Залежність формування територіально-суспільної системи від економічного простору
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
В статті розглянута суть економічного простору та його роль у розвитку територіальної соціально-економічної системи і формуванні територіально-суспільної системи. Проаналізовано співвідношення категорій «територія» і «простір», звернуто увагу на «якість території», як на спроможність задовольнити різноманітні суспільні потреби: економічні, екологічні і соціальні. Розглянуто взаємозв’язок основних складових територіальної організації суспільства: ландшафт, населення та господарство. Запропонована концептуальна модель територіально-суспільної системи, аргументована важлива роль управління у формуванні єдиної територіальної організації суспільства. Останнє досить актуально в сучасних умовах децентралізації влади і утворення її низової ланки - об’єднаних територіальних громад.
The article deals with the essence of economic space and its role in the development of the territorial social and economic system and in the formation of the territorial organization of a society. The correlation of the categories “territory” and “space” has been analyzed. Attention is drawn to the concept of a “quality of the territory” as an ability to meet social needs: economic, environmental and social. An interconnection of the main components of the territorial organization of a society has been revealed: landscape, population, economy. A conceptual model of the territorial and social system has been offered, the role of management in the formation of a single territorial organization of society is revealed. In the current conditions, the process of decentralization of power in Ukraine necessitates the search for new approaches in state and regional social and economic policy, in the organization of territorial and industrial complexes. The process of territorial organization of a society should be regulated by the corresponding governing bodies at all levels (local, regional and state). There is a need for rational, competent and professional management of the territorial concentration of human life-sustaining activity, as well as thoughtful control and scientifically substantiated prediction of consequences. In this regard, we suggest to the management of the territorial and social system to adhere to the following principles: 1) to develop social, economic and environmental spheres equally in all TSSs in order to improve quality of human life; 2) to create in each territorial organization of society a favorable environment for living, by offering freedom of a way of life that does not contradict social laws; 3) scientifically substantiate the placement of tangible and intangible objects from the point of view of environmental protection; 4) to use natural and intellectual resources carefully and rationally, to protect and reproduce them; 5) preserve the natural, historical, cultural and spiritual heritage, national traditions and way of life of the local population. By adhering to these principles, processes in the territorial organization of society and in its primary elements, the United Territorial Communities (UTCs) can be improved more effectively.
The article deals with the essence of economic space and its role in the development of the territorial social and economic system and in the formation of the territorial organization of a society. The correlation of the categories “territory” and “space” has been analyzed. Attention is drawn to the concept of a “quality of the territory” as an ability to meet social needs: economic, environmental and social. An interconnection of the main components of the territorial organization of a society has been revealed: landscape, population, economy. A conceptual model of the territorial and social system has been offered, the role of management in the formation of a single territorial organization of society is revealed. In the current conditions, the process of decentralization of power in Ukraine necessitates the search for new approaches in state and regional social and economic policy, in the organization of territorial and industrial complexes. The process of territorial organization of a society should be regulated by the corresponding governing bodies at all levels (local, regional and state). There is a need for rational, competent and professional management of the territorial concentration of human life-sustaining activity, as well as thoughtful control and scientifically substantiated prediction of consequences. In this regard, we suggest to the management of the territorial and social system to adhere to the following principles: 1) to develop social, economic and environmental spheres equally in all TSSs in order to improve quality of human life; 2) to create in each territorial organization of society a favorable environment for living, by offering freedom of a way of life that does not contradict social laws; 3) scientifically substantiate the placement of tangible and intangible objects from the point of view of environmental protection; 4) to use natural and intellectual resources carefully and rationally, to protect and reproduce them; 5) preserve the natural, historical, cultural and spiritual heritage, national traditions and way of life of the local population. By adhering to these principles, processes in the territorial organization of society and in its primary elements, the United Territorial Communities (UTCs) can be improved more effectively.
Ключові слова
економічний простір, територія, географічне положення, функція місця, децентралізація, територіальна організація суспільства, територіально-суспільна система, об’єднана територіальна громада, economic space, territory, geographical location, function of place, decentralization, territorial organization of society, territorial and social system, united territorial community
Бібліографічний опис
Джаман, М. О. Залежність формування територіально-суспільної системи від економічного простору [Текст] / М. О. Джаман // Наукові записки Сумського державного педагогічного університету ім. А. С. Макаренка. Географічні науки : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; Українське географічне товариство, Сумський відділ ; [редкол.: Б. М. Нешатаєв, С. І. Сюткін, М. О. Барановський та ін.]. – Суми : [СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка], 2020. – Том 2, вип. 1. – С. 112–119. – DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3722438.