Внесок М. Маккавейського у розвиток порівняльної педагогіки
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У статті досліджено й розкрито внесок М. Маккавейського в розвиток порівняльної педагогіки. Виявлено, що вчений глибоко досліджував освітні й виховні системи вітчизняних та зарубіжних країн і окремих педагогів, виявляв риси подібності й відмінності цих систем, перспективи розвитку вітчизняної освіти на основі аналізу досягнень і недоліків у зарубіжному педагогічному досвіді тощо. М. Маккавейський сприяв нагромадженню знань із зарубіжної і вітчизняної педагогіки, історії педагогіки, теорії навчання й виховання задля зіставлення педагогічних ідей і шкільної практики та формулювання на цій основі теоретичних підходів прогностичного характеру, їх широкого використання на теренах власної держави в майбутньому.
In the article we have investigated and revealed the aspect of comparative education in the heritage of N. Makkaveiskyi. It is revealed that a scientist deeply researched educational and training system of domestic and foreign countries and individual teachers, identify similarities and differences of these systems, prospects of development of education on the basis of analysis of achievements and weaknesses in foreign pedagogical experience and the like. N. Makkaveiskyi contributed to the accumulation of knowledge of foreign and native pedagogy, history of pedagogy, theories of learning and education for the mapping of pedagogical ideas and school practices and formulation on this basis of theoretical approaches of predictive nature, their widespread use on the territory of their own state in the future. The academic research on foreign educational systems made a significant contribution to the development of comparative education in late ХІХ – early ХХ century. A scientist investigated original sources in detail, repeatedly was abroad, visited collection on experimental pedagogics for research of the foreign educational systems. N. Makkaveiskyi is known for sound researches of home and foreign history of pedagogics: histories of education and education of old jewries, pedagogical inheritance of church figures, labours of western teachers – Jan Komenskyi, John Lock, Wolfgang Ratke, Herbert Spenser, also the Russian teachers of Ivan Betskyi, Leo Tolstoy, Kostyantyn Ushinskyi and other. The analysis of research work of N. Makkaveiskyi certifies a deep study to them of the pedagogical systems of different countries of Europe and Asia, England, Greece, Egypt, Israel, India, Italy, China, Germany, Persia, Russia, Czech Republic. Comparative education serves to the native educational figures, scientists, teachers for the deep comprehension of pedagogical problems, planning of further activity and prognostication of its results. It opens possibilities of study of maintenance and methods of studies, international experience of development of education in a definite time period, assists to further development of modern education.
In the article we have investigated and revealed the aspect of comparative education in the heritage of N. Makkaveiskyi. It is revealed that a scientist deeply researched educational and training system of domestic and foreign countries and individual teachers, identify similarities and differences of these systems, prospects of development of education on the basis of analysis of achievements and weaknesses in foreign pedagogical experience and the like. N. Makkaveiskyi contributed to the accumulation of knowledge of foreign and native pedagogy, history of pedagogy, theories of learning and education for the mapping of pedagogical ideas and school practices and formulation on this basis of theoretical approaches of predictive nature, their widespread use on the territory of their own state in the future. The academic research on foreign educational systems made a significant contribution to the development of comparative education in late ХІХ – early ХХ century. A scientist investigated original sources in detail, repeatedly was abroad, visited collection on experimental pedagogics for research of the foreign educational systems. N. Makkaveiskyi is known for sound researches of home and foreign history of pedagogics: histories of education and education of old jewries, pedagogical inheritance of church figures, labours of western teachers – Jan Komenskyi, John Lock, Wolfgang Ratke, Herbert Spenser, also the Russian teachers of Ivan Betskyi, Leo Tolstoy, Kostyantyn Ushinskyi and other. The analysis of research work of N. Makkaveiskyi certifies a deep study to them of the pedagogical systems of different countries of Europe and Asia, England, Greece, Egypt, Israel, India, Italy, China, Germany, Persia, Russia, Czech Republic. Comparative education serves to the native educational figures, scientists, teachers for the deep comprehension of pedagogical problems, planning of further activity and prognostication of its results. It opens possibilities of study of maintenance and methods of studies, international experience of development of education in a definite time period, assists to further development of modern education.
Ключові слова
порівняльна педагогіка, педагогічний досвід, історія педагогіки, освіта, виховання, навчання, компаративізм, модернізація освіти, comparative education, pedagogical experience, history of pedagogicy, education, studies, modernization of education, comparativism
Бібліографічний опис
Хмельницька, О. Внесок М. Маккавейського у розвиток порівняльної педагогіки [Текст] / О. Хмельницька // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 5 (59). – С. 33–40.