Корекційний вплив музичної діяльності на розвиток особистості дошкільника зі зниженим зором
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті висвітлено й обґрунтовано шляхи посилення корекційної ефективності музичної діяльності на особистісний розвиток дошкільників зі зниженим зором. Методика дослідження включала п'ять напрямів вивчення: потребово-мотиваційний, емоційно-ціннісний, когнітивний, психомоторний, креативний. Отримані результати констатувальної діагностики виявили значне відставання дітей зі зниженим зором від їхніх однолітків із нормальним зором. Посиленню корекційної ефективності музичної діяльності сприяло впровадження спеціальних методів, прийомів і засобів особистісного розвитку, корекційно- розвиткових занять під час чотирьох етапів корекційної роботи: пропедевтичного, підготовчого, колекційного, репрезентативного. Результати проведеного експерименту засвідчили поліпшення інтелектуального, емоційного, мовленнєвого, рухового, музично-естетичного, у цілому – особистісного розвитку дошкільників зі зниженим зором експериментальної групи.
The author actualized the problem of correctional impact of musical activity on the development of the personality of pre-school children with reduced vision, the necessity to determine the content range and structuring of the correctional direction of musical activity. The comprehensive methodology of investigation of the levels and peculiarities of the personality development, which includes five components: needs-motivational, emotional- value, cognitive, psychomotor, creative, has been developed. A comparative study of the levels and characteristics of the personality development of pre-school children with reduced vision with peers with normal vision has been carried out. The empirical material, acquired at the ascertaining stage of the study, indicated the urgent need to find effective ways of increasing the correctional efficiency of the musical activity of children with reduced vision in order to improve their personality development levels by solving a group of correctional-developmental tasks: needs-motivational, emotional-axiological, cognitive-epistemological, effective-practical, creative, compensatory. It is proved that the way of increasing correctional efficiency of musical activity of the studied category of children is introduction of special methods, techniques and means of personal development, correctional and developmental activities (rhythmics, musical logorhythmics, horizontal rhythm plastics, musical therapy) during four stages of corrective work: propaedeutic, aimed at preparation of the child to musical perception; preparatory - for the development of interest in musical activity; corrective - for correction of the impaired components of personal development; representative - for demonstration of achievements in musical activity. Experimental verification of the carried out corrective work has shown the effectiveness and feasibility of its implementation with children with reduced vision. Upon completion of the molding experiment, personal development had a positive tendency to increase in the experimental group as compared with control groups, approaching the corresponding results of children with normal eyesight. In order to confirm the results of the study, the mathematical processing and validation of the results obtained with the help of the Student's t-criterion and Fischer's exact criterion have been carried out. The ways of enhancement of correctional efficiency of the musical activity are directed at improvement of intellectual, emotional, speech, motor, musical-aesthetic, in general - personal development of preschool children with reduced vision.
The author actualized the problem of correctional impact of musical activity on the development of the personality of pre-school children with reduced vision, the necessity to determine the content range and structuring of the correctional direction of musical activity. The comprehensive methodology of investigation of the levels and peculiarities of the personality development, which includes five components: needs-motivational, emotional- value, cognitive, psychomotor, creative, has been developed. A comparative study of the levels and characteristics of the personality development of pre-school children with reduced vision with peers with normal vision has been carried out. The empirical material, acquired at the ascertaining stage of the study, indicated the urgent need to find effective ways of increasing the correctional efficiency of the musical activity of children with reduced vision in order to improve their personality development levels by solving a group of correctional-developmental tasks: needs-motivational, emotional-axiological, cognitive-epistemological, effective-practical, creative, compensatory. It is proved that the way of increasing correctional efficiency of musical activity of the studied category of children is introduction of special methods, techniques and means of personal development, correctional and developmental activities (rhythmics, musical logorhythmics, horizontal rhythm plastics, musical therapy) during four stages of corrective work: propaedeutic, aimed at preparation of the child to musical perception; preparatory - for the development of interest in musical activity; corrective - for correction of the impaired components of personal development; representative - for demonstration of achievements in musical activity. Experimental verification of the carried out corrective work has shown the effectiveness and feasibility of its implementation with children with reduced vision. Upon completion of the molding experiment, personal development had a positive tendency to increase in the experimental group as compared with control groups, approaching the corresponding results of children with normal eyesight. In order to confirm the results of the study, the mathematical processing and validation of the results obtained with the help of the Student's t-criterion and Fischer's exact criterion have been carried out. The ways of enhancement of correctional efficiency of the musical activity are directed at improvement of intellectual, emotional, speech, motor, musical-aesthetic, in general - personal development of preschool children with reduced vision.
Ключові слова
дошкільники зі зниженим зором, музична діяльність, шляхи корекційного впливу, особистісний розвиток, preschool children with reduced vision, musical activity, ways of correctional influence, personal development
Бібліографічний опис
Бондаренко, Ю. Корекційний вплив музичної діяльності на розвиток особистості дошкільника зі зниженим зором [Текст] / Ю. Бондаренко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2018. – № 10 (84). – С. 334–343.