Ставлення тренерів ДЮСШ Сумської області до реформування спортивної сфери
Міщенко Олександр
Mishchenko Oleksandr
Лапицький Віталій Олександрович
Lapytskyi Vitalii Oleksandrovych
Ратов Анатолій Максимович
Ratov Anatolii Maksymovych
Солоненко Євгеній Васильович
Solonenko Yevhenii Vasylovych
Назва журналу
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Назва тому
СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка
У статті представлено результати опитування слухачів курсів підвищення кваліфікації тренерів ДЮСШ та спортивних клубів, організованих на базі кафедри ТМС ННІФК СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка. Аналіз проведеного дослідження вказує на думку тренерів щодо напрямів подолання тієї негативної ситуації у сфері фізичної культури і спорту, яка є наразі в Сумській області. Серед зазначених слід виділити утримання ДЮСШ за рахунок державних коштів, побудову сучасних спортивних споруд, закупівля нового інвентарю та обладнання, збільшення заробітної плати тренерам, виділення грошової компенсації тренерам за перебування у відрядженні з командою юних спортсменів.
The article presents the results of a survey of students training courses for trainers of sport schools and sport clubs, organized on the basis of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Sport of the Academic Institute of Physical Culture of SSPU named after A. S. Makarenko. Ensuring health of the population is one of the main tasks of the state, especially for the younger generation. Today the issue of reforming physical education and sport field is widely discussed in Ukraine, which is not only related with the change of the state governing body. As a matter of urgency Ukraine needs to change the paradigm of the functioning of sport and to apply the principles that are meant to be used in democratic economy and market economy. One of the most important components of such changes is transition from the sport school system to the sport club system. One of the directions of forming a healthy way of life of children is involving them for trainings in specialized sports institutions, which create necessary conditions for harmonious education, physical development, essential improving of health condition, effective rest and leisure time for children and young people, self-realization, acquiring healthy lifestyle skills, training for sport lifestyle, for reserve sport. Since coach is one of the main participants in the training process of young athletes at sport schools, he should be the leader who accepted the proposed innovations and determine the directions of reforming the sphere of physical culture and sports in Ukraine. The analysis of the research shows the opinion of the coaches and indicates the directions for overcoming the negative situation in physical culture and sports in Sumy region. Among those is the idea of funding the Youth Sports Center by authorities, the building of the newest gyms and sports grounds, purchasing of new equipment, increase of salaries for the coaches, the possibility of financial compensation for coaches for being on a business trip with a team of young athletes.
The article presents the results of a survey of students training courses for trainers of sport schools and sport clubs, organized on the basis of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Sport of the Academic Institute of Physical Culture of SSPU named after A. S. Makarenko. Ensuring health of the population is one of the main tasks of the state, especially for the younger generation. Today the issue of reforming physical education and sport field is widely discussed in Ukraine, which is not only related with the change of the state governing body. As a matter of urgency Ukraine needs to change the paradigm of the functioning of sport and to apply the principles that are meant to be used in democratic economy and market economy. One of the most important components of such changes is transition from the sport school system to the sport club system. One of the directions of forming a healthy way of life of children is involving them for trainings in specialized sports institutions, which create necessary conditions for harmonious education, physical development, essential improving of health condition, effective rest and leisure time for children and young people, self-realization, acquiring healthy lifestyle skills, training for sport lifestyle, for reserve sport. Since coach is one of the main participants in the training process of young athletes at sport schools, he should be the leader who accepted the proposed innovations and determine the directions of reforming the sphere of physical culture and sports in Ukraine. The analysis of the research shows the opinion of the coaches and indicates the directions for overcoming the negative situation in physical culture and sports in Sumy region. Among those is the idea of funding the Youth Sports Center by authorities, the building of the newest gyms and sports grounds, purchasing of new equipment, increase of salaries for the coaches, the possibility of financial compensation for coaches for being on a business trip with a team of young athletes.
Ключові слова
нормативно-правова база, спортивні школи, тренер, фінансування спорту, матеріально-технічне забезпечення, позабюджетні кошти, legal framework, sports schools, coach, sports financing, logistics, extrabudgetary funds
Бібліографічний опис
Ставлення тренерів ДЮСШ Сумської області до реформування спортивної сфери [Текст] / О. Міщенко, В. Лапицький, А. Ратов, Є. Солоненко // Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології : науковий журнал / МОН України, Сумський держ. пед. ун-т ім. А. С. Макаренка ; [редкол.: А. А. Сбруєва, О. А. Біда, Ю. А. Бондаренко та ін.]. – Суми : СумДПУ ім. А. С. Макаренка, 2020. – № 2 (96). – С. 361–373. – DOI: 10.24139/2312-5993/2020.02/361-373.