Проектна діяльність як один з головних чинників формування іншомовної інтерактивної компетентності студентів
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті проаналізовано проектну діяльність як основний чинник формування іншомовної інтерактивної компетентності студентів. Визначено основні види компетентностей, які складають цілісну систему освіти. Розглянуто пізнавальну діяльність студентів, яка виступає головною умовою формування в них креативності та творчості. Автор досліджує розвиток пізнавальної активності студентів через упровадження інтерактивних методик, основною з яких є метод проектів. Проаналізовано феномен «уміння вчитися у взаємодії». У статті розглянуто мету, завдання, структуру та етапи проведення проектної діяльності. На приикладі англійської та німецької мов доведено ефективність методу проектів для формування іншомовної інтерактивної компетентності студентів ЗВО.
The article analyzes project activity as the main factor of forming foreign language interactive competence of students.. The basic types of competencies that constitute the integral system of education are determined. The cognitive activity of students is considered as the main condition for the formation of creativity in them. The author investigates development of cognitive activity of students through introduction of interactive techniques, the main of which is the method of projects. The main qualities that students must possess in order to find their place in life are highlighted. It is proved that the main idea of the teacher's interactive approach is to shift emphasis from different types of exercises to the active thinking activity of students and their interaction with the teacher and other students, which needs to be fluent in their design. The phenomenon of "learning through interaction" is analyzed. The article deals with the purpose, tasks, structure and stages of the project activity. On the basis of the English and German languages, the effectiveness of the method of projects for the formation of foreign interactive competence of students of higher education institutions has been proved. The article reveals the main drawbacks and advantages of the project activity. The process of organizing the project method, which consists of five stages, is considered. The basic requirements for using the project method are defined. The project activity is defined as one of the elements of the communicative approach, which consists of three components. It is determined that the main task of the method of projects is a concrete formulation of the problem on which students will work with interaction in the process of studying. The study was conducted with students of the second year of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Ismail State Humanitarian University, their task was to prepare a project "Traditions, customs and holidays in English-speaking countries" and "Traditionen, Bräuche und Feiertage in den deutschsprachigen Ländern". During the academic year as part of familiarization with traditions and customs of the English-speaking and German-speaking countries, the students were offered material about holidays in these countries. The students themselves choose tradition or celebration that they liked the most and prepared a presentation, which included: the origins, key attributes and decorations, traditions associated with its celebration, festive attire, everyday habits. The project activity has opened up new skills and opportunities for students and increased their creative and intellectual potential.
The article analyzes project activity as the main factor of forming foreign language interactive competence of students.. The basic types of competencies that constitute the integral system of education are determined. The cognitive activity of students is considered as the main condition for the formation of creativity in them. The author investigates development of cognitive activity of students through introduction of interactive techniques, the main of which is the method of projects. The main qualities that students must possess in order to find their place in life are highlighted. It is proved that the main idea of the teacher's interactive approach is to shift emphasis from different types of exercises to the active thinking activity of students and their interaction with the teacher and other students, which needs to be fluent in their design. The phenomenon of "learning through interaction" is analyzed. The article deals with the purpose, tasks, structure and stages of the project activity. On the basis of the English and German languages, the effectiveness of the method of projects for the formation of foreign interactive competence of students of higher education institutions has been proved. The article reveals the main drawbacks and advantages of the project activity. The process of organizing the project method, which consists of five stages, is considered. The basic requirements for using the project method are defined. The project activity is defined as one of the elements of the communicative approach, which consists of three components. It is determined that the main task of the method of projects is a concrete formulation of the problem on which students will work with interaction in the process of studying. The study was conducted with students of the second year of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Ismail State Humanitarian University, their task was to prepare a project "Traditions, customs and holidays in English-speaking countries" and "Traditionen, Bräuche und Feiertage in den deutschsprachigen Ländern". During the academic year as part of familiarization with traditions and customs of the English-speaking and German-speaking countries, the students were offered material about holidays in these countries. The students themselves choose tradition or celebration that they liked the most and prepared a presentation, which included: the origins, key attributes and decorations, traditions associated with its celebration, festive attire, everyday habits. The project activity has opened up new skills and opportunities for students and increased their creative and intellectual potential.
Ключові слова
інтерактивна компетентність, пізнавальна діяльність, метод проекту, навчання у взаємодії, презентація, лексико-граматичний матеріал, структурний компонент, інтеракція, ідентифікація, interactive competence, cognitive activity, project method, presentation, learning through interaction, lexico-grammar material, structural component, interaction, identification
Бібліографічний опис
Салі, О. Проектна діяльність як один з головних чинників формування іншомовної інтерактивної компетентності студентів [Текст] / О. Салі // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 9 (83). – С. 293–306.