Інноваційні підходи до підготовки майбутнього вчителя математики. Навчання елементарної математики
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті проаналізовано деякі можливості використання інноваційних підходів до навчання елементарної математики з метою формування й розвитку творчого мислення майбутніх учителів математики. У процесі навчання студентів педагогічних університетів має здійснюватися його систематична спрямованість на формування та розвиток творчого мислення майбутнього вчителя математики, тобто необхідно підготувати конкурентоспроможного професіонала, який, у свою чергу, буде здатним формувати конкурентоспроможність своїх майбутніх учнів; сформувати ініціативну творчу особу, що буде здатна формувати та розвивати творчу особистість школярів. У статті акцент зроблено на вдосконалення діяльності викладача елементарної математики через використання на практиці психолого-педагогічних знань, спрямованого на цілеспрямоване керівництво пізнавальною діяльністю студентів.
This paper examines the possibility of using some innovative approaches to teaching elementary mathematics in order to develop the creative thinking of the future teachers of mathematics. It has been observed that the rate of elementary mathematics is the basis for the study of professional courses of future teachers of mathematics. The training of the students of pedagogical universities should be systematically focus on the formation and development of creative thinking of the future teacher of mathematics, that is necessary to prepare competitive professional who, in turn, will be able to shape their future competitiveness of the students; initiative to form a creative person who is able to shape and develop the creative personality of the student. The analysis of psycho-pedagogical and educational literature has offered the ways to implement psychological and pedagogical patterns in the training of future elementary mathematics teachers of mathematics that contribute to the intensification of education and create conditions for the development of creative minds. The observations, the students’ questionnaires, systematization and generalization, own teaching experience have helped to isolate the problems and pose the problem to be solved through the use of innovative approaches in education to the specifics of working with different groups of the students (both in content and in the forms, methods, media studies). It is noted that at the early stages only items, preparing the students for independent creative activity is appropriate. The paper emphasis on improving a teacher of elementary mathematics through the use of practical psychological and pedagogical knowledge aimed at targeted management cognitive activity of the students. Our research is aimed at creating a methodical system of teaching elementary mathematics students of pedagogical universities that contribute to the development of their creative thinking and forming readiness for creative thinking of their future students.
This paper examines the possibility of using some innovative approaches to teaching elementary mathematics in order to develop the creative thinking of the future teachers of mathematics. It has been observed that the rate of elementary mathematics is the basis for the study of professional courses of future teachers of mathematics. The training of the students of pedagogical universities should be systematically focus on the formation and development of creative thinking of the future teacher of mathematics, that is necessary to prepare competitive professional who, in turn, will be able to shape their future competitiveness of the students; initiative to form a creative person who is able to shape and develop the creative personality of the student. The analysis of psycho-pedagogical and educational literature has offered the ways to implement psychological and pedagogical patterns in the training of future elementary mathematics teachers of mathematics that contribute to the intensification of education and create conditions for the development of creative minds. The observations, the students’ questionnaires, systematization and generalization, own teaching experience have helped to isolate the problems and pose the problem to be solved through the use of innovative approaches in education to the specifics of working with different groups of the students (both in content and in the forms, methods, media studies). It is noted that at the early stages only items, preparing the students for independent creative activity is appropriate. The paper emphasis on improving a teacher of elementary mathematics through the use of practical psychological and pedagogical knowledge aimed at targeted management cognitive activity of the students. Our research is aimed at creating a methodical system of teaching elementary mathematics students of pedagogical universities that contribute to the development of their creative thinking and forming readiness for creative thinking of their future students.
Ключові слова
інноваційні підходи в навчанні, майбутній учитель математики, творче мислення, елементарна математика, керівництво пізнавальною діяльністю, innovative approaches to learning, future maths teacher, creative thinking, elementary mathematics, management cognitive activity
Бібліографічний опис
Чашечникова, О. С. Інноваційні підходи до підготовки майбутнього вчителя математики. Навчання елементарної математики [Текст] / О. С. Чашечникова, Є. А. Колесник // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 8 (42). – С. 262–269.