Языковая ситуация в Гомельской области
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Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка, Сумський відділ Українського географічного товариства
В статье проанализированы показатели распространения русского и белорусского языков среди населения в целом, городского и сельского населения, населения по отдельным национальностям Гомельской области. Выявляются особенности территориального распределения языковых характеристик населения и их динамики в разрезе административных районов. Установлено, что большинство городского населения в целом по области, а также в 9 районах из 21 считают родным языком русский, большинство сельского населения в целом, а также в 18 районах считают родным белорусский язык. Как язык домашнего общения городского населения русский преобладает во всех районах, сельского – преобладает в целом по области и в 15 районах. В подавляющем большинстве районов доли русского языка увеличились. Установлена связь увеличения доли русского языка с высокой численностью городского и сельского населения района, увеличением численности населения, долей городского населения, средней заработной платой.
The paper analyzes the indicators of spread of Russian and Belarusian among population as a whole, urban and rural population, population by separate nationalities of Gomel oblast. The features of territorial distribution of population linguistic characteristics and their dynamics in the context of administrative districts are revealed. It was found that the majority of urban population in the region as a whole (54.0%), as well as in 9 districts out of 21, consider Russian as their native language, the majority of rural population in the region as a whole (60.0%), as well as in 18 districts consider Belarusian as their native language. As the language of domestic communication of urban population, Russian prevails in all districts (in the region as a whole, 88.1%), of rural – prevails in the whole in the region (67.5%) and in 15 districts. Compared to the 2009 census, only two districts showed a decrease in the share of urban population who called Russian their native language – Gomel and Vetka, in the rest this share increased by a value from 3.8% to 40.8%, only in one district the share of rural population who called Russian as their native language decreased (Narovlya, by 1.7%), in other districts this indicator increases by a value from 5.2 to 44.7%. A statistically significant association between the increase in the share of the Russian language and large urban and rural population size of the districts, degree of increasing of total population, the share of urban population, and average wage in districts has been established.
The paper analyzes the indicators of spread of Russian and Belarusian among population as a whole, urban and rural population, population by separate nationalities of Gomel oblast. The features of territorial distribution of population linguistic characteristics and their dynamics in the context of administrative districts are revealed. It was found that the majority of urban population in the region as a whole (54.0%), as well as in 9 districts out of 21, consider Russian as their native language, the majority of rural population in the region as a whole (60.0%), as well as in 18 districts consider Belarusian as their native language. As the language of domestic communication of urban population, Russian prevails in all districts (in the region as a whole, 88.1%), of rural – prevails in the whole in the region (67.5%) and in 15 districts. Compared to the 2009 census, only two districts showed a decrease in the share of urban population who called Russian their native language – Gomel and Vetka, in the rest this share increased by a value from 3.8% to 40.8%, only in one district the share of rural population who called Russian as their native language decreased (Narovlya, by 1.7%), in other districts this indicator increases by a value from 5.2 to 44.7%. A statistically significant association between the increase in the share of the Russian language and large urban and rural population size of the districts, degree of increasing of total population, the share of urban population, and average wage in districts has been established.
Ключові слова
мовна ситуація, linguistic situation, білоруська мова, Russian, російська мова, Belarusian, рідна мова, native language, мова домашнього спілкування, home language, Гомельська область, Gomel oblast, перепис населення 2019 року, 2019 population census
Бібліографічний опис
Соколов, А. С. Языковая ситуация в Гомельской области [Текст] // Наукові записки Сумського державного педагогічного університету імені А. С. Макаренка. Географічні науки : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка, Українське географічне товариство, Сумський відділ ; [редкол.: Б. М. Нешатаєв, М. О. Барановський, Т. В. Імангулова та ін.]. – Суми, 2021. – Т. 2, вип. 2. – С. 109–116. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4782627.