Педагогічні умови формування прогностичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти
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Визначено та охарактеризовано педагогічні умови формування прогностичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти в системі експериментального навчання. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що провідна роль у формуванні прогностичної компетенції в умовах експериментального навчання належить інформаційним технологіям. Розглянуто мету, завдання, підходи до побудови змісту спецкурсу «Прогностична діяльність в системі менеджменту початкової освіти».
Pedagogical conditions of formation of predictive competence of future masters of primary education in the system of experimental training are defined and characterized, namely: - formation of motivational-value treatment to future predictive activity; - determination of understanding of existing dependence between the level of predictive competence and level of the general professional competence of future masters of primary education through introduction of a special course «Predictive activity in the system of management of primary education»; - creation of innovative information and communication educational environment on the basis of the competent focused and contextual approaches of training; - integration of a special course «Predictive activity in the system of management of primary education» and production, pre-graduation practices. Under the pedagogical conditions of formation of predictive competence of future masters of primary education the author means a result of purposeful selection, designing and application of the content elements, technologies (methods), and also organizational forms of education for achievement of the objectives of research. The attention is focused on the fact, that the leading role in formation of predictive competence in conditions of experimental training belongs to information technologies. It was considered the purpose, tasks, approaches to creation the content of a special course «Predictive activity in the system of management of primary education». It is noted that in the basis of the content part of the special course is the modular principle. According to this principle training course includes two substantial modules, namely: I module «The conceptual bases of pedagogical forecasting», II module «The technology of forecasting pedagogical objects, processes and phenomena». At realization of the purpose and tasks of a special course «The predictive activity in the system of management of primary education» is used the most perspective, significant and available to vocational training, information technologies, among which: multimedia technology; the technology of hypertext submission the information; the technology of thematic educational WebQuest; the educational blogs, namely: the short-term thematic blog of a special course, individual blogs of students portfolio, in which they carried out different types of tasks, the individual teacher blog; computer testing. Further research of the broken problem is directed at the development of structural and substantial model of the formation of predictive competence of future masters of primary education.
Pedagogical conditions of formation of predictive competence of future masters of primary education in the system of experimental training are defined and characterized, namely: - formation of motivational-value treatment to future predictive activity; - determination of understanding of existing dependence between the level of predictive competence and level of the general professional competence of future masters of primary education through introduction of a special course «Predictive activity in the system of management of primary education»; - creation of innovative information and communication educational environment on the basis of the competent focused and contextual approaches of training; - integration of a special course «Predictive activity in the system of management of primary education» and production, pre-graduation practices. Under the pedagogical conditions of formation of predictive competence of future masters of primary education the author means a result of purposeful selection, designing and application of the content elements, technologies (methods), and also organizational forms of education for achievement of the objectives of research. The attention is focused on the fact, that the leading role in formation of predictive competence in conditions of experimental training belongs to information technologies. It was considered the purpose, tasks, approaches to creation the content of a special course «Predictive activity in the system of management of primary education». It is noted that in the basis of the content part of the special course is the modular principle. According to this principle training course includes two substantial modules, namely: I module «The conceptual bases of pedagogical forecasting», II module «The technology of forecasting pedagogical objects, processes and phenomena». At realization of the purpose and tasks of a special course «The predictive activity in the system of management of primary education» is used the most perspective, significant and available to vocational training, information technologies, among which: multimedia technology; the technology of hypertext submission the information; the technology of thematic educational WebQuest; the educational blogs, namely: the short-term thematic blog of a special course, individual blogs of students portfolio, in which they carried out different types of tasks, the individual teacher blog; computer testing. Further research of the broken problem is directed at the development of structural and substantial model of the formation of predictive competence of future masters of primary education.
Ключові слова
магістр початкової освіти, прогностична компетентність, формування, педагогічні умови, спецкурс, інформаційні технології, master of primary education, predictive competence, pedagogical conditions, special course, information technologies
Бібліографічний опис
Постоян, Т. Г. Педагогічні умови формування прогностичної компетентності майбутніх магістрів початкової освіти [Текст] / Т. Г. Постоян, А. Ю. Кінєшева // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2015. – № 7 (51). – С. 124–130.