Діяльність генерал-губернаторів півдня Украни зі створення освітньо-культурного простору (кінець ХVІІІ століття)
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Для всебічного з'ясування досвіду історичного минулого України значний інтерес має діяльність очільників Південноукраїнських земель періоду кінця XVIII - першої половини XIX століття через те, що саме в цей час відбувався бурхливий соціальний та економічний розвиток на цих територіях. У статті висвітлено життєвий і службовий шлях генерал-губернаторів Півдня України як представників місцевої адміністрації кінця XVIII століття. Особливу увагу приділено їх внеску у створення освітньо-культурного простору на південноукраїнських землях.
To have a comprehensive picture of the historical experience of Ukraine the activity of the heads of the lands of Southern Ukraine in the period of end of 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries is of great interest. This is due to that fact that during this period there took place an explosive social and economic development in these territories. During this period South of Ukraine was both strategic advanced post of the empire, and the territory of a unique social and economic experiment for formation of an autonomous territorial unit (with free commerce, freely employed work force, investments, new cities building, etc). Thus, there emerges acute need of home science and local regional researchers to investigate the activity of Novorossiia Governor Generals in creating and forming the environment of the province during this period. Their activity is regarded here as an aggregate of actions to ensure proper functioning of institutions engaged in education and training of working age population as well as to attract professionals of different fields from all over the world to perform that education and training properly and efficiently. The aim of the article is to analyse the legacy of Governor Generals of South Ukrainian lands in the end of the 18th century to figure out their contribution into creation and development of educational and cultural environment. As the result of the research, we can state that institute of Governorate, implemented in the South of Ukraine at the end of the 18th century had its peculiarities. They were manifested, first of all, in the direction of their activity onto colonization and peopling of the territories, development and setting up of new port cities, creation of sea fleet, foundation of transport and trade, implementation of economic reforms to comfort province and central administration. Alongside with that, being quite separated from the central administration and having unrestricted authority and power, Governor Generals accomplished and implemented their own vision of social and economic development of the region. This very fact allowed them to build, in a very short period, educational and cultural landscape of the maritime province that is still influencing its development. In perspective, the influence of political and social factors onto development of educational establishments in the South of Ukraine at the end of the 18th century needs further research.
To have a comprehensive picture of the historical experience of Ukraine the activity of the heads of the lands of Southern Ukraine in the period of end of 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries is of great interest. This is due to that fact that during this period there took place an explosive social and economic development in these territories. During this period South of Ukraine was both strategic advanced post of the empire, and the territory of a unique social and economic experiment for formation of an autonomous territorial unit (with free commerce, freely employed work force, investments, new cities building, etc). Thus, there emerges acute need of home science and local regional researchers to investigate the activity of Novorossiia Governor Generals in creating and forming the environment of the province during this period. Their activity is regarded here as an aggregate of actions to ensure proper functioning of institutions engaged in education and training of working age population as well as to attract professionals of different fields from all over the world to perform that education and training properly and efficiently. The aim of the article is to analyse the legacy of Governor Generals of South Ukrainian lands in the end of the 18th century to figure out their contribution into creation and development of educational and cultural environment. As the result of the research, we can state that institute of Governorate, implemented in the South of Ukraine at the end of the 18th century had its peculiarities. They were manifested, first of all, in the direction of their activity onto colonization and peopling of the territories, development and setting up of new port cities, creation of sea fleet, foundation of transport and trade, implementation of economic reforms to comfort province and central administration. Alongside with that, being quite separated from the central administration and having unrestricted authority and power, Governor Generals accomplished and implemented their own vision of social and economic development of the region. This very fact allowed them to build, in a very short period, educational and cultural landscape of the maritime province that is still influencing its development. In perspective, the influence of political and social factors onto development of educational establishments in the South of Ukraine at the end of the 18th century needs further research.
Ключові слова
генерал-губернатор, Новоросійська губернія, освітньо-культурний простір, адміністративна діяльність, Governor General, Novorossiia province, educational and cultural environment, administrative activity
Бібліографічний опис
Рябуха, І. Діяльність генерал-губернаторів півдня Украни зі створення освітньо-культурного простору (кінець ХVІІІ століття) [Текст] / І. Рябуха // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 8 (82). – С. 107–117.