Питання етики спілкування в мережі Інтернет на уроках інформатики
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У статті висвітлено важливість етичного спілкування в мережі Інтернет для підлітків. Учні підліткового віку є найбільш активними користувачами Інтернет. Це зумовлює необхідність прищеплення шкільній молоді морально-етичних норм спілкування в глобальній мережі, що сьогодні стає одним із найважливіших завдань учителя інформатики. Серед педагогічних методів найбільш доцільним для формування етики спілкування, на нашу думку, є бесіда. Висвітлено особливості використання її на уроках інформатики. Саме тому, у статті розглянуто план і зміст такої бесіди, запропоновано рекомендації щодо її проведення.
The article highlights the importance of ethical communication in the Internet for teens. A significant proportion of teenagers is among Internet users. For typical adolescents need for self-assertion, equitable and trusting communication with peers and adults is important and they actively communicate on social networks, forums, in chat rooms, giving them an advantage over real communication. Adolescence is also a sensitive period in terms of the formation of individual value orientations, it is important at this age to pay attention to the involvement of students in the discussion, clarification and understanding of ethical principles of communication in the Internet. Under these conditions, especially the urgent need of forming moral values in the younger generation, the main tasks of the modern school, which require implementation issues of communication ethics education of adolescents in the Internet plays an important role. A pupil as a subject of learning must be involved into interpersonal communication with teachers, classmates and others. As a result of their interaction there is a mutual influence of mental and versatile information exchange knowledge, abilities and skills, moral values, motives and interests, ultimately intercourse experience. Conversation of teenagers in the Internet is very similar to the real, but it occurs in a specific area with specific entities with peculiar only to him kind of communication. The importance of ethical communication in the Internet is undeniable. The students adolescent are the most active users of the Internet. This makes necessary to inoculate school children moral and ethical standards in the global communication network, which today is one of the most important tasks of a teacher of informatics. Since the problem of the skills of ethical communication of the youth has a distinctly pedagogical aspect, one of the goals of becoming a teacher is to pay attention to inculcating school children the skills of ethical communication in the Internet . Among the teaching methods the most appropriate for the formation of ethical communication, we believe that there is a conversation. The article outlines the content of such discussions, the proposed recommendations for its implementation provide guidance for the teacher of this conversation aimed at understanding students ethically communicating via email.
The article highlights the importance of ethical communication in the Internet for teens. A significant proportion of teenagers is among Internet users. For typical adolescents need for self-assertion, equitable and trusting communication with peers and adults is important and they actively communicate on social networks, forums, in chat rooms, giving them an advantage over real communication. Adolescence is also a sensitive period in terms of the formation of individual value orientations, it is important at this age to pay attention to the involvement of students in the discussion, clarification and understanding of ethical principles of communication in the Internet. Under these conditions, especially the urgent need of forming moral values in the younger generation, the main tasks of the modern school, which require implementation issues of communication ethics education of adolescents in the Internet plays an important role. A pupil as a subject of learning must be involved into interpersonal communication with teachers, classmates and others. As a result of their interaction there is a mutual influence of mental and versatile information exchange knowledge, abilities and skills, moral values, motives and interests, ultimately intercourse experience. Conversation of teenagers in the Internet is very similar to the real, but it occurs in a specific area with specific entities with peculiar only to him kind of communication. The importance of ethical communication in the Internet is undeniable. The students adolescent are the most active users of the Internet. This makes necessary to inoculate school children moral and ethical standards in the global communication network, which today is one of the most important tasks of a teacher of informatics. Since the problem of the skills of ethical communication of the youth has a distinctly pedagogical aspect, one of the goals of becoming a teacher is to pay attention to inculcating school children the skills of ethical communication in the Internet . Among the teaching methods the most appropriate for the formation of ethical communication, we believe that there is a conversation. The article outlines the content of such discussions, the proposed recommendations for its implementation provide guidance for the teacher of this conversation aimed at understanding students ethically communicating via email.
Ключові слова
спілкування в Інтернеті, етика спілкування в Інтернеті, бесіда, підлітки, online communication, ethics of communication in the Internet, chatting, teenagers
Бібліографічний опис
Колесник, О. О. Питання етики спілкування в мережі Інтернет на уроках інформатики [Текст] / О. О. Колесник // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Сумський державний університет імені А. С. Макаренка ; редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, Дж. Бішоп, О. В. Єременко та ін. – Суми : СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2013. – №8 (34). – С. 83–90.