Інформальна складова в структурі організаційно-методичної системи підготовки майбутніх учителів хореографії
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У статті порушено проблему побудови організаційно-методичної системи підготовки майбутніх учителів хореографії як відкритої, нелінійної, яка враховує стохастичні явища розвитку мистецтва та соціокультурного простору. Актуалізовано питання набуття вітального досвіду, який екстраполюється у фахову діяльність майбутнього вчителя хореографії. Нагадано про визнання трьох шляхів набуття освіти: формальної, неформальної та інформальної, остання переважно розглядається в межах післядипломної або безперервної освіти. Між тим, вітальний досвід та його екстропаляція у фахову діяльність (навчальну, виробничу) є результатом набуття інформальної освіти. Остання активно здійснюється майбутніми вчителями хореографії впродовж навчання та фахового становлення. Цілеспрямоване впровадження інформальної складової в організаційно-методичну систему здійснюється за допомогою принципів теорії системи: організаційної безперервності, сумісності та зворотного зв’язку.
The article reveals the logic of building the organizational-methodological system of future choreography teachers’ training with a focus on improving the quality of education, professional training through the phenomenology of artistic and mental experience. This idea led to the consideration of a wide range of factors of influence on art education and the inclusion of various constructs in the system that make it more open. The following factors are taken into account: vitality, gradualism and continuity, pre-university training; communicative peculiarities of professional learning environments ethno-mental traditions, regional socio-cultural space. It is shown that modern education is regarded as a three-track dimension, which includes such forms as: formal, non-formal, informal. Informal education corresponds to the accumulation of the vital (life) experience, which manifests itself in two types: information about the experience of living in an artistic environment and information about the life (in this case professional) artistic experience. The accumulation of such experience is caused by stochastic phenomena in the development of art and socio-cultural space. It is emphasized in the article that the modern teacher of art, including choreography, should be more mobile, independent, competent in various types and genres of choreography, must have an organizational culture, be able to work in team. Such training should be carried out taking into account modern trends of development of art education, all factors affecting the artistic and aesthetic preferences and acquire the appropriate experience of today’s youth. The explicit use of such experience in the training is possible through the inclusion in the system of informal constituent. The latter is usually considered in accordance with the post-graduate or continuous education. Meanwhile, pre-university training of future choreographers is mainly carried out in the conditions of non-formal and informal education, which affects their experience and quality professionalism. Educational strategy for the actualization of the self takes into account such forms of experience. For this the principles of organization and functioning of open systems become relevant, among which the most important principles are identified: organizational continuity, compatibility, reverse connection.
The article reveals the logic of building the organizational-methodological system of future choreography teachers’ training with a focus on improving the quality of education, professional training through the phenomenology of artistic and mental experience. This idea led to the consideration of a wide range of factors of influence on art education and the inclusion of various constructs in the system that make it more open. The following factors are taken into account: vitality, gradualism and continuity, pre-university training; communicative peculiarities of professional learning environments ethno-mental traditions, regional socio-cultural space. It is shown that modern education is regarded as a three-track dimension, which includes such forms as: formal, non-formal, informal. Informal education corresponds to the accumulation of the vital (life) experience, which manifests itself in two types: information about the experience of living in an artistic environment and information about the life (in this case professional) artistic experience. The accumulation of such experience is caused by stochastic phenomena in the development of art and socio-cultural space. It is emphasized in the article that the modern teacher of art, including choreography, should be more mobile, independent, competent in various types and genres of choreography, must have an organizational culture, be able to work in team. Such training should be carried out taking into account modern trends of development of art education, all factors affecting the artistic and aesthetic preferences and acquire the appropriate experience of today’s youth. The explicit use of such experience in the training is possible through the inclusion in the system of informal constituent. The latter is usually considered in accordance with the post-graduate or continuous education. Meanwhile, pre-university training of future choreographers is mainly carried out in the conditions of non-formal and informal education, which affects their experience and quality professionalism. Educational strategy for the actualization of the self takes into account such forms of experience. For this the principles of organization and functioning of open systems become relevant, among which the most important principles are identified: organizational continuity, compatibility, reverse connection.
Ключові слова
організаційно-методична система, organizational and methodolgical system, інформальна освіта, informal education, вітальний досвід, vital experience, стохастичні явища, stochastic phenomena, майбутні вчителі хореографії, future teachers of choreography
Бібліографічний опис
Реброва, О. Є. Інформальна складова в структурі організаційно-методичної системи підготовки майбутніх учителів хореографії [Текст] / О. Є. Реброва // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 1 (55). – С. 132–142.