Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології на сучасному етапі організації освітнього процесу
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У статті проаналізовано роль і місце поняття «інформаційно-комунікаційні технології» серед понять, пов’язаних із технологією навчання. Автор аналізує аспекти виникнення поняття «інформаційно-комунікаційні технології», сучасні підходи щодо його визначення. Визначено можливості використання ІКТ у навчально-виховному процесі. Дається характеристика засобів ІКТ за способом їх застосування в освітньому процесі. Автором розглядаються можливі напрями впровадження засобів інформатизації в освітній процес.
The paper focuses attention on the analysis of the role and place of the concept of «information and communication technologies», concepts related to technology training. In the article the aspects of concept «information and communication technologies», modern approaches of its definition are analyzed. The author has identified potential and possibility to use ICT at the modern stage of educational process. The paper analyzes the arsenal of modern information and communication technologies, their importance in the development of the potential of students. This article focuses on the characteristic of ICT by the method of its application in the educational process. The conditions of effective functioning of information and communication technologies in the educational process are considered. The author discusses the possible directions of implementation of informatization in the educational process. Information culture is the one of the criteria of modern specialist competence, because it is necessary for successful socialization and professional adaptation. In the work on informatization of education attention should be paid to the negative impact of ICT. The experts in the sphere of information-communication technologies emphasize their appropriateness for use in relation to all academic disciplines. The concept of information-educational activity is introduced. It is based on information interaction between the student and the teacher when they use ICT and aims to achieve educational goals. The results of investigation indicate that in teaching science there are many various opinions on the definition of the role and place of information-communication technologies at the present stage of educational process. Today, higher education institutions have gained scientific-methodological potential for the introduction of information-communication technologies in the educational process; their application usually requires a major processing traditional teaching materials, improving the modern contents, methods and organizational forms of training.The application of ICT in the training of future specialists provides a qualitatively new level of reception and generalization of knowledge and skills, promotes the formation of professional competence, dynamized formation of creativity. The use of ICT is justified and leads to an increase in the effectiveness of the training, if training is difficult or impossible without the use of means of information, that is a principle of expediency.
The paper focuses attention on the analysis of the role and place of the concept of «information and communication technologies», concepts related to technology training. In the article the aspects of concept «information and communication technologies», modern approaches of its definition are analyzed. The author has identified potential and possibility to use ICT at the modern stage of educational process. The paper analyzes the arsenal of modern information and communication technologies, their importance in the development of the potential of students. This article focuses on the characteristic of ICT by the method of its application in the educational process. The conditions of effective functioning of information and communication technologies in the educational process are considered. The author discusses the possible directions of implementation of informatization in the educational process. Information culture is the one of the criteria of modern specialist competence, because it is necessary for successful socialization and professional adaptation. In the work on informatization of education attention should be paid to the negative impact of ICT. The experts in the sphere of information-communication technologies emphasize their appropriateness for use in relation to all academic disciplines. The concept of information-educational activity is introduced. It is based on information interaction between the student and the teacher when they use ICT and aims to achieve educational goals. The results of investigation indicate that in teaching science there are many various opinions on the definition of the role and place of information-communication technologies at the present stage of educational process. Today, higher education institutions have gained scientific-methodological potential for the introduction of information-communication technologies in the educational process; their application usually requires a major processing traditional teaching materials, improving the modern contents, methods and organizational forms of training.The application of ICT in the training of future specialists provides a qualitatively new level of reception and generalization of knowledge and skills, promotes the formation of professional competence, dynamized formation of creativity. The use of ICT is justified and leads to an increase in the effectiveness of the training, if training is difficult or impossible without the use of means of information, that is a principle of expediency.
Ключові слова
інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, інформаційна технологія, інформаційні технології навчання, комп’ютерні технології навчання, information and communication technologies, information technology, information technology training, computer technology training
Бібліографічний опис
Особов, І. П. Інформаційно-комунікаційні технології на сучасному етапі організації освітнього процесу [Текст] / І. П. Особов // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 1 (35). – С. 144–152.