Корекційна спрямованість видів музичної діяльності в музичному вихованні дошкільників зі зниженим зором
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У статті автором показано корекційну спрямованість музичного виховання дошкільників зі зниженим зором через використання таких його видів музичної діяльності як сприймання музики, дитяче виконавство, музично-творча та музично-освітня діяльності. Корекційно-компенсаторний потенціал різних видів музичної діяльності передбачає вплив їх на розвиток музичних здібностей, корекцію психофізичного розвитку та активізацію збережених аналізаторних систем. Включення дитини з порушеннями зору у систематичний та цілеспрямований процес музичного виховання сприятиме подальшої її соціальної адаптації, інтеграції та самореалізації в умовах сьогодення.
The given article focuses on author’s opinion about the direction of music education among the preschoolers with the decreased vision through the usage of kinds of music activity (the direction of music, child’s performance, music creative and music educational activities). Correctional compensatory potential of different kinds of music activity describes the impact on the development of music skills, correction of psycho-physical development and the activation of saved analytical systems. The process of music perceiving facilitates hearing development, hearing attention and hearing memory, and also is the link in the connection of hearing and moving as well as space orientation. During singing there are actively developing the main music skills of a child with the decreased vision: emotional response, music hearing, the sense of rhythm, which is considered to be the foundation of the development of compensatory mechanisms on the polysensoric basis. Formation of music rhythmical movements among the preschoolers with the decreased vision is an essential means of orientation in space in the surrounding world and information. With the help of playing the music instruments there are formed all of the components of music hearing, alongside with the powerful influence on the development of fine motor skills of fingers and wrists. Music creative activity effects the development of creative skills of children with the decreased vision and is the guarantee of fully-developed personality formation, who is able to realize himself under the conditions of today. Correctional influence of music educational activity foresees the development of mental processes, formation of active cognitive activity in the direction of mastering of general and special music knowledge. Thus, participation of a child with the decreased vision in the systematic and purposeful process of music education will promote its further adaptation, integration and self-realization under the conditions of the modern world.
The given article focuses on author’s opinion about the direction of music education among the preschoolers with the decreased vision through the usage of kinds of music activity (the direction of music, child’s performance, music creative and music educational activities). Correctional compensatory potential of different kinds of music activity describes the impact on the development of music skills, correction of psycho-physical development and the activation of saved analytical systems. The process of music perceiving facilitates hearing development, hearing attention and hearing memory, and also is the link in the connection of hearing and moving as well as space orientation. During singing there are actively developing the main music skills of a child with the decreased vision: emotional response, music hearing, the sense of rhythm, which is considered to be the foundation of the development of compensatory mechanisms on the polysensoric basis. Formation of music rhythmical movements among the preschoolers with the decreased vision is an essential means of orientation in space in the surrounding world and information. With the help of playing the music instruments there are formed all of the components of music hearing, alongside with the powerful influence on the development of fine motor skills of fingers and wrists. Music creative activity effects the development of creative skills of children with the decreased vision and is the guarantee of fully-developed personality formation, who is able to realize himself under the conditions of today. Correctional influence of music educational activity foresees the development of mental processes, formation of active cognitive activity in the direction of mastering of general and special music knowledge. Thus, participation of a child with the decreased vision in the systematic and purposeful process of music education will promote its further adaptation, integration and self-realization under the conditions of the modern world.
Ключові слова
музичне виховання, види музичної діяльності, корекційна спрямованість, дошкільники зі зниженим зором, music education, kinds of music activity, correctional direction, preschoolers with the decreased vision
Бібліографічний опис
Картава, Ю. А. Корекційна спрямованість видів музичної діяльності в музичному вихованні дошкільників зі зниженим зором [Текст] / Ю. А. Картава // Особлива дитина: навчання і виховання : наук., навч., інформ. журн. Ін-т спец. педагогіки НАПН України. – Київ : ДІВП "Вид-во "Педагогічна преса", 2015. – № 4 (76). – С. 17–23.