Соціалізація іноземних студентів у соціокультурному просторі інформаційного суспільства
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У статті розглянуто особливості соціалізації іноземних студентів. Зосереджено увагу на необхідності врахування в цьому процесі специфіки соціокультурного простору інформаційного суспільства. Проаналізовано роль освітньо-культурного середовища вищого навчального закладу як компонента соціокультурного простору. Розкрито значення інформаційної соціалізації та медіасоціалізації у професійному й особистісному становленні іноземних студентів. Акцентовано увагу на використанні медіаосвіти у процесі соціалізації іноземних студентів. Запропоновано спецкурси для іноземних студентів, метою яких є формування інформаційної грамотності та інформаційної культури.
The aim of this paper is to examine the specific character of the international students’ socialization according to the features of information society, focus on the information component of socialization process of this category of student youth in sociocultural environment. Research methodology. The paper provides theoretical foundations of reforming the content of education in Ukraine, conceptual provisions for the development of education in our country and its integration into the world educational environment. Results. The author demonstrates the importance of taking into account the features of sociocultural environment of information society in the process of the international students’ socialization. Special attention is paid to socialization of the international students. The paper presents the following stages of socialization: social adaptation, social integration and social individualization. The features of their information and media socialization as the components of socially controlled socialization as well as the use of the elements of media education in the process of social education are identified. Media education is considered in the present day educational process of the international students as the development of their personality by means of mass media aimed at forming the culture of communication, creative and communicative abilities, critical thinking, skills of perception, interpretation, analysis and evaluation of media texts as well as studying various ways of self expression through up-to-date information technologies. The author presents the special courses aimed at developing information literacy and information culture of the international students in the process of socialization. The practical significance. The information contained in this paper may be used in practice to support the correspondence of international students’ education in our country to its integration into the world scientific, educational and cultural environment. Prospects of further research are considered as the study of the role of social and pedagogical support of the international students socialization in developing interaction between international students and Ukrainian sociocultural environment taking into account its features as the environment of information society.
The aim of this paper is to examine the specific character of the international students’ socialization according to the features of information society, focus on the information component of socialization process of this category of student youth in sociocultural environment. Research methodology. The paper provides theoretical foundations of reforming the content of education in Ukraine, conceptual provisions for the development of education in our country and its integration into the world educational environment. Results. The author demonstrates the importance of taking into account the features of sociocultural environment of information society in the process of the international students’ socialization. Special attention is paid to socialization of the international students. The paper presents the following stages of socialization: social adaptation, social integration and social individualization. The features of their information and media socialization as the components of socially controlled socialization as well as the use of the elements of media education in the process of social education are identified. Media education is considered in the present day educational process of the international students as the development of their personality by means of mass media aimed at forming the culture of communication, creative and communicative abilities, critical thinking, skills of perception, interpretation, analysis and evaluation of media texts as well as studying various ways of self expression through up-to-date information technologies. The author presents the special courses aimed at developing information literacy and information culture of the international students in the process of socialization. The practical significance. The information contained in this paper may be used in practice to support the correspondence of international students’ education in our country to its integration into the world scientific, educational and cultural environment. Prospects of further research are considered as the study of the role of social and pedagogical support of the international students socialization in developing interaction between international students and Ukrainian sociocultural environment taking into account its features as the environment of information society.
Ключові слова
іноземні студенти, соціалізація, інформаційна соціалізація, медіасоціалізація, інформаційна грамотність, інформаційна культура, освітньо-культурне середовище, соціокультурний простір, інформаційне суспільство, international students, socialization, information socialization, media socialization, information literacy, information culture, educational and cultural environment, sociocultural environment, information society
Бібліографічний опис
Білик, О. Соціалізація іноземних студентів у соціокультурному просторі інформаційного суспільства [Текст] / О. Білик // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2016. – № 4 (58). – С. 439–450.