Конкретизація наукової задачі як базового методу експериментального дослідження
Гоблик Володимир
Hoblyk Volodymyr
Щербан Тетяна
Shcherban Tetiana
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СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
Існує значна кількість моделей експерименту, відтак визначення найбільш адекватних із них потребує детальної конкретизації наукової задачі. Важливо виключити ризики значного абстрагування результатів. Значущою є мінімізація рівня абстрагування під час експериментів у складних системах, які наявні практично в усіх розділах природничих та гуманітарних наук, адже процес дослідження їх, як множинного об’єкта, комбінаторний. Метою статті є опис особливостей конкретизації задачі про признання як базового методу експериментальних наукових досліджень складних систем. Методами дослідження є задачі комбінаторної оптимізації та дослідження операцій у математиці. За результатами дослідження констатовано, що вже до проведення експерименту важливо отримати його змістову конкретизацію. Це важливо, оскільки дозволяє запобігти абстрактності результатів та формуванню даних, якими, у майбутньому, не можна оперувати. Перспективи розвідок у даному напрямі полягають у дослідженні особливостей конкретизації наукової задачі експериментального дослідження із урахуванням спеціальних випадків.
The study draws attention to the fact that there is a great variety of experimental models, so the identification of the most appropriate of them requires a detailed specification of the scientific task. It is important to avoid the risks of significant abstraction of the results of the experiment. Of particular importance is minimization of the level of abstraction in experiments in complex systems, which are found in almost all parts of the natural and human sciences, since the process of their exploration as a plural object is combinatorial. The purpose of the article is to describe the specificity of the assignment as a basic method of experimental research of complex systems. Accordingly, the objectives of the study are: 1) to define the content of the specification of the recognition problem for experimental studies; 2) to describe the basic algorithms and the areas of algorithmization when specifying assignment tasks for experimental studies in complex systems; 3) illustrate the mechanisms for launching the recognition task for experimental studies in complex systems. Research methods include combinatorial optimization problems and operations in mathematics. The results of the study indicate that, at the time of the experiment, it is important to have a substantive specification of the experiment. This is important because it reduces the abstraction of results and prevents the creation of data sets that cannot be manipulated in the future. In the opinion of the authors, the basic content of the task of recognition, in the field of experimental research, should focus on: 1) the mathematical description of complex systems is achieved through discrete sets and such biographies of them as are suitable for describing an ideal experimentation environment; 2) the determination of the best way to conduct the experiment, which should form the basis for the establishment of measures aimed at the effective performance of such experiments. Such features would significantly reduce the cost of pilot studies and the means of minimizing the number of tests required and establishing their rational order. The research perspective in this area is to explore the specificity of the scientific objective of the pilot study, taking into account special cases, namely when the assignment task becomes the maximum matching objective, can be reduced to a cartoon briefcase, etc.
The study draws attention to the fact that there is a great variety of experimental models, so the identification of the most appropriate of them requires a detailed specification of the scientific task. It is important to avoid the risks of significant abstraction of the results of the experiment. Of particular importance is minimization of the level of abstraction in experiments in complex systems, which are found in almost all parts of the natural and human sciences, since the process of their exploration as a plural object is combinatorial. The purpose of the article is to describe the specificity of the assignment as a basic method of experimental research of complex systems. Accordingly, the objectives of the study are: 1) to define the content of the specification of the recognition problem for experimental studies; 2) to describe the basic algorithms and the areas of algorithmization when specifying assignment tasks for experimental studies in complex systems; 3) illustrate the mechanisms for launching the recognition task for experimental studies in complex systems. Research methods include combinatorial optimization problems and operations in mathematics. The results of the study indicate that, at the time of the experiment, it is important to have a substantive specification of the experiment. This is important because it reduces the abstraction of results and prevents the creation of data sets that cannot be manipulated in the future. In the opinion of the authors, the basic content of the task of recognition, in the field of experimental research, should focus on: 1) the mathematical description of complex systems is achieved through discrete sets and such biographies of them as are suitable for describing an ideal experimentation environment; 2) the determination of the best way to conduct the experiment, which should form the basis for the establishment of measures aimed at the effective performance of such experiments. Such features would significantly reduce the cost of pilot studies and the means of minimizing the number of tests required and establishing their rational order. The research perspective in this area is to explore the specificity of the scientific objective of the pilot study, taking into account special cases, namely when the assignment task becomes the maximum matching objective, can be reduced to a cartoon briefcase, etc.
Ключові слова
задача про призначення, експеримент, конкретизація, базовий метод, складна система, система, assignment problem, experiment, specification, basic method, complex system, system
Бібліографічний опис
Гоблик, В. Конкретизація наукової задачі як базового методу експериментального дослідження [Текст] / В. Гоблик, Т. Щербан // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський державний педагогічний ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, М. А. Бойченко, О. А. Біда та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2021. – № 1 (105). – С. 28–40. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2021.01/028-040.