Проблема співвідношення понять «культура школи» та «клімат школи» в сучасній американській педагогічній думці
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Стаття присвячена виявленню ключових позицій сучасних американських дослідників у галузі теорії освіти щодо співвідношення таких понять, як «клімат школи» та «культура школи». У результаті аналізу численних джерел визначено, що поняття «клімат школи» на сучасному етапі розвитку американської педагогічної думки є найуживанішим поряд із поняттям «культура школи», вони часто виступають синонімами. Проте концепції клімату та культури школи варто розглядати як цілком самостійні вчення, оскільки вони мають різне наукове підґрунтя; ці поняття мають різне смислове наповнення, сфери вживання, а відтак їх необхідно розмежовувати.
The article is devoted to identifying the key positions of modern American researchers in the field of theory of education about the correlation of such concepts as «school climate» and «school culture», which are the important factors in the success of school reform. The analysis of many sources determined that the notion of «school climate» at the present stage of development of the American pedagogical thought is the most frequently used, along with the concept «school culture», they are often synonymous. The article proves that although the definitions of school culture and school climate are often unclear, yet the difference is that school culture consists of common installations and ideologies, while the climate is defined as the common perception of conduct. The researchers of school climate predominantly use the quantitative methods of analysis along with multiple analysis to study the model of perception of certain behavior in school organizations. They usually start from the fact that the organization is the best method to achieve this goal, but that is why they are looking for rational reasons of behavior. Such studies rather belong to the field of psychology or social psychology than pedagogy. Moreover, the researchers of climate consider it as a permanent component that affects the results of operations of the school organization. Often the purpose of studying of the school climate is the identification of effective strategies for change. The researchers of school culture use qualitative, ethnographic methods of analysis in the framework of anthropological and sociological works devoted to nature or the atmosphere of school organizations. Some scientists investigating the school culture, share naturalistic research tradition, that is considering the school as a natural system in which culture is the natural product of a particular time and place, and consequently, it depends on attempts to change the school organization. The conclusion is that the concepts of school climate and school culture should be considered as quite independent doctrines, because they have different research base; these concepts have different semantic content, the sphere of use and, therefore, they must be delimited.
The article is devoted to identifying the key positions of modern American researchers in the field of theory of education about the correlation of such concepts as «school climate» and «school culture», which are the important factors in the success of school reform. The analysis of many sources determined that the notion of «school climate» at the present stage of development of the American pedagogical thought is the most frequently used, along with the concept «school culture», they are often synonymous. The article proves that although the definitions of school culture and school climate are often unclear, yet the difference is that school culture consists of common installations and ideologies, while the climate is defined as the common perception of conduct. The researchers of school climate predominantly use the quantitative methods of analysis along with multiple analysis to study the model of perception of certain behavior in school organizations. They usually start from the fact that the organization is the best method to achieve this goal, but that is why they are looking for rational reasons of behavior. Such studies rather belong to the field of psychology or social psychology than pedagogy. Moreover, the researchers of climate consider it as a permanent component that affects the results of operations of the school organization. Often the purpose of studying of the school climate is the identification of effective strategies for change. The researchers of school culture use qualitative, ethnographic methods of analysis in the framework of anthropological and sociological works devoted to nature or the atmosphere of school organizations. Some scientists investigating the school culture, share naturalistic research tradition, that is considering the school as a natural system in which culture is the natural product of a particular time and place, and consequently, it depends on attempts to change the school organization. The conclusion is that the concepts of school climate and school culture should be considered as quite independent doctrines, because they have different research base; these concepts have different semantic content, the sphere of use and, therefore, they must be delimited.
Ключові слова
школа, організація, клімат школи, культура школи, США, внутрішнє середовище школи, school, organization, school climate, school culture, USA, inner school area
Бібліографічний опис
Мілютіна, О. К. Проблема співвідношення понять «культура школи» та «клімат школи» в сучасній американській педагогічній думці [Текст] / О. К. Мілютіна // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 4 (38). – С. 271–278.