Проблема формування полікультурної компетентності майбутніх учителів з точки зору системного підходу
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У статті аналізуються вихідні положення вивчення проблеми формування полікультурної компетентності з точки зору системного підходу, обґрунтовується необхідність використання принципів системного підходу в психолого-педагогічних дослідженнях. Полікультурна компетентність майбутніх учителів аналізується за алгоритмом системного розгляду педагогічних об’єктів. Визначено структурні елементи системи полікультурної компетентності та показано специфіку їх ієрархічного розташування. Проаналізовано особливості системного впливу елементів полікультурної компетентності один на одного та її місце в структурах інших систем; а також розкрито інтегративний характер полікультурної компетентності через взаємодію її окремих елементів.
The author of the article analyzes the fundamentals of problem learning and formulations the multicultural competence of future teachers based on a systematic approach which is motivated the necessity of principle using in such approach and psychology- pedagogical researches. The conclusion has been made on the basis of scientific and psychology – pedagogical analysis and polycultural competence is considered as integrate and personal quality of a person. In this article the polycultural competence of future teachers is analyzed according to the algorithm of systematic consideration of all pedagogical objects wich are suggested by V. A. Semichenko. Such kind includes such steps as: analyse of competent part in polycultural competence, systematic influence element with each other, special features in hierarchy of separate components and its arrangement in polycultural competence and also its structure elements in another systems of integrality, analysis of integrality on each structure element in polycultural competence, special features in integration disposition of polycultural competence as a result of integration between its components. According to the separate steps of system analyze some structure elements of polycultural competence have been fixed as polycultural knowledge, polycultural values, motives are impaled to the polycultural interaction, an experience of polycultural interaction, reflective attitude to the process of own forming of the whole polycultural competence. The specific of their hierarchy arrangement is demonstrated in this article. Special features of system influence elements have been analyzed as a result of their interaction and in the system of professional preparation of teachers and all pedagogical activities. The conclusion was drawn from the system consideration of the polycultural competence of future teachers and it is a difficult dynamic system which possesses the main system characteristics such as: integrality, structural, system correlation according to each other, hierarchy, vertical and horizontal dynamics of the progress.
The author of the article analyzes the fundamentals of problem learning and formulations the multicultural competence of future teachers based on a systematic approach which is motivated the necessity of principle using in such approach and psychology- pedagogical researches. The conclusion has been made on the basis of scientific and psychology – pedagogical analysis and polycultural competence is considered as integrate and personal quality of a person. In this article the polycultural competence of future teachers is analyzed according to the algorithm of systematic consideration of all pedagogical objects wich are suggested by V. A. Semichenko. Such kind includes such steps as: analyse of competent part in polycultural competence, systematic influence element with each other, special features in hierarchy of separate components and its arrangement in polycultural competence and also its structure elements in another systems of integrality, analysis of integrality on each structure element in polycultural competence, special features in integration disposition of polycultural competence as a result of integration between its components. According to the separate steps of system analyze some structure elements of polycultural competence have been fixed as polycultural knowledge, polycultural values, motives are impaled to the polycultural interaction, an experience of polycultural interaction, reflective attitude to the process of own forming of the whole polycultural competence. The specific of their hierarchy arrangement is demonstrated in this article. Special features of system influence elements have been analyzed as a result of their interaction and in the system of professional preparation of teachers and all pedagogical activities. The conclusion was drawn from the system consideration of the polycultural competence of future teachers and it is a difficult dynamic system which possesses the main system characteristics such as: integrality, structural, system correlation according to each other, hierarchy, vertical and horizontal dynamics of the progress.
Ключові слова
компетентність, полікультурна компетентність, формування полікультурної компетентності майбутніх учителів, методологія дослідження, принципи дослідження, системний підхід, системний розгляд педагогічних об’єктів, система, polycultural competence, formation of polycultural competence of future teachers, research of methodology, research of principles, approach of the systems, system consideration of pedagogical objects, system
Бібліографічний опис
Величко, Н. М. Проблема формування полікультурної компетентності майбутніх учителів з точки зору системного підходу [Текст] / Н. М. Величко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології: науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №5 (31). – С. 198–205.