Виклики та перспективи інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти у глобальному контексті
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Метою статті є визначення сучасних тенденцій стосовно викликів інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти та перспектив подальшого розвитку глобальної вищої освіти. Завдяки теоретичному методу концептуально-порівняльного аналізу актуальних досліджень процесу інтернаціоналізації освіти у глобальному контексті, аналізу зарубіжного досвіду, концептуальних підходів до вивчення інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти, представлено сучасні тенденції інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти на національному та глобальному рівнях. Визначено основні виклики та перспективи подальшого розвитку інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти в контексті політичної діяльності урядів та економічної діяльності університетів.
The aim of the article is defining of modern trends concerning challenges of higher education internationalization and perspectives of further development of global higher education. By means of theoretical method of conceptual comparative analysis of current studies concerning higher education internationalization process in the global context, analysis of foreign experience, conceptual approaches to studying HEI current trends of higher education internationalization at national and global level have been outlined. Main challenges and perspectives of further HEI development in the context of government political activity and university economic activity. One of the problems is getting visas and non-friendly atmosphere for foreigners. It causes decrease of international students in Great Britain and USA, which historically were the leaders of higher education internationalization. In some countries appear debates at institutional and national levels concerning HEI restrictions, in particular international student mobility growing and usage of English. Another trend is growing concern about efficiency and therefor necessity of transnational education. There are some incidents of campuses closing because of academic freedom restriction and poor local consulting of currant projects. Steady growing of fees for international students is also negative trend in many regions. Geographical shift of new powerful educational centers from Europe to the pacific and eastern Asia is being observed. Besides mentioned problems scientists put into dispute ethical challenges of HEI. Evident critics of unlimited growing of teaching in English from one side and foreign student recruitment and development of brunch campuses from another one become absolutely opposite resources. Existence of nationalistic and populist argument of anti-internationalism and anti-immigration is putted in the opposition to academic freedom conviction, quality and ethics within higher education community. Most countries consider commercialization, brain drain and low quality of education to be the main risks connected with internationalization. These risks concern more crossboarders aspects of HEI than campus activity. The loss of cultural identity is undoubtedly the highest factor of risk that is following the process of internationalization. Education internationalization by developed western universities is often treated as academic colonization, which aims to enlarge its academic influence on developing nations. Quality assurance is another main problem as many claims concerning low standards of international higher education programs have been arisen.
The aim of the article is defining of modern trends concerning challenges of higher education internationalization and perspectives of further development of global higher education. By means of theoretical method of conceptual comparative analysis of current studies concerning higher education internationalization process in the global context, analysis of foreign experience, conceptual approaches to studying HEI current trends of higher education internationalization at national and global level have been outlined. Main challenges and perspectives of further HEI development in the context of government political activity and university economic activity. One of the problems is getting visas and non-friendly atmosphere for foreigners. It causes decrease of international students in Great Britain and USA, which historically were the leaders of higher education internationalization. In some countries appear debates at institutional and national levels concerning HEI restrictions, in particular international student mobility growing and usage of English. Another trend is growing concern about efficiency and therefor necessity of transnational education. There are some incidents of campuses closing because of academic freedom restriction and poor local consulting of currant projects. Steady growing of fees for international students is also negative trend in many regions. Geographical shift of new powerful educational centers from Europe to the pacific and eastern Asia is being observed. Besides mentioned problems scientists put into dispute ethical challenges of HEI. Evident critics of unlimited growing of teaching in English from one side and foreign student recruitment and development of brunch campuses from another one become absolutely opposite resources. Existence of nationalistic and populist argument of anti-internationalism and anti-immigration is putted in the opposition to academic freedom conviction, quality and ethics within higher education community. Most countries consider commercialization, brain drain and low quality of education to be the main risks connected with internationalization. These risks concern more crossboarders aspects of HEI than campus activity. The loss of cultural identity is undoubtedly the highest factor of risk that is following the process of internationalization. Education internationalization by developed western universities is often treated as academic colonization, which aims to enlarge its academic influence on developing nations. Quality assurance is another main problem as many claims concerning low standards of international higher education programs have been arisen.
Ключові слова
інтернаціоналізація вищої освіти (ІВО), університети, виклики, перспективи, міжнародні студенти, higher education internationalization (HEI), universities, challenges, perspectives, international students
Бібліографічний опис
Чирва, А. С. Виклики та перспективи інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти у глобальному контексті [Текст] / А. С. Чирва // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. Є. Антонова та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2019. – № 1 (85). – С. 117–126.