Музика болю й радості в «Акордеоні» Миколи Жулинського
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У статті на матеріалі роману М. Жулинського «Акордеон» з’ясовується ключова роль музики в освоєнні жанрової специфіки твору, презентації героя, концептуалізації проблемно-тематичного діапазону, формуванні підтексту, вираженні настроєвої домінанти роману. Запропоновано ввести термін «інструменталізація художнього твору» – домінування в текстовій структурі літературного твору музичного інструменту й продукованої ним музики, їх активне освоєння на різних рівнях тексту. Актуальні в усі періоди життя протагоніста музика й акордеон художньо заявлені в тексті як ідентифікатори героя.
The article, based on a novel «Accordion» by M. Zhulynskyi, reveals the key role of music in mastering the genre specificity of a work, character presentation, conceptualizing the problematic and thematic range, creating the subtext, and expressing the mood of the novel dominant. The musical palette of the work consists of songs, performed by the protagonist, musical groups or famous Ukrainian singers (on records), as well as the play of orchestra and accordion. Considering that an axial image of the work is an accordion, the article introduces the term «instrumentalization of a work of art» to the novel analysis, which means the dominance of a musical instrument and its music in the literary work, their active development in different levels of the text. Music and accordion are actual in all periods of the protagonist's life (at home, in concentration camp, in exile) and are artistically declared in the text as identifiers of the hero (his lifestyle, aesthetic tastes, abilities, experiences, life priorities). The subconscious is important segments of understanding the inner world of Hryhoriy Volyanskyi, his psycho-emotional state, complex existential issues, marked by the music of the accordion. In the analysis, it was found that the hero with the help of the accordion and music experimentally, appealing to his internal structures, creates a culture of trauma overcoming, an optimistic perception of life. Music and the accordion are actively involved in the forming of the paratextual plane of the work, marking the hero, experimenting with the chronotope and narration, expressing of the significance of key images and details.
The article, based on a novel «Accordion» by M. Zhulynskyi, reveals the key role of music in mastering the genre specificity of a work, character presentation, conceptualizing the problematic and thematic range, creating the subtext, and expressing the mood of the novel dominant. The musical palette of the work consists of songs, performed by the protagonist, musical groups or famous Ukrainian singers (on records), as well as the play of orchestra and accordion. Considering that an axial image of the work is an accordion, the article introduces the term «instrumentalization of a work of art» to the novel analysis, which means the dominance of a musical instrument and its music in the literary work, their active development in different levels of the text. Music and accordion are actual in all periods of the protagonist's life (at home, in concentration camp, in exile) and are artistically declared in the text as identifiers of the hero (his lifestyle, aesthetic tastes, abilities, experiences, life priorities). The subconscious is important segments of understanding the inner world of Hryhoriy Volyanskyi, his psycho-emotional state, complex existential issues, marked by the music of the accordion. In the analysis, it was found that the hero with the help of the accordion and music experimentally, appealing to his internal structures, creates a culture of trauma overcoming, an optimistic perception of life. Music and the accordion are actively involved in the forming of the paratextual plane of the work, marking the hero, experimenting with the chronotope and narration, expressing of the significance of key images and details.
Ключові слова
роман, жанрово-стильова своєрідність, пам'ять, травма, музика, інструменталізація твору, novel, genre-style originality, memory, trauma, music, instrumentalization of work
Бібліографічний опис
Горболіс, Л. М. Музика болю й радості в «Акордеоні» Миколи Жулинського [Текст] / Л. М. Горболіс // Слово і час. – 2020. – № 4 (712). – С. 104–110.