public schools, and theoretical issues were not received sufficient attention. The situation was completely changed in the 80’s, when about 80% of these schools have started to use different scale alternative approaches, which were concerned mainly the content and teaching methods, and their number continues to increase.» So, we can assert that alternative education is the education, which is implemented in the walls of the alternative schools. At the same time it is stressed that interpretations of alternative school is much more complicated by unclear criteria for the term «alternative school». It is often interpreted as synonymous to the term «new school», «school of a new type», «effective, innovative (innovative, original, experimental, alternative, independent, non-standard) school». These characteristics are ambiguous and cannot clearly capture the essence of the alternative school. The list of distinctive features of new schools (alternative) of Swiss pedagogue Adolphe Ferrière, one of the organizers of the International Bureau of New School, who is considered today as an authority for researchers in the justification of criteria and indicators for alternative schools is given. The author stressed that today alternative education is understood as education which is based on non-standard, innovative methodological principles and other than the traditional, conventional methods of obtaining, as a rule, private education. It is proved, that alternative education is referred to the personal oriented, human-center, more proactive than «top to down education», more authorial, more focused on society and activity of all members of the educational process. Accordingly, it was allocated three directions of alternative education in the Polish school system: 1) non-public, social and private alternative schools; 2) alternative programs for education in these schools; 3) learning strategies, pedagogical support that accelerates the development of students, their socialization, academic achievement and future career. We have considered the following working definition of the concept: alternative education is a course in educational theory and practice, focused on providing a specially organized, different from the conventional and traditional, educational conditions of true inner freedom and fulfillment of a personality, satisfaction of needs and interests, disclosure and development of natural makings during the exploration of the world.
In the article it is found that the research of the trends of alternative education formation and development in Poland at the end of XXth – the beginning of XXIst century requires the development of categorical apparatus and clarifying the basic concepts from contemporary viewpoint. It is noted that in the Oxford International Encyclopedia of Education it is written that «alternative education is an important modern movement, based on the choice that is made by students, parents and teachers. By the 70’s that movement was interested by not a lot of American public schools, and theoretical issues were not received sufficient attention. The situation was completely changed in the 80’s, when about 80% of these schools have started to use different scale alternative approaches, which were concerned mainly the content and teaching methods, and their number continues to increase.» So, we can assert that alternative education is the education, which is implemented in the walls of the alternative schools. At the same time it is stressed that interpretations of alternative school is much more complicated by unclear criteria for the term «alternative school». It is often interpreted as synonymous to the term «new school», «school of a new type», «effective, innovative (innovative, original, experimental, alternative, independent, non-standard) school». These characteristics are ambiguous and cannot clearly capture the essence of the alternative school. The list of distinctive features of new schools (alternative) of Swiss pedagogue Adolphe Ferrière, one of the organizers of the International Bureau of New School, who is considered today as an authority for researchers in the justification of criteria and indicators for alternative schools is given. The author stressed that today alternative education is understood as education which is based on non-standard, innovative methodological principles and other than the traditional, conventional methods of obtaining, as a rule, private education. It is proved, that alternative education is referred to the personal oriented, human-center, more proactive than «top to down education», more authorial, more focused on society and activity of all members of the educational process. Accordingly, it was allocated three directions of alternative education in the Polish school system: 1) non-public, social and private alternative schools; 2) alternative programs for education in these schools; 3) learning strategies, pedagogical support that accelerates the development of students, their socialization, academic achievement and future career. We have considered the following working definition of the concept: alternative education is a course in educational theory and practice, focused on providing a specially organized, different from the conventional and traditional, educational conditions of true inner freedom and fulfillment of a personality, satisfaction of needs and interests, disclosure and development of natural makings during the exploration of the world.
Ключові слова
педагогічна парадигма, альтернативна освіта, альтернативна школа, традиційна школа, вільний розвиток, educational paradigm, alternative education, alternative schools, traditional schools, free development
Бібліографічний опис
Кравець, І. Л. Сутнісні характеристики альтернативної освіти як педагогічного поняття [Текст] / І. Л. Кравець // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №8 (34). – С. 90–100.