Креативне проектування художньо-персоналізованої творчості скрипаля
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті розглядається процес креативного моделювання виконавської творчості та художньо-виконавської техніки скрипаля. У зв’язку з цим, висвітлюються методи креативно-проективного методичного комплексу, який має на меті формування у студентів нової виконавсько-творчої установки «Я-виконавець – творець», що спонукає їх до пошуку оригінальних підходів у побудові інтерпретації твору. Даний методичний комплекс складається з блоку креативних і проективних методів, що спрямовуються на моделювання проект-концепції виконання музичного твору й надбання вмінь доцільних комбінацій технічної виразності скрипаля.
In the article the process of creative modeling of performing art and artistic performing violinist’s technique is regarded. In connection with these the author defines the methods of creative projected methodical complex, which is developed to form a new performing artistic adjustment «I-performer-creator» within the students, inducing them to seek original approaches in the construction of work’s interpretation. The following methodical complex consists of a block full of creative and projective method, which are aimed at modeling of project conception of artistic work’s performing and gaining skills, appropriate combinations of technical violinist’s explicitness. The block of methods which belongs to creative methodic directs on creating of musician’s performing novelty while performing musical work, development of musicalimaginative thinking peculiarity and search of performing artistic violinist’s personalization ways (through disclosure and deepening creative-potential personal dispositions of a violinist). The creative method consists of personalized-creative methods aimed at revealing and activation of a violinist’s personality artistic potential in order to form a project conception of potential-progressive development of the components which form violinist’s performing culture. Methods which form artistic-creative and technical-artistic music performing violinist’s personalization belong to these methods. The block of methods of projective method is aimed at surpassing planning of professional violinist’s qualities previous modeling of individually conditioned artistic and technical methods of performing activity, forming ability to self-modeling and incarnation of performing projects, the content of which is modeling of qualitatively new professional arranging to self-fulfillment of personalized artistic and performing project conception. The purpose of projecting method is a system and consistent modeling of training to solve problem situations, which demand heuristic and search efforts from a student and a teacher, aimed at working of optimal self-realization ways of project conception, its required public representation, self-analyses and reflection of project problem solution results.
In the article the process of creative modeling of performing art and artistic performing violinist’s technique is regarded. In connection with these the author defines the methods of creative projected methodical complex, which is developed to form a new performing artistic adjustment «I-performer-creator» within the students, inducing them to seek original approaches in the construction of work’s interpretation. The following methodical complex consists of a block full of creative and projective method, which are aimed at modeling of project conception of artistic work’s performing and gaining skills, appropriate combinations of technical violinist’s explicitness. The block of methods which belongs to creative methodic directs on creating of musician’s performing novelty while performing musical work, development of musicalimaginative thinking peculiarity and search of performing artistic violinist’s personalization ways (through disclosure and deepening creative-potential personal dispositions of a violinist). The creative method consists of personalized-creative methods aimed at revealing and activation of a violinist’s personality artistic potential in order to form a project conception of potential-progressive development of the components which form violinist’s performing culture. Methods which form artistic-creative and technical-artistic music performing violinist’s personalization belong to these methods. The block of methods of projective method is aimed at surpassing planning of professional violinist’s qualities previous modeling of individually conditioned artistic and technical methods of performing activity, forming ability to self-modeling and incarnation of performing projects, the content of which is modeling of qualitatively new professional arranging to self-fulfillment of personalized artistic and performing project conception. The purpose of projecting method is a system and consistent modeling of training to solve problem situations, which demand heuristic and search efforts from a student and a teacher, aimed at working of optimal self-realization ways of project conception, its required public representation, self-analyses and reflection of project problem solution results.
Ключові слова
креативне проектування, художньо-персоналізована творчість, виконавська особистість скрипаля, проект-концепція виконання, акметипи інтерпретації, creative designing, artistic-personalized art, violinist’s performing personality, project-conception of performing, acme-types of interpretation
Бібліографічний опис
Андрейко, О. І. Креативне проектування художньо-персоналізованої творчості скрипаля [Текст] / О. І. Андрейко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 8 (42). – С. 302–308.