Екологізація змісту природничо-наукової освіти – результат застосування еколого-еволюційного підходу
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Автор обґрунтував доцільність застосування еколого-еволюційного підходу до навчання природничих дисциплін з метою наскрізної екологізації їх змісту. Окреслені основні напрями екологізації змісту природничо-наукової освіти на основі цього підходу. Розкрито сутність екологічного світогляду й особливості його формування в учнівської молоді на засадах еколого-еволюційного підходу. Доведено, що наскрізна екологізація змісту природничих дисциплін на основі застосування еколого-еволюційного підходу в навчанні забезпечить формування екологічної компетентності, екологічного світогляду та еколого-еволюціонуючої природничо-наукової картини світу.
The author substantiate the feasibility of ecological and evolutionary approach to the study of natural sciences for continuous ecologization of their content. The basic content areas of ecological science education is based on this approaches. The essence of environmental philosophy and features of the formation of the pupils on the basis of ecological and evolutionary approaches is presented in the article. It is shown that continuous ecologization content of natural sciences through the application of eco-evolutionary approach to learning will promote the formation of environmental expertise, environmental philosophy and ecological and evolutionary natural-scientific picture of the world. School science education as a part of basic and full secondary education aims to shape students’ natural-scientific picture of the world, natural-scientific competence and appropriate attitudes and mentality. The famous American philosopher D. C. Robertson has said that the state and the level of development of human civilization is ultimately determined by the level and amount of available knowledge of this society, the possibility of their use, learning, processing and so on. Science education today determines the level of society, ways and means of solving the problems of environmental, economic, cultural, and ultimately ensure the quality of life. Today our world faces three global problems: environmental, connected with the provision of biological equilibrium between man and nature in the global pollution, techno-economics associated with the depletion of the planet’s natural resources and socio-political. Only highly qualified professionals who are adequately trained and have the theoretical bases of global environmental awareness, basic knowledge of modern science and ecology are able to solve these problems. It is due to science education at school and university. Evaluating the overall role of modern science education, one could argue that it is designed to give people the basics of natural science, environmental expertise and humanistic ideals in their unity. Ecologization of the content of science education is the process of combining diverse natural science on a single conceptual framework of ecology. If the process involves the application of knowledge the ecologization principle of historicism and evolutionary search for meaning in the knowledge can be used as ecologization leads determination and search for explanation of knowledge based on the universality and importance of the ratio of «organism-environment». Ecologization of the content of science education provide: students’s mastering of the basics of environmental knowledge in all phases of training in the study of the subjects of natural sciences; implementation of the principles of education for sustainable development, including social and natural justice-creating a culture of safety attitudes towards nature; including the students in class and extra-curricular local school programs into environmental research, including the contents of educational material on the suitability of water for human consumption, sanitation, food quality and environmental consequences of the use of natural resources; conducting lessons in the nature, in the environment, ecological excursions (the truth of knowledge of reality, the nature we know only in the immediate interaction with the environment and others).
The author substantiate the feasibility of ecological and evolutionary approach to the study of natural sciences for continuous ecologization of their content. The basic content areas of ecological science education is based on this approaches. The essence of environmental philosophy and features of the formation of the pupils on the basis of ecological and evolutionary approaches is presented in the article. It is shown that continuous ecologization content of natural sciences through the application of eco-evolutionary approach to learning will promote the formation of environmental expertise, environmental philosophy and ecological and evolutionary natural-scientific picture of the world. School science education as a part of basic and full secondary education aims to shape students’ natural-scientific picture of the world, natural-scientific competence and appropriate attitudes and mentality. The famous American philosopher D. C. Robertson has said that the state and the level of development of human civilization is ultimately determined by the level and amount of available knowledge of this society, the possibility of their use, learning, processing and so on. Science education today determines the level of society, ways and means of solving the problems of environmental, economic, cultural, and ultimately ensure the quality of life. Today our world faces three global problems: environmental, connected with the provision of biological equilibrium between man and nature in the global pollution, techno-economics associated with the depletion of the planet’s natural resources and socio-political. Only highly qualified professionals who are adequately trained and have the theoretical bases of global environmental awareness, basic knowledge of modern science and ecology are able to solve these problems. It is due to science education at school and university. Evaluating the overall role of modern science education, one could argue that it is designed to give people the basics of natural science, environmental expertise and humanistic ideals in their unity. Ecologization of the content of science education is the process of combining diverse natural science on a single conceptual framework of ecology. If the process involves the application of knowledge the ecologization principle of historicism and evolutionary search for meaning in the knowledge can be used as ecologization leads determination and search for explanation of knowledge based on the universality and importance of the ratio of «organism-environment». Ecologization of the content of science education provide: students’s mastering of the basics of environmental knowledge in all phases of training in the study of the subjects of natural sciences; implementation of the principles of education for sustainable development, including social and natural justice-creating a culture of safety attitudes towards nature; including the students in class and extra-curricular local school programs into environmental research, including the contents of educational material on the suitability of water for human consumption, sanitation, food quality and environmental consequences of the use of natural resources; conducting lessons in the nature, in the environment, ecological excursions (the truth of knowledge of reality, the nature we know only in the immediate interaction with the environment and others).
Ключові слова
еколого-еволюційний підхід, природничі дисципліни, екологізація, екологічний світогляд, екологічна компетентність, шкільна природничо-наукова освіта, ecological and evolutionary approach, natural sciences, ecologization, environmental philosophy, environmental competence, school science education
Бібліографічний опис
Рибалко, Л. М. Екологізація змісту природничо-наукової освіти – результат застосування еколого-еволюційного підходу [Текст] / Л. М. Рибалко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №8 (34). – С. 397–406.