Здоров’язбереження як аспект удосконалення уроку в початковій школі
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті проаналізовано здоров’язбереження як аспект удосконалення уроку в початковій школі. Здоров’язбереження охарактеризоване з точки зору освітньої та соціальної категорій. З’ясовано, що проблематика збереження здоров’я дитини не нова і досить ґрунтовно висвітлювалася видатними педагогами минулого. Накопичено чималий зарубіжний досвід із залученням учнів до здорового способу життя. Розкрито певні педагогічні технології, які можна реалізувати в контексті здоров’язбереження. Проаналізовано роль шкільного середовища загалом і вчителя зокрема у справі формування здорового способу життя молодших школярів в Україні.
The article analyzes health care as an aspect of improving a lesson in primary school. Health care is characterized from the point of view of educational and social categories. It was found out that the problem of preserving the health of a child is not a new one and was highlighted by outstanding teachers of the past. There has been gained a great foreign experience of attracting students to a healthy lifestyle. Certain pedagogical techniques that can be implemented in the context of health care were disclosed. The role of school environment in general and teachers in particular in the formation of healthy lifestyle of younger pupils in Ukraine is analyzed. Students’ health from year to year is getting worse. The issue of maintaining the health of the younger generation in society nowadays is of great importance and requires specific solutions in daily school practice. The pupils’ illnesses rate, decreased working capacity, fatigue and, as a consequence, the decreasing in the quality of knowledge are the objects of main concern. Therefore the problem of health care in the educational process has become for us of highest priority and relevance. Progressive ideas of health care for a long time attracted the attention of famous teachers, such as V. Sukhomlinsky, K. Ushinsky, A. Makarenko, G. Skovoroda etc. Many democratic educators, such as G. Skovoroda had a significant influence on the development of educational traditions of a healthy lifestyle. The concept of a healthy lifestyle can be also found in Western literature (D. Bell, P. Berger, N. Geyser, A. Gehlen, I. Richter, and others). In Particular, D. Bell believes that the ideal of a «healthy society» is a «paternalistic type» of social structure. Thus, the afore said allows concluding that contemporary school practice has considerable developments in the implementation of health care perspectives of primary school lessons improvement. It was found out that health care technology helped teachers to resist school forms of pathology with the help of pedagogical means. However, at present stage the conceptual and practical developments in health care in the educational process are not actually been taken into account. Theoretical significance and the lack of practical research of this problem open many prospects for its further studies.
The article analyzes health care as an aspect of improving a lesson in primary school. Health care is characterized from the point of view of educational and social categories. It was found out that the problem of preserving the health of a child is not a new one and was highlighted by outstanding teachers of the past. There has been gained a great foreign experience of attracting students to a healthy lifestyle. Certain pedagogical techniques that can be implemented in the context of health care were disclosed. The role of school environment in general and teachers in particular in the formation of healthy lifestyle of younger pupils in Ukraine is analyzed. Students’ health from year to year is getting worse. The issue of maintaining the health of the younger generation in society nowadays is of great importance and requires specific solutions in daily school practice. The pupils’ illnesses rate, decreased working capacity, fatigue and, as a consequence, the decreasing in the quality of knowledge are the objects of main concern. Therefore the problem of health care in the educational process has become for us of highest priority and relevance. Progressive ideas of health care for a long time attracted the attention of famous teachers, such as V. Sukhomlinsky, K. Ushinsky, A. Makarenko, G. Skovoroda etc. Many democratic educators, such as G. Skovoroda had a significant influence on the development of educational traditions of a healthy lifestyle. The concept of a healthy lifestyle can be also found in Western literature (D. Bell, P. Berger, N. Geyser, A. Gehlen, I. Richter, and others). In Particular, D. Bell believes that the ideal of a «healthy society» is a «paternalistic type» of social structure. Thus, the afore said allows concluding that contemporary school practice has considerable developments in the implementation of health care perspectives of primary school lessons improvement. It was found out that health care technology helped teachers to resist school forms of pathology with the help of pedagogical means. However, at present stage the conceptual and practical developments in health care in the educational process are not actually been taken into account. Theoretical significance and the lack of practical research of this problem open many prospects for its further studies.
Ключові слова
здоров’я, спосіб, життя, валеологія, здоров’язбереження, виховання, аспект, технології, health, lifestyle, valeology, health care, education, aspect of technology
Бібліографічний опис
Радченя, І. В. Здоров’язбереження як аспект удосконалення уроку в початковій школі [Текст] / І. В. Радченя // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 9 (43). – С. 117–123.