Использование синестезии и художественного перевода для формирования и совершенствовани речевой компетентности студентов при обучении английскому языку
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Статья посвящена рассмотрению вопросов, связанных с обучением студентов спецфакультета творческому подходу в работе над английским языком. Известно, что при этом основная роль отводится конкретно-образному мышлению и воображению, которые свойственны правому полушарию. В статье предложены виды работы для развития творческих способностей студентов через сенсорно-перцептивное восприятие речевого материала (задания на прямой и обратный перевод «синестетических» текстов, упражнения в визуализации, в ассоциативном восприятии содержания текста, его стиля и др.).
This article deals with neurolinguistics which is part of cognitive methodology teaching English as a foreign language with reference to students’ individual styles of learning. The roots of the basic idea go into the concept of individual perception and processing of any information received by man via his natural sensory channels – visual, audial, kinesthetic. Some of the channels are more developed, thus making dominant modality. Together with the less developed channels they present the holistic perception of the whole image. As a result the «visuals» see the picture, the «audials» hear it and the «kinesthetic» feel it. In the educational setting you notice that one part of the students shows better seeing abilities like written texts, graphs, models; another group of the students is more perceptive to voice, intonations, tape recorded language materials; the third group understands all better while in motion or able to feel the touch of things, etc. These sensory qualities of the students make them distinguished, unique and give good grounds for creating individualized objects, be they material or verbal. The teacher’s concern here, as we see it, is to unleash the students’ hidden creative potentialities, advance in educational technologies and change learners’ demand in terms of access to new language creativity and learning. One of the effective exercises for developing students’ creativity is by introducing syna(e)sthesia into classroom practices. Syna(e)sthesia is a neuropsychological phenomenon. It appears in case of brain’s sensory excitement in its certain part, which simultaneously transfers onto another sensory part of the brain. This is the way to create metaphors – «see the pink air», «hear the rising sun», «feel the taste of romanticism». In the article there is a good supply of such examples taken from students’ experimental materials. Syna(e)sthesia is characteristic of talented philologists, writers, artists, producers and other people of verbal intellect. This cultural perspective socialized into everyday learning practices needs finer work with both languages – understanding the art of language translation, word meaning and its precise stylistic, lexicological colouring, developing own imagination and verbal creativity, which all taken together adds much to professional literacy. Note: The term literacy is used instead of competency in sociocultural approach.
This article deals with neurolinguistics which is part of cognitive methodology teaching English as a foreign language with reference to students’ individual styles of learning. The roots of the basic idea go into the concept of individual perception and processing of any information received by man via his natural sensory channels – visual, audial, kinesthetic. Some of the channels are more developed, thus making dominant modality. Together with the less developed channels they present the holistic perception of the whole image. As a result the «visuals» see the picture, the «audials» hear it and the «kinesthetic» feel it. In the educational setting you notice that one part of the students shows better seeing abilities like written texts, graphs, models; another group of the students is more perceptive to voice, intonations, tape recorded language materials; the third group understands all better while in motion or able to feel the touch of things, etc. These sensory qualities of the students make them distinguished, unique and give good grounds for creating individualized objects, be they material or verbal. The teacher’s concern here, as we see it, is to unleash the students’ hidden creative potentialities, advance in educational technologies and change learners’ demand in terms of access to new language creativity and learning. One of the effective exercises for developing students’ creativity is by introducing syna(e)sthesia into classroom practices. Syna(e)sthesia is a neuropsychological phenomenon. It appears in case of brain’s sensory excitement in its certain part, which simultaneously transfers onto another sensory part of the brain. This is the way to create metaphors – «see the pink air», «hear the rising sun», «feel the taste of romanticism». In the article there is a good supply of such examples taken from students’ experimental materials. Syna(e)sthesia is characteristic of talented philologists, writers, artists, producers and other people of verbal intellect. This cultural perspective socialized into everyday learning practices needs finer work with both languages – understanding the art of language translation, word meaning and its precise stylistic, lexicological colouring, developing own imagination and verbal creativity, which all taken together adds much to professional literacy. Note: The term literacy is used instead of competency in sociocultural approach.
Ключові слова
синестезия, кросс-модальный перенос, правое полушарие, модальность, synaesthesia, cross-modal transfer, right hemisphere, modality
Бібліографічний опис
Карпова, В. Н. Использование синестезии и художественного перевода для формирования и совершенствования речевой компетентности студентов при обучении английскому языку [Текст] / В. Н. Карпова // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [ред. кол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. Є. Антонова, Дж. Бішоп та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2014. – № 6 (40). – С. 355–362.